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Originally Posted by Wisconsin Johnson:
Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

Just announced by Lions...Tulloch to IR with ACL tear.

Pretty solid broad jump - til ACL blew.....Still laugh every time I see it.  Probably going on over 100 times


f the loins

Originally Posted by SteveLuke:

After re-watching the game, I can only come to one conclusion; the Pack just is not that good.



Masochist!!!!  You did reach the same conclusion though that I came to watching the Jets game.

Last edited by Goalline

When I saw the line of Packers -8.5 vs. the Jets, I loved the Jets but I got my ass handed to me vs. Seattle so I didn't take the plunge.


I'm pissed because this team is so much better than they are playing. I just don't get it. Fix the problem!

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:
Originally Posted by Wisconsin Johnson:
Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

Just announced by Lions...Tulloch to IR with ACL tear.

Pretty solid broad jump - til ACL blew.....Still laugh every time I see it.  Probably going on over 100 times


f the loins

ViQueens are so lucky they rarely have to celebrate.

Originally Posted by Tdog:

I wish AR would go back to going thru his progressions and throwing to the open guy instead of looking at Jordy as his only option.  that's a generalization but from what I've seen it's more true than not.  You ain't gonna develop trust by not trusting the play and its progressions.  Or are our WRs that incapable of getting open?  If I could I'd watch a replay on the all 22 to find out.

THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Throw to the ****ing open guy and stop playing politics. The rookie was wide open against Richard Sherman and AR decided instead to force the ball to Nelson.

Originally Posted by Hungry5:



Watching the offensive creativity in these late games is making me nauseous.


What a novel idea to create mismatches, strategically move personnel around, use diversion concepts and create confusion for the defense.



Have Luke Rodgers and Valencia Jennings been hanging out?

Originally Posted by Orlando Wolf:

Overreacting after the third game of the season is like the guy that thinks he is going to marry a stripper after a good lap dance.

You mean the bitch was faking it?

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Not flashy "deep down the middle" drives, just long, sustained drives with lots of third down conversions. 

And we have seen that act before from this defense.

Last edited by excalibur
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

 Rodgers is a franchise QB with 9 years experience and an NFL MVP under his belt though, he has as much input into the gameplan as the OC. If he has brilliant ideas that he's sharing with his brothers, then he needs to push for those ideas in meetings during the week. No sympathy for a franchise QB when it comes to the gameplan.


And what if he is and it's falling on deaf ears? It would certainly explain why he's been so peaved of late and when you go back and look last season, for example the Cincy game in 2013, it would explain those frustrations as well.


It's interesting to listen to AR especially on shows like his Tuesdays with Aaron. He doles out compliments left and right to the Jordys, the James Jones, Cobb last year, his OL, Lacy his rookie year, sometimes the DB's, and he's thrown atta boys to Philbin and even MaCadoo.


You know who he's eerily quiet about? And has really been that way since about 2012 (post season)? Yep. McCarthy.


It's almost always very vague/veiled comments about his coach. Now I realize even the best QB's and coaches haven't always gotten along. I fully get that. But I just have a gut feeling this has been a smoldering forest fire for awhile now. And one day soon, gasoline is going to be poured on it.


If I am Rodgers and MM calls something utterly stupid, Im changing the play. What are they going to do ? Fire him? Nope. And if he changes it and it works, it's a lock MM will just shut his mouth. Im getting the feeling he's at about that stage now.

What's not a conclusion is that Rodgers is playing like dogs hit.  Don't really care if he's pissy about the play calling or not.  Do your job and run the goddamn play.


Could MM have called a different game?  Sure.  But what struck me yesterday...and I don't really care what McGinn or anybody else says...wouldn't matter what was called, offensive execution sucked.


Good job Capers and D. 

Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

Agreed. This D gets enough criticism, well warranted too, but they do not deserve blame for yesterday's bumble****. They were clearly gassed by the 4th. They created 3 turnovers and the offense did nothing with it, in fact they turned one of them into -5 points(safety, then had to punt which put Detroit around midfield to start their next drive)



Can't blame the defenders when their coaching staff decided they would only need two defensive linemen to stop a Lions' running attack that just kept pounding it between the tackles. Is it just a coincidence? The coaching staff needs to go -- they keep trying to re-invent the wheel when the top teams in this league seem to get it that if you win in the trenches (big, powerful bodies on both sides) you usually win the battles. Does anyone have any confidence the Packers can stop anyone on 3rd and short? Why not? 

