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After re-watching the game, I can only come to one conclusion; the Pack just is not that good.


Detroit was playing with a backup RT I believe and he gave up a strip sack to Julius Peppers inside the 15 yard line.


Stafford threw a terrible ball that that Clinton-Dix turned into the first INT by a Safety in 2 seasons. 


The Lions' rookie kicker missed an easy FG (after a brain-dead TO by MM) just before the half.


We won the TO battle 3-1. 


The Lions lost their starting middle linebacker (to an idiotic celebration leap), the Safety who returned Lacy's fumble for a TD, and were on their 6th CB (yes, they lost 3 CBs going into this game) as their nickle back.


Detroit had more penalties (and penalty yardage) than did GB.


Yet, despite the best performance by a Packer D in some time, the score was 19-7 and the game did not feel that close.


Detroit had 21 first downs to GBs 14 and outgained the Pack 353-223.


Detroit's OL, RBs, WRs, and DL were all clearly superior today. Jim Caldwell did not pull a "Schwartz" and bail us out.


I also don't think Rodgers is capable of carrying this group of players on his shoulders. He seems annoyed by the youth/turnover (Linsley, Adams, Rogers, etc.). I just don't seen any explosiveness or creativity on offense anymore. 


I confess I drank the cool aid being offered by MM (best he's ever felt about a team) and all the uncritical GB press about how talented this roster was. I was wrong. 


I bet i was not the only one who did not see this team clearly.

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I'm sorry to say, I think you are right. I'm especially discouraged by the post game comments of AR and MM. It sure sounded to me like they don't think there was anything they did wrong. The likely result of that is more of the same to come. I also really dislike how Rodgers seems to be getting more and more like the spoiled, it's all about me, Brett Favre during his later years in GB. To be completely honest, I think AR should have announced in his press conference that, since he didn't earn it today, he's donating today's game check to charity. 

Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

I also don't think Rodgers is capable of carrying this group of players on his shoulders. He seems annoyed by the youth/turnover (Linsley, Adams, Rogers, etc.). I just don't seen any explosiveness or creativity on offense anymore. 


I cannot buy that as who was at Center last year? And they have a veteran TE. Cobb  is still on the team at receiver, isn't he? If that is the problem, then Rodgers has come down with a severe case of prima donna.

The consensus around the talent evaluation ranks is that the Packers have some talent, however at the places where it is needed most we have a visible lack of ability. The general opinion is that GB is at best an 8-8 team or 7-9. If this is the case this year I really believe, given MM playoff percentage .545 and less than stellar overall win percentage .643 it is time to find a new HC. The draft of 2015 should be the one where TT selects a quarterback candidate. Hey football is a business, despite all the feelings involved. Let AR bring along a new guy.

With games coming up against the Bears and Vikings, MM had better find a solution to this mess or we will be at the bottom of our division for quite some time.  I really feel that the lack of offensive creativity is a huge part of the problem. Is McCarthy calling our plays or is it the Offensive Coordinator?  Throwing deep when we need five yards for the first down seems to be burned into Rodgers' psyche.  Most of our passes went towards Jordy, then Cobb. When Boykin had the chance at a ball he went, what, 1 for 3?? Rodgers threw at Adams' heels and looked as if it were Adams' fault for not catching the ball. Rodgers' throw to Jordy going to the end zone was behind him, too. Overall, I think Quarless had a good day. Our O Line went up against some second stringers and had problems creating holes for Lacy. Detroit was in our backfield on every running play which makes me wonder why the Packers called a running play when we were pinned on the 1 yard line after House's INT.  The Lions were fired up to play the Pack. The next two teams we face will also be fired up to play the Pack and we had better be ready for them. If this is parity, I don't like it.
 Originally Posted by SteveLuke:



Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

" I really feel that the lack of offensive creativity is a huge part of the problem. Is McCarthy calling our plays or is it the Offensive Coordinator?" MM has always called the plays and the offensive Coordinator is there only to tell him it was a great playcall but wasnt executed by the players correctly to make it work.its time for the OC to take charge of his offense for a change.


