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MichiganPacker posted:

The fresh approach the offense needs is a TE that can either block or run. RichRod can't do either....
...I know they signed Cooks for this reason, but what was the rationale behind RichRod as the 2nd TE? 

His biggest benefit--by far, IMHO--was his red-zone threat. His rookie year, IIRC, was crazy good for TD receptions.
I don't think anyone ever saw much speed from him, but he did have good hands. It seems, however, he has regressed year-to-year, with this one being his worst.
Once again, though, there's no change coming. He will continue to play until Cook comes back and gets back into rotation. And the results will be predictable.
We're left to wonder why, and why can't Perillo can't get any snaps. Is he even worse? Or is it another example of a certain HC being stubborn? 

So watching today, all of the "explosive" plays by Tennesse pretty much looked like broken coverage/assignments by the our defense.   I know Moose pointed out on the telecast a blown assignment on Adams but at that point AR12 was running for his life with the patch work OLine.  Watching our offense though it seems like we are trying to force the "explosive" play?

Based on some of the comments this week about leadership it seems that the biggest difference between 2010 and now is: Charles Woodson, Nick Collins, Des Bishop, Donald Driver, Greg Jennings, and Josh Sitton. All high peforming vets, all vocal and emotional leaders. Maybe a couple of those guys are assholes, but there's no denying they played and led with emotion. TT has the right idea with constantly drafting and developing homegrown talent, but he's wrong to not invest in veteran leadership. Sometimes FA's need to be brought in for more than just production. Matt Forte would have made a difference on the offense as a leader, as would Josh Sitton. I was in favor of the Sitton move, but seeing the void in leadership not get filled instantly negates the positives. 

Im not saying TT needs to bring in more FA's, but he needs to invest in some serious leadership. I have a hunch we have a couple good young leaders in Blake Martinez, HaHa, Adams, and Elliot, but beyond that we aren't getting a lot of emotion from this team. Those guys need some time to become veterans before anyone will follow them. I like that they bring in a lot of smart, high character players like Jordy, but you have to pepper in some emotional animals in to keep the energy up.

ChilliJon posted:

You've posted a lot of stupid **** over the years. But this. THIS is your David painting the Mona Lisa on Mt Rushmore. What the **** is this?!?!?!?

You should hear the original, politically incorrect lyrics.  The song was about the black hired help going up to Harlem and voguing on their night off.  Gary Cooper was not yet famous enough in 1930 to be included in the lyrics:

(Berlin rewrote the movie for the 1940s movie Blue Skies, with Fred Astaire doing a famous dance to Puttin' on the Ritz.)

PackerBackerDPM posted:

Couple plays here by the Steelers on this last drive, wow.  Bell with a very interesting route and then the fake WR bubble screen catches the DBs coming up and hit it big behind them. Seems the Pack runs that screen enough that they too could/should be adding wrinkles to it. 

The Boys sure wasted that pick on a running back

Josh isn't exactly setting the world on fire in Chicago. 

Oakland and Dallas are going to be tough outs in the playoffs. Thos two OL's are good. The left side of Oakland's line is 675 pounds of nasty. After watching NE struggle with the Seattle OL last night, they are going to have all kinds of problems dealing with Oaklands. If Seattle can scratch out 100 yards rushing after a Monday night game and then flying across country for a roadie in NE...

It does seem like there is a shift towards running the ball again. 

He's not much of a crystal ball but FWIW...I heard Hub Arkush talking this morning on the radio about MM's situation.  He said according to his sources the only people who really think MM is in any danger of losing his job are the fans.  After defending that opinion for the segment he ended it by saying "unless the Packers finish 5-11 or 6-10, which I don't see happening". 

FLPACKER posted:

Seattle's o-line is makeshift & they seem to be doing OK

Okay is pretty generous and they have Tom Cable as their O-line coach, who is probably the best O-line coach in the game and using the Alex Gibbs approach. Wilson was pretty beat up earlier this season (even with his mobility) and they've had a very hard time opening running lanes at all. 

Packers firing Mike McCarthy would be a surprise, front office changes in play

 Internally, there are concerns about the output from recent drafts and numerous position groups that are not as strong as they once were, so long-time general manager Ted Thompson is not immune to review. How long Thompson, 63, wants to continue doing this job already was the source of conjecture, and should the team not pull out of its tailspin, some team sources believe the club's board of directors could oversee front-office changes.

Wouldn't that be Murphy's call? Thought they did away with the board of directors micromanaging long ago.

Last edited by michiganjoe

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