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Can we split this thread off to where the season starts and rename it.  The first couple pages is just puns (yes, the irony) and then a lot of camp and preseason discussion.

We can call the spinoff "Love Notes" and put all of our discussion on his regular season performance, highlights, links to analysis, etc. in that bin.  Preseason posts start pg17, regular season pg21 if that is a good point to break off.

Last edited by Boris
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I get what the guy is trying to do, see if ONE play skews the ranking. People do it the other way too removing negative plays to see if one negative play vaults their guy up the rankings.

It's not a bad test to understand the stats/formula being used but the numbers are the numbers. Positive/Negative it all counts.

I want Love to get at least 3 Passing TDs and 0 INTs again this weekend.

  1. Is an oopsie
  2. Is a trend
  3. Is a......


Last edited by Boris

Jordan Love faced a good defense today. The running game was, at best, pedestrian.

He had a round 7, year 2 LT making his first ever start (Walker actually pass blocked very well).

At Left Guard, a marginal roster spot guy was replacing an All-Pro.

He was without the team's biggest offensive threat at RB, who was replaced by an inadequate backup.

He was also without his deep threat at WR.

And he was throwing to a rookie TE and two rookie WRs (one a 5th rounder) as well as a 4th rounder who is in just his second year.

I don't know how anyone watching today's game could be anything but impressed by Jordan Love's performance in his 4th-ever start.

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