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I can't blame people for complaining after watching that 1st half.  That was brutal and I was just as pissed about it.  We played much better in the second half and that was a great comeback.   I'm still in shock. 

I'm still not a fan of Clements though.  

Anyone who says the game is over before it actually is hasn't watched a Packer game this year.  3 losses came down to the last minute and so did our win vs SD.

This team has real issues but playing the game until the end isn't one of them.

Boris posted:
Nobody is feeling like an invasion of space has happened.

If I was a mod on this board,  I would delete all posts that contain micro aggressions that marginalize the hopes and dreams of the green and gold faithful.


Aaron Rodgers carried this team

Gritty miracle win

Defense came through - DBs looked good

Clay Matthews playing like an all-pro

Peppers big play

HHCD playing great since his sideline blowup with Peppers

Crockett brought some life into the O

This win almost as good as the Packers beating the Bears with one minute left on 4th down when Rodgers rolled left and connected to Cobb.



This team may have hit rock bottom being down 20-0. 

The fumble by Starks...and subsequent TD left me feeling despair


Adams just not playing smooth; that long TD pass down sideline should have been caught but he tried to shove the DB away and then lost a step and missed the pass

WRs not running clean and crisp routes

James Jones had no catches again

Sitton's stupid face-mask penalty to negate a 31 yard screen pass...then we see him smirking about it.

Dumb play-calling on short yardage fails

Peppers off-side

Packers have been on the wrong side of a lot of these joke type endings. It's about time they're on the right side of it for once. 

98 49ers game

03 Philly game

09 Steelers game

09 Cardinals game

12 Seahawks game

14 Seahawks game


this game may have saved their season. Hopefully it's the type of win that can galvanize the team. Has anyone heard what the deal was with Lacy?  

That was a great play to end on obviously. But yeah, the facemask call was bunk. If they don't make that call then we'd have nothing but the negativity, which speaks to how bad a lot of the game was. I'll take the lucky break, and hopefully the momentum of such a stupid and unlikely victory gets this team out of its funk.

+  I watch every play of every Packers game to the very end just hoping to see a play like that a couple of times in my life.   Simply awesome.

+ Rodgers to Rodgers

+ The Defense

+ No quitting

-   nothing is negative tonight

They're beyond stupid acting like the Packers get every single call & the league "wants" us in the playoffs.

For every one of these endings, I can come up with 5 heartbreakers where we've been on the other side.

I'll take this one & savor it a while.

Goldie posted:

  Hi, it's me, coming out from under my rock.       and it couldn't have happened to a better team.  I can't stand the Lions.

Goldie is celebrating the Packers' victory:



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I posted a few negatives on the chat during the first half, and will eat the black feathered bird for that. However, during the half I posted The pack will come back and win this one--and they did in heart stopping fashion--WOOOHOOO

Amazing game will remember this one for a long time.

These are pros not college players but I think the team psyche still is huge. They get 10 days to heal and hopefully this gives Rodgers and the offense some swagger back. Go in with some linemen back, a healthier Davante and put a beatdown on the Jerruhs.  Pick up some steam heading into the playoffs. Script flipped.  It can happen.


One negative - it's time for James Jones to have a seat. I know Abby is more of a slot guy and Janis is raw but Jones just cannot get open anymore.

Nice little breeze this morning.....and it's just enough to have my Packer flag flutter to catch the eyes of all my annoying viqueen neighbors.    I think I'll leave it up through Sunday.  

we shouldve pulled 2 miracle wins over on the Lions this year

yeah i ran around screaming after midnight here on the east coast.

amazing final flurry by the Rodgers brothers

one desperation heave doesnt undo the 3 quarters of complete dog poo but its great to get a comeback win on the road. Man we really needed that.

Hope this sparks something in the team down the stretch


It's one thing to offer objective criticism of the team, its staff, while still acknowledging your own lack of insight as a fan.


It's another to jump in like a bloodsucking leach with a slew of "SEE?!? SEE?!? I told you so!!" while pitching a tent for the suckitude of whichever coach is your choice.


Go Pack.

Yes, under the microscope of slow motion, close up instant replay it was not a facemask....but, the way the game and penalties are supposed to be action, instant reaction....there is no one who would not have called that a facemask.  I don't feel guilty about getting that call in the least.