I have little faith that they'll beat the Bears or even the Queens. The Queens lost to the Saints yesterday, and although the Saints piled up stats, they only won 20-9. Right now we're not doing anything offensively, and defensively we can't come up with a stop when most needed. If AR and MM can't get on the same page, we are in deep doo-doo. Our O used to bail out our D. Now we can't count on either.

IF you would have told me that the biggest issues after 3 games would be the inconsistency on offense I would have laughed, not that I'm all that confident in the D still, but I really thought this offense should easily score points on 3/4ths of their possessions. 


I take some comfort in that they have played 3 of the better defensive fronts in the league and sometimes a little strife builds chemistry.  Have to have patience long way to go yet, same thing I'd say to the offense take what the opposing D gives you I'm all good with 10-12 dink and dunk down the field.  This going for broke big chunks yards will be there after soften them up with the short stuff.


My biggest concern on D remains that fact that any RB coming out of the backfield for a swing/dump off is always uncovered.

The offensive line is a problem. Not the only problem. But a big one. The two deep safety look plagues the Packers when they can't run the ball. The two rookies (Linsley and R. Rodgers) really struggled. Which makes the decision to run a play from the 1 requiring Rodgers to set the edge even more curious. MM and RR sure weren't pointing the finger inward after the game but there were some gossamer hints, especially from MM, on where they felt the problem was centered.

There aren't going to be any 100+ QB ratings against a defense with a pulse until its corrected. If Rodgers keeps getting hit at the rate of the first 3 games he won't be there for all 16 games. And 227 pound running backs shouldn't be trying to bounce it outside on 2nd and 1.

I don't think he's sitting quietly in meetings. He obviously has some frustrations about the gameplan, as evidenced his brother tweeting something similar to what he expressed in his PC, so then he should have come up with a better plan. I have no sympathy for a franchise QB when it comes to the gameplan, he has enough clout that he can stand up to the coach if he strongly disagrees. If he agreed during the week that this was the best plan then he needs to STFU if it doesn't work. Even with halftime adjustments he has the power to give significant contributions to the gameplan adjustments. If he disagreed during the week and McCarthy overruled him then that's a different story, but I don't think that happens...despite his stupid face, McCarthy isn't dumb enough to disregard and alienate his veteran QB of 9 years.
he has enough clout that he can stand up to the coach if he strongly disagrees.
McCarthy isn't dumb enough to disregard and alienate his veteran QB of 9 years.


You're talking about the guy who said no to Brett Favre. 



Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Don't underestimate the depths of MM's ego. It runs deep. 

The good news is this is about the time of every season when he gives more attention to his 'season record ego' and let's go of his 'preseason vision ego'. 

I'm raging mad too.


But.  MM3 does always talk about the new set of plays for the playoffs/late season.  Has Mike become too paranoid and holds everything back?  Was showing more of the D too much to handle so the Offense worked on a prostrate exam?


Could it be, it's generic because it's part of the plan?




Let them just figure, then foible?


There may be madness to the method.  The history is what it is...


We either are like this, or better, or worse.




Last edited by Cavetoad

It appears to me that both Lacy & AR are playing to "not get hurt". Lacy is trying to make too many cuts & AR is never looking to run.....Wilson won the game Sunday for Seattle by running on third down 3(?) times on that last drive. 

Looks to me like they're both trying to make big plays and passing up what's there.  12 looks exactly the same to me in the pocket as he's looked the last few seasons. 


The biggest problem with Lacy, imo is they're using him more to try to set up the safeties and corners for passing plays than letting him do what he does best (smash). 

it would appear to me that these guys are in a pissing match- when they typically happen, nobody wins.


players side, change the game plan to match what's going on with the looks we are getting (ie: match the gameplan to what you are seeing, make adjustments)


coaches side, we study these guys we know their tendencies, we run like this...just run the plays (the gameplan works)


who loses here, everybody including us.  In the big picture, I always say the coaches have to be good at making adjustments and making the players aware of what those adjusment que's should look like...we haven't done much of that.

@SI_DougFarrar: One thing stands out about Green Bay's offense: McCarthy used to be so formation-diverse in his calls. Really vanilla in comparison now.


@SI_DougFarrar: Three-wide ,single back. Three-wide, single back. It's like I'm watching the mid-2000s Colts.


@SI_DougFarrar: Packers used to get a lot of edges vs. defenses that didn't know how to adapt. Everything from Okie full house to five-wide in the red zone.