I'm typically frustrated with McCarthy's play calling---yet he usually proves me wrong.

I saw this game as somewhat positive in that the defense played very well against an excellent offense on the road in a dome.


Rodgers had a terrible game--he'll have one once in awhile--


Your second offensive play can't be a touchdown for your opponent or you will lose.


running the ball out of the end zone against that front  when you have  #12 versus a depleted secondary---wasn't good...


If you thought the Packers were Super Bowl elite, than you should be disappointed, because they are not---but they are not unlike the 2010/2011 team…with a little luck they'll be okay


The Lions have a great squad--now they have a good coach--they'll be trouble


Originally Posted by derps:

McCarthy play calling has been just completely stupid.  He lacks creativity and stays with running plays that fail every time, yet he continues to run them.  I want to bring back the wrap around for Christ's sake.

I posted yesterday that I did not blame MM. I was wrong. I think that the brain drain of the loss of two assistants to other teams exposed MM as a poor OC/playcaller. He should find one and stop doing that himself.

8-8 looks good right now. Something is off with this group, and I'm betting there's some sort of internal strife. It looks like MM is losing his grip on this team and on AR. If MM doesn't get it right soon -- and if AR doesn't get a grip on his suddenly prima donna attitude -- it could easily become a finger-pointing implosion of a season. Huge disappointment so far for a team that several experts said would end the year in the SB. It's early, but I'm betting we all expected at least 2-1 and for sure a better showing in all three games than the lackluster effort and sloppy game-planning we've seen so far.

I wish AR would go back to going thru his progressions and throwing to the open guy instead of looking at Jordy as his only option.  that's a generalization but from what I've seen it's more true than not.  You ain't gonna develop trust by not trusting the play and its progressions.  Or are our WRs that incapable of getting open?  If I could I'd watch a replay on the all 22 to find out.

I was unable to watch the game, but after reading some of the posts here, I wonder if the following is a decent summary.


Poor blocking and receivers not getting open.


I remember one of the Packer seasons with Favre and I am pretty sure it was after the SB win, the receiving corps was depleted.


It was ugly.  It's like he just had no one to throw to.


Pack lost Jennings, Jones, and Finley.  Perhaps Cobb has regressed.


Add to this playing against the Lions d-line.


It might not be pretty, but if the above is largely the problem, at least it's a simple problem to identify.

This is a good group, they just have to learn how to handle getting punched in the mouth. I think reducing the amount of contact practices has led to players getting soft right out of the gate. 


Despite with the Bongers of the world will tell you, the D actually played a pretty strong game yesterday. Giving up 10 points to a team capable of scoring 30 is a good effort regardless of not being able to get off the field. The D doesn't need to be the '85 Bears, but they need to be good enough to win with and they absolutely were yesterday. The offense has to be more willing to take what's given to them rather than force something that isn't working. That's not to say the Packers shouldn't play "their game" as McCarthy has put it in the past, but you always need to be playing to your strengths and the D's weaknesses. If that means you have to chip away at the D for 5 yard gains, you chip away for 5 yard gains all the way down the field and into the endzone. Don't get greedy and try to score fast, that's obviously what the Lions wanted them to do.

I think the team from the top on down is soft. Nobody has contact practices anymore, so you can't use that as a reason -- though it certainly doesn't help. I think between favoring smaller (and quicker) guys to play in the trenches and only wanting nice boys (Packer people) that you could bring home to mama, they've got nobody on the team who just wants to kill (figuratively) people.


Also, throwing out just two defensive linemen in your base defense is a disastrous recipe -- yes Detroit only scored 19 points, but they just kept running the ball down the defense's throat, keeping the Packers' offense off the field, thus not allowing MM to call the prescribed number of plays required to win (I'm being sarcastic about that last part). ones, Burnett) 


If Capers decides to stick with that, the soft middle (Hawk and Burnett) will just invite teams to run it down their throats all day long. Which reminds me, Morgan Burnett as a STRONG safety is a complete joke. He needs to get benched and let Richardson hit some people. 


