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I really, really need an explanation of the bolded text....please, please tell me you were using sarcasm, or something.....please?

What's the problem?  It is already known our government has resorted to mind controlling people (MK Ultra).  We know about the Tuskegee experiments (giving black folks syphilus).  Depleted uranium on innocent people.  (Pictures of some of the victims are unbelievable.)

The problem logically cannot be outrage that our government could possibly stoop this low since it already has.

So, what's the problem?

I want to make a point with a real life example.

Remember the Duke Lacrosse team?  Those horrible young adult rapists?  Who justly had their season terminated?

How many people skewered those young men?

Then it comes out they did not do anything wrong.  They were falsely accused.

It's a complicated thing, but when folks were convinced they raped that woman, they were not pissing on those young men. 

They simply did not know.



Dr._Bob posted:

I get it now.  Fox News is too liberal for Phaedrus.  😨

Economically, we have got to abolish private central banking and commercial fractional reserve banking.  I also believe we have not been in a just war for a very long time and would that our military budget and presence be slashed bigtime.

I am unsure where I stand on socialism save that should there be government help programs, the more local such programs are, the better.

I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading

13 f**king years owning this site - never did I think someone would use the site "" as "fact" that the gov't used crisis actors on Sandy Hook.

WTF is wrong with you??

I'm about to ban everybody & just talk to myself

Phaedrus - have fun - go somewhere else

Last edited by Boris
phaedrus posted:
ammo posted:

Is your real name Alex Jones? 

Alex Jones is a Gatekeeper.

I replied rashly to Ammo directly asking about school shootings.

I am sorry.

And here all along I thought Zuul was "The Gatekeeper" for Gozer.  Maybe the movie Ghostbusters was just propaganda to lead us all astray from knowing the real truth as to the identity of "The Gatekeeper"?

Brainwashed Boris posted:

I honestly cannot believe what I'm reading

13 f**king years owning this site - never did I think someone would use the site "" as "fact" that the gov't used crisis actors on Sandy Hook.

WTF is wrong with you??

I'm about to ban everybody & just talk to myself

Phaedrus - have fun - go somewhere else

If there is a hell, there is a special place reserved for Alex Jones and this acolytes. I think anyone that believes that **** about Sandy Hook should sit across the table from those parents that had their 6 year olds executed and tell them they are crisis actors to their face. 

Crisis actors? Fukk you. 

Related image

Henry posted: 

Capitalism is a good thing.  Capitalism and Socialism working in tandem properly balancing each other is waaaay better.  That includes taxes for things like infrastructure and education and health care so all those super happy, healthy, smart people can actively particpate in the market!!

I don’t care about the evolution you want to attribute to today’s version of socialism and why we should tolerate it. If you want to, you could go all the way back the the first use of fire and the wheel and twist to justify the evil of socialism. It’s all bull****. 

OH wait- stop me if you’ve ever heard this one before- a Marxist wants to tell us all β€œNo, THIS version of socialism works.” Old story, been told, still a lie. Maybe you mean well- but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But you probably don’t- which makes you a liar and an asshole. What, 100 million dead in the 20th century alone isn’t convincing enough for you to admit it’s wrong? 

You can spin all the fantasy in the world you want about Trump- he protected us from the **** storm Clinton would have wrought. And despite your claims of totalitarianism, the evidence of his policies begs to differ. As soon as he actually does any of the bull**** you’re saying, I’ll call him on it too. But he’s nominated 2 SCOTUS that will protect the Constitution. He’s deregulated to jump start the economy. HIs narcissistic tendencies on Twitter are at this stage an annoyance, not a crisis. And he’s pretty effectively trolling tin hatters like you, so that gets a from me.

Everything else is your projection from the left onto the right- like how Nazis we’re right wingers. Or that conservatives are racists. Or that Trump represents a threat to the press for mean tweets while President Obama and his freight train of bad decisions, coverups, and corruption went on for 8 years COMPLETELY UNCHECKED. That same media which has been lying on behalf of the Democrat Party for as long as I have been alive omitted, ignored, or just never bothered to ask for anything resembling truth. And why were you quiet then? Because you’re nothing you pretend to be. 

 Socialism represents a direct threat to what the founding fathers created. You and β€œCrazy Eyes” can continue your quest for power under the illusion its just about the people. I know two things- you’re a liar, and an asshole. 

Last edited by Music City
Music City posted:
Henry posted: 

Capitalism is a good thing.  Capitalism and Socialism working in tandem properly balancing each other is waaaay better.  That includes taxes for things like infrastructure and education and health care so all those super happy, healthy, smart people can actively particpate in the market!!

I don’t care about the evolution you want to attribute to today’s version of socialism and why we should tolerate it. If you want to, you could go all the way back the the first use of fire and the wheel and twist to justify the evil of socialism. It’s all bull****. 