Agree totally. The offense looks stale and I think this has a lot to do with it. Defenses aren't scrambling because of formation changes, and this places all the burden on the players to win their match ups. Other than Jordy none of the skill position players are doing this with any consistency.


Now without Finley and Jennings/Jones, there aren't as many diverse and experienced pieces to plug in, and if you don't trust your younger roster players you are self-limiting the number of personnel packages you'll run out there.


MM and Rodgers' fascination with no-huddle is also to blame. If you aren't substituting then you are limiting yourself formation- and personnel-wise. Yet another reason to be more judicious in using the no huddle.


Maybe Mike should go back to his roots.

Okay, I was fishing Sunday and still haven't watched it off the dvr.


Having said that, you all know I have a brilliant football mind (according to myself.)  


To quote The Cars, at this point, I would "Shake it Up!"   Here's what I would do:


1.   Give Barrington and Elliott some reps at ILB.   Either may be better than what we've been living with.   Why settle for mediocrity when we have one of the best QB's in the NFL?

If Clay can't play with his groin injury, could either of these guys pplay OLB?

2.   Get some OL depth.   Sherrod doesn't cut it.  Saw they signed another OG today, and that pleases me.

3.  Boykin  needs 3 elite WR's in front of him to do anything, and we're not there right now.   So, risky though it may be, at least START working "Take another little piece of my heart" Janis

into the rotation.  Speed kills; Janis has it.   Give him reps with Rodgers so they can perfect his pattern running.  That may sound radical, but I really think it could work.   If not, let Ted look for someone dependable enough to be an unemployed or practice squad reliable #3  who's not on a roster right now.   That would make Adams MUCH more productive (potentially) IF Cobb and Jordy stay healthy.   In 1996 we had a depleted WR corp and could not get a Wr open against the Cowgirls.  Ron Wolf decided to take a chance on Andre Rison.   It worked..   Super Bowl victory!

4.  If Bostick can't play Tight End and show us what all the fuss is about, keep Quarless in there and let him block!


Really.   What do we have to lose?   As McGinn pointed out today, some personnel guys are saying we are looking like an 8-8 team.   I absolutely HATE the thought of the Bores or Loins

winning the division while we waste a great QB.   Come on, let's SHAKE IT UP!


I really think this is NOT the time to be overly conservative.   We don't know how many more years Aaron will play.   30 isn't old, but a career-ending injury could always happen (sorry; I know no one wants to hear it)_, and he deserves more than one Super Bowl trophy.  THE TIME IS NOW!   Vince told me in a dream that I'm right.   I trust Vince.   I trust Aaron.   Let's do it!

oh, and has Pennel taken any reps at NT?   I haven't heard much about Guion.  If he's not producing and there's been so much talk about Pennel, let's let him get his feet wet.

Trust me, this all makes sense when you're on mind-altering medications!  ;-)

Originally Posted by Boris:

This team is a dumpster fire right now. I don't see anything changing that anytime soon.

Ha Ha that's freaking awesome   Can I quote you on that ? 


Your  FF team is a dumpster fire because you drafted adrian ****ing peterson and then crowed about it. Kyle Randolph too.

You wanna pick mutha fukking vikings ?  that's what happens....


Now get yer head screwed on straight and let's get ready roll in Chicago - we're counting on you to deliver a win on Sunday.



Go Packers


Originally Posted by RoyalWulff:
Originally Posted by Brak:
Originally Posted by RoyalWulff:

Okay, I was fishing Sunday...

All I need to read.  Gebins to you.

You're just jealous!

Way worse than jealous here in Cali.  We don't have any water.  It hasn't rained in 4 years.

There are strains of Brook trout dying off.  They are huddled in these tiny pools about to be wiped out forever.  The salmon and steelhead need judicial orders to keep the water flowing. 


Ugh on top of ugh, it ain't cool.

Last edited by Pistol GB
Yes Satori you can quote me on that especially if it helps us win.

P.S. my FF team is doing well. 2-1 even without AP & Rudolph. Lost by 4 tenths of a point to the 3-0 team. It happens. BTW... I also have Randall Cobb,  Percy Harvin, and Andrew Luck & the Cinci def. I'll be fine....Thanks for asking
Your  FF team is a dumpster fire because you drafted adrian ****ing peterson and then crowed about it. Kyle Randolph too.

I don't think I could ever root for Vikings players unless the Vikings had to win to knock some team out of the playoffs and put the Packers in.

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