And finally, MM is just a dope. Their offense is POWERLESS against the "Tampa-2" defense. Without Lacy running hard -- which he hasn't been since his concussion -- they're not going to get very far. Without the running game (pre-Eddie Lacy) MM's offense got completely exposed and defused and it seems that's where they're at again right now. 


P.S. Please bench Boykin and turn loose Davante Adams! 

Last edited by Sep

Rodgers is a Hall of Fame QB. Having said that, he hasn't appeared as accurate this year. As someone else said, I think we miss Jennings, Jones, and Finley more than we thought. Maybe the reason Rodgers was as accurate as he was had to do with the fact he had years of experience with Jennings, Jones, and Finley. Rodgers as a starting QB played 5 years with Jennings, 6 years with Jones, and 6 years with Finley. They had chemistry (at least on the field) and you can't replace that overnight. You look more accurate when you've practiced the same play together thousands of times and done it in pressure situations.


How many drops did they have yesterday? A big problem is that Boykin has been absolutely brutally bad and he's the big, possession receiver that was supposed to replace Jones.


Another consideration is that Cobb is not a typical WR and they have been throwing a lot of routes to him that were James Jones or Greg Jennings type routes. Cobb should be used like Darren Sproles or Reggie Bush. He dropped a perfectly thrown ball in the first quarter yesterday that would have been a big gain (maybe because he's height doesn't allow him to pick up the ball on closely covered routes as quickly). Rodgers has also missed him on some throws, but guys like Jones and Jennings make you look more accurate because they are 3-4 inches taller than Cobb (and probably have a wider arm span as well). What I think is a misuse of Cobb is on MM. Put him in motion, get him in space, use him as the dump off guy. There's been no creativity with him at all.

Finally, why not try Janis? Other than Nelson, who scares anyone on a defense with their deep speed?


I don't think there is a quick solution. You essentially have 2-3 new guys who have to learn how to play with Rodgers. Maybe Adams, Rodgers, Bostick, Janis become the next Jones, Jennings, or Nelson, but it Jones and Nelson didn't look good until their 2nd years. It just takes some time to learn how to run routes as an NFL receiver. This is where Abbrederis might have excelled. He was as good a route runner as anyone college receiver.


This always happens with free agency. Guys become stars because they play in the same system and develop chemistry. Then they put up stats, which causes someone else to overpay them. Then they look disappointing in their new setting, and the team they left usually suffers too.


This whole idea that he misses old receivers means he isn't on the page with the talent around him.  That's one thing, coaching.  This team in general has seemed so utterly outclassed in prep and coaching this season it's ridiculous.  Can't call in plays accurately, wrong personnel, bad routes.  


Do I think AR is rattled and making bad throws?  Sure, but I think it's coming more in the form of he doesn't trust receivers other than Jordy and Cobb being where they need to be.  Look at Quarles yesterday.  The guy has been in the system, knows his routes and he made plays.  Lack of confidence, futility and I'm sure a level of ego makes Rodgers cranky.  


I would also use this to point out again what a liability the coaching is on both sides of the ball.  The talent is there, the coaching and prep isn't.  You can't blame TT for proven players and even new players that you know have the talent all of sudden ****ting the bed.  That's coaching.  Defensive side of the ball, ongoing saga of inept suck.


Rusty mentioned Clements has never had a good rep as a OC.  I think MM did exactly what I was hoping he would do and stretching himself out to become a complete coach on both sides of the ball only to find out there's a lot of dead spots in this coaching staff.  Capers, Campen, Moss and now Clements, that's a big chunk of derp.  I think MM is stretched to the limit and it's showing everywhere.  Hence the seesaw of ineptitude.  

Last edited by Henry

Regression is also a big concern if I am TT. It's not just Cobb.


If you look at Cobb, Shields, Hayward, Lacy, Boykin, Perry, TJ Lang, and even Rodgers all of these guys have regressed. That does not bode well for coaching.


And it shouldn't have taken Brad Jones spraining his leg to figure out Lattimore was a much better option.


1 or 2 guys you may point and blame injury recovery or shaking cobwebs. But not when it's a slew of players. It's a big indictment of the coaches IMO.

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