OH wait- stop me if you’ve ever heard this one before- a Marxist wants to tell us all β€œNo, THIS version of socialism works.” Old story, been told, still a lie. Maybe you mean well- but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But you probably don’t- which makes you a liar and an asshole. What, 100 million dead in the 20th century alone isn’t convincing enough for you to admit it’s wrong? 

You can spin all the fantasy in the world you want about Trump- he protected us from the **** storm Clinton would have wrought. And despite your claims of totalitarianism, the evidence of his policies begs to differ. As soon as he actually does any of the bull**** you’re saying, I’ll call him on it too. But he’s nominated 2 SCOTUS that will protect the Constitution. He’s deregulated to jump start the economy. HIs narcissistic tendencies on Twitter are at this stage an annoyance, not a crisis. And he’s pretty effectively trolling tin hatters like you, so that gets a from me.

Everything else is your projection from the left onto the right- like how Nazis we’re right wingers. Or that conservatives are racists. Or that Trump represents a threat to the press for mean tweets while President Obama and his freight train of bad decisions, coverups, and corruption went on for 8 years COMPLETELY UNCHECKED. That same media which has been lying on behalf of the Democrat Party for as long as I have been alive omitted, ignored, or just never bothered to ask for anything resembling truth. And why were you quiet then? Because you’re nothing you pretend to be. 

 Socialism represents a direct threat to what the founding fathers created. You and β€œCrazy Eyes” can continue your quest for power under the illusion its just about the people. I know two things- you’re a liar, and an asshole. 

1) Can't handle knowledge and or daily facts, particularly global multi-sourced academic research.  Only moves to distort or destroy that in which flies in the face of autocratic beliefs.

2) Absolves and applauds authoritarian tendencies and actions, like internment camps.

3) Never presents any actual facts or knowledge in defense of stupid takes other than the latest propaganda stream.  Has no desire or ability to engage with real world knowledge beyond cable news.

4) Blindly supports authoritarian elements because "liburulz".  Lives in fear and waits for orders on how to think.

Please, tell us again about how independent you are since you're a complete lock step cancer of a free society.

It's a real two fer in this thread, drawing out the completely insane and the completely cancerous elements of the American body politic and society like a poultice.  

No wonder why sane, rational people are tired and disgusted. 

Time to toss this puss filled bandaid in the trash. 

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:

1) Can't handle knowledge and or daily facts, particularly global multi-sourced academic research.  Only moves to distort or destroy that in which flies in the face of autocratic beliefs.

2) Absolves and applauds authoritarian tendencies and actions, like internment camps.

3) Never presents any actual facts or knowledge in defense of stupid takes other than the latest propaganda stream.  Has no desire or ability to engage with real world knowledge beyond cable news.

4) Blindly supports authoritarian elements because "liburulz".  Lives in fear and waits for orders on how to think.

INo wonder why sane, rational people are tired and disgusted. 

1) lol... knowledge. Only a complete douche would attribute State Ownership of the economy and means of production to prosperity and call it β€œknowledge”

2) so you realize how ****ing disingenuous blaming Trymp for β€œinternment camps” is? It’s not his law. Congress can change it. 

3) Fact: you’re an asshole. Better?

4) Trump is a bludgeon. He’s no authoritarian- hes just the first Republican to take the fight to the left since Reagan. He’s playing the game by your rules. And it’s hilarioys. Sure, it’s crass... abrasive... sometimes gross. Sometimes BS. He’s an asshole- something you should feel akin to. The whole β€œenemy of the people” label has trolled the media to wondrous effect. The media has been a platform for the Democrat Party for the entirety of my lifetime- now they’re getting what they deserve for a lifetime of bias and lies. Again...

Last edited by Music City

I used to think Michelle Bachman was the nuttiest person in the world. Then along came catts. Then came Palin who blew those two whacko's out of the water. Then came Trump with his conspiracy theories and band of asshats. Then comes Jaymo and sad sack to give X4 a couple of nuts in the cupboard. I thought we were done but Music City and Phaedrus add to the **** pile! download


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  • download
Last edited by Packiderm

True Story.


I worked with this guy back beginning in 2004. Nice guy good worker. We went on motorcycle trips together. He sees Obama on TV when he first ran against McCain. I'll never forget it. He says Obama inspires me and he votes for him.

Then the affordable care act comes along. He has good healthcare thru his wife's job but his deadbeat 28 yr. old son doesn't. He freaks out because his son will have to pay a penalty because no insurance. He starts to watch Fox News. Hannity and any other right wing freak show he can find, Listens to Rush Limpballs everyday. Next thing you know his car is plastered with right wing bumper stickers ect. The brainwashing has taken hold.

Obama wins re-election and the guy won't even eat lunch with us the day after because the TV's on and the news is all about Obama's win. This goes on for a week. He keeps giving me all kinds of grief because he knows I voted for him. I tolerate it because I know his mind has been wiped clean. His FB page is all anti-Obama MEME's , sayings Fox News garbage. 