(Negative) I hope this victory doesn't gloss over some of the deficiencies of this team and I hope that correction are put into place during the mini-bye week.  Hopefully, getting some people healthy will help.  But there is still work to be done to get this team to be a true contender.


Crosby misses FG.

Peppers is offside.

Rollins is an inch short allowing 1st down late.


I may not live long enough to see a Packer team do this.

Hell, none of us.

I was through step 1 of detaching emotionally from this team and now a relapse!

Last edited by RatPack

++  61 yard TD catch by RRodgers 

-- No YAC on the TD catch by RRodgers  

Really liked the way he played. Attacked the ball when thrown to him, secured it, then turned up field. Hadn't seen him complete the process like that since a few games last year.

Once they settled down the defense played well and gave the team a chance for the win. Megatron was held to three catches for 44 yards and Shields really played well. When he's on he's as close to shutdown as there is in the league.

+ Even when the Lions lead for 60 minutes they can still lose.

- Injuries

Just remember the SB team went 10-6 with embarrassing losses to inferior Miami and Washington teams, a ton of key injuries, lost the division and entered the playoffs as a wildcard. Things can change in the playoffs. Right now we are 8-4 with an advantage over other wildcard contenders Seattle (head to head) and Atlanta. Don't care how the season plays out from here as long as we stay healthy and make the playoffs.

Thank you GD. Anyone who gives more than 5 seconds of thought to the facemask penalty is either very young or on the cusp of dementia. Pry open your memory to the many, many calls that have gone against the Pack in the past at crucial moments in the game. I know we all want to be good sports and say they shouldn't matter, but C'MON MAN! Call it the football version of "puck-luck" or whatever, but the Packers have paid on the other side plenty of times.

I experienced this game in a really weird way.  I couldn't watch live so had the dvr set to record first half thinking I could get home early enough to watch second half.  So I avoided all live updates so as not to spoil the suspense of a live game.  Turned out I didn't get home early enough but started reading the game thread on my phone to get a sense of how it was going.  I decided to call it a night at get to sleep after the barrage of "game", "dagger", this **** team **** the ****  thinking it was another ugly loss.  So this morning I decided to read the rest of the thread on the way to work.  I noticed there were 7 more pages after the gloom and doom and figured something had to happen that kept people posting.  I finally got to the second to last page before I realized they won on the last play.  

Very strange way to experience a game.  Hope I never do it again.

So is there any glimmer of hope that the offense is coming to?  I haven't seen anyone really talk about big picture yet other than "still have problems to work out" and " most of the OL injured".  Won't be able to watch dvr until tonight.

I couldn't watch live but was monitoring via Verizon while sitting in on a Punch Bros show. My heart sank a little seeing the half-time score and  having drained my phone, I shut it down. While walking by a bar with the tv's on as we headed for the car, we could see the tail-end of the post game show with a shot of elated Packer fans in the stands. Then they showed the final score and I couldn't get wait to get home to see what happened in the second half. Viewing the DVR up to the 30s mark in the 4th Q, I started to get the sickening feeling that we saw the score incorrectly and that the Pack had actually lost. I rolled the dvr to the end (thankfully extended) couldn't believe it. Went from agony to ecstasy in few minutes.

With as banged up as they are (4/5 of the OL), Q, Monty... Lacy essentially benched last night. Yet, they gutted out a win thanks to the D making stop after stop from the 2nd qtr on.

Get the OL healthy, and get Q at least into the mix I think there is hope. They did run some 4WR, 1TE last night with Cobb, Adams, Jones, Abby, RRodgers and had some success. Though AR missed seeing Abby or RichRod open on a few plays and forced it deep to either Cobb, Adams, or Jones.

2nd half looked like maybe MM had more of a hand in the play calling.

I'm afraid we won't be seeing Monty again this year.  Maybe if we get into the playoffs.  And at that point he will have no rhythm with AR.  But possibly Abb could provide that spark as he and AR get more familiar.

+ one of the greatest plays in Packer history

+ Richard Rodgers had a really good game before the final play

+ defense was solid after giving up 17 in the 1st quarter

+ Bahktiari coming back into the game

- what's the deal with Lacy?  very puzzling

- 3rd and 1 continues to be a giant problem

- they don't seem to play well until it's schoolyard football time

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