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Goldie posted:

and really did we whine and holler about the calls NOT being called???

Damn right, Goldie! It's what we do as fans.
I think there's a code of fan conduct that says we MUST bitch about calls/non-calls.....

Seriously, I think most of us have watched football long enough to know that when the playoffs begin, refs tend to ignore most holding calls (offensive or defensive), and PI is not enforced unless it's particularly egregious. We generally hope that it's called the same for both teams, and we avoid the 'phantom' or bizarre calls like the Intentional Grounding against ARod last week. 

FWIW, I think the NFL encourages the refs to be more liberal with judgement and interpretation of defensive holding/PI to encourage scoring. I don't think it's skewed to any particular team, but the refs need to avoid penalizing one team significantly more than the other.

thanks, Fedya.  I still didn't see those menu items UNTIL I shrunk my screen.  I don't like wearing reading glasses when working on the computer.  So, I zoom so the font is larger.  However, there is not menu at the top of the REPLY Box.....UNTIL I zoomed out and made the font smaller....then, it appeared.    I had never looked that close or used the menu items.

Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan
Goldie posted:   

and really did we whine and holler about the calls NOT being called???

Michael Lombardi needs to stop trying to be relevant. 

Guess those horsecollar holdings (notice plural) on Davante Adams are all good....right Michael?

It was an even game & evenly called. 

I just love how people try to focus on ONE friggin call & try to analyze it & make it "the reason" the Cokeboys lost

Last edited by Boris

I assume the rules haven't changed since the 2015 rulebook:

Section 3 - Goal

ARTICLE 1. Crossbar

In the plane of each end line there shall be a centrally placed horizontal crossbar 18 feet, 6 inches in length, the top face of which is 10 feet above the ground. The goal is the vertical plane extending indefinitely above the crossbar and between the lines indicated by the outer edges of the goal posts.

ARTICLE 2. Goal Posts

All goal posts will be the single-standard type, offset from the end line and bright gold in color. The uprights will extend 35 feet above the crossbar and will be no less than 3 inches and no more than 4 inches in diameter. An orange-colored ribbon 4 inches by 42 inches is to be attached to the top of each post.

I think it's Rule 1.3.2 if I understand NFL rule numbering.

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