He was having problems with a job and new I was the person who could solve the problem. I agreed to help. He says " How's this going to work? A Leftist working with a proud American? I whirrled around and said "it won't unless you lose the tude. "He says "I won't" so I say "you're on your own" Boss wanted to know why  I wasn't helping. I told him why and "if he didn't like it I know where the door is"

Guy finally kept all the BS to himself at least until he retired. He's still a jackwagon to this day.

Music City posted:

You can spin all the fantasy in the world you want about Trump- he protected us from the **** storm Clinton would have wrought. And despite your claims of totalitarianism, the evidence of his policies begs to differ. As soon as he actually does any of the bull**** you’re saying, I’ll call him on it too. But he’s nominated 2 SCOTUS that will protect the Constitution. He’s deregulated to jump start the economy. HIs narcissistic tendencies on Twitter are at this stage an annoyance, not a crisis. And he’s pretty effectively trolling tin hatters like you, so that gets a from me.

Everything else is your projection from the left onto the right- like how Nazis we’re right wingers. Or that conservatives are racists. Or that Trump represents a threat to the press for mean tweets while President Obama and his freight train of bad decisions, coverups, and corruption went on for 8 years COMPLETELY UNCHECKED. That same media which has been lying on behalf of the Democrat Party for as long as I have been alive omitted, ignored, or just never bothered to ask for anything resembling truth. And why were you quiet then? Because you’re nothing you pretend to be. 

 Socialism represents a direct threat to what the founding fathers created. You and β€œCrazy Eyes” can continue your quest for power under the illusion its just about the people. I know two things- you’re a liar, and an asshole. 

I can't let some of this go without a reply.

Merrick Garland may have been a great SCOTUS but we will never know because Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings.  This was clearly a slap in the face of the President because ol Mitch said his main goal was to make Obama a 1 term pres. When he failed miserably at that he got back at him in anyway he could. 

And what jump start of the economy?   Obama had 16 of 18 quarters of economic growth.   The only thing Trump deregulation will lead to is the destruction of our environment which was lead by that failure of failures Scott Pruit. 

And as for Obama completely unchecked he was fullly checked by the uncooperative GOP who failed to lift one finger to help make good policy for the nation. 

Eventually the budget deficit and national debt will grab Trump by the ass and it won't let go.   Of course you will blame the Democrats because they allowed Trump and the GOP to do it.  

phaedrus posted:

It would probably be better for all of us to heed Pikes Peak's advice and also to let go of personal attacks.

I certainly include myself in this.  Ain't no one's heart I can change, save my own.

You changed my mind. I have just accepted a new position as a government crisis actor. Pays so much better than they pay teachers.

Goalline posted:
phaedrus posted:

It would probably be better for all of us to heed Pikes Peak's advice and also to let go of personal attacks.

I certainly include myself in this.  Ain't no one's heart I can change, save my own.

You changed my mind. I have just accepted a new position as a government crisis actor. Pays so much better than they pay teachers.

Yeah, and they are really ****ty actors too.

phaedrus posted:
Goalline posted:
phaedrus posted:

It would probably be better for all of us to heed Pikes Peak's advice and also to let go of personal attacks.

I certainly include myself in this.  Ain't no one's heart I can change, save my own.

You changed my mind. I have just accepted a new position as a government crisis actor. Pays so much better than they pay teachers.

Yeah, and they are really ****ty actors too.

Hey! We work hard at this.

Yay.  Deregulation for all!  Fuel economy standards?  Pffffffft!  We need to support our oil workers above and beyond the $billions we already subsidize.  Clean air and water?  They hurt jobs!  Got more sicknesses and death because of them and your insurance doesn't cover it?  Tough **** you lazy commie!    

Don't like the smoke from CA wildfires clouding your sunset on the east coast?  Or the repeated 100yr and 1000yr storms flooding cities and draining FEMA?  Then move!  Real americans need to pump out as much CO2 as they are able.  It's what patriots do because dammit, we live in a free country!  Don't regulate us!

Let's start putting asbestos back into building materials!  Because they just can't repeat the mesothelioma lawsuit commercial enough.  Next up, thalidomide and CFC's for dinner.

Last edited by DH13
Brainwashed Boris posted:
Music City posted:

Just playing the games by the house rules...

El-Ka-Bong posted:

If you are playing by the house rules, I'm not sure you get to complain about them.  

Just to add to this...

  1. You're not playing by "house rules"
  2. You're the one causing problems & name-calling
  3. And BTW....I'd get directly in your face & tell you whatever the F**K I wanted as relates to your bull$#!T view of the world - while Henry is in line holding his "number" from the ticker.

Just calling a Spade....a my house, playing by house rules in a thread about LeBron doing something very nice for the kids.

1) yes I am- and you cannot deny it. The evidence is incontrovertible 

2) again, this is how discussions with these usual suspects go on this forum. The evidence is everywhere- and to deny it is disingenuous 

3) you get in my face and yell anything it won’t end well. But we know that’ll never happen, don’t we...

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