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Been thinkng about t that s all week- what if this is all part of a progression? Whatnif it is planned? How can one of the NFL's most innovative kinds be doing what he's been doing? So vanilla, unimaginative.

And then I thought about the marathon versus sprint idea. Do you want to show all your looks in September? Do you really want Seattle or whomever to have game film on you? Now there's a balance- you don't want to fall too far behind. But when they looked at the schedule and saw Seattle and Detroit road games in the first 3 weeks, maybe they said we'll avoid going crazy and see if we can steal a couple, but maybe those are losses?

I have this feeling this is what Rodgers was gettin at. Marathon, not sprint. U.S. Brewer fans all know that its morenimportantbto peak late than early...
saw Seattle and Detroit road games in the first 3 weeks, maybe they said we'll avoid going crazy and see if we can steal a couple, but maybe those are losses?


Taking from McCarthy, that's a polluted mindset.



Vince: "If you can accept losing you can't win."



I get it- but it's not Lombardi's NFL anymore. It's not that they're trying to lose- but they aren't emptying the playbook. Not puttng aces on the table in the beginning of the hand. Chess, not checkers...

The struggle appears to me to be with the whole concept of going no huddle. The philosophy is to keep the defense from substituting which could create a favorable match up and / or wear down the defensive line  & it's pass rush. The negative is that it keeps your same personnel on the field for the entire possession. No more deploying different groups of skill players for different packages, it limits what you can do. I think this is what has led to AR "over targeting" Nelson. MM must decide the risk / reward of going so much no huddle. 

I'll just throw this out there, but I know MM self-scouts every year and tweaks the offense.  However, maybe instead of "evolving" toward a Peyton Manning no-huddle, it might be worth going back to MM's offense in earlier years?  The coaches and staff in the conference are now all new, so it's not like they've seen the same scheme twice a year every year.  I could be way off, but just throwing that out there. 

The limited personnel groupings theory is the one that makes the most sense of everything that's been thrown out there. I know every year someone suggests the team is holding back for the playoffs,  but each W in the season means far too much for this ever to actually happen.


The only time I've ever seen it was when AZ went vanilla against the Pack in 09 with the matchup locked in only to turn it on in the WC game.

The no huddle works much better if there are some personnel mismatches they can exploit play after play. If you have a TE like Finley who ends up matched up on a LB or safety when split out if forces more adjustments on the fly by the defense than if you have Richard Rodgers or Andrew Quarless in the same position. Right now, until Adams, Boykin, Bostick, prove they can do it (or at least are given the opportunity to do so) if you are MM/AR what mismatches are really there to exploit? You really have Nelson and Cobb.  And if you can't run the other team out of cover 2 or beat it with a TE up seam, it's not going to matter what you design.

The Packers are having a down year,  I think the reasons why are obvious. First Capers needs to get can, he has needed to be fired for a couple of years. Second the 2011 and 2012 draft (they were picking last and 3rd to last)  for the Packers were not very good. Third the Packers front office the last couiple of years has been picked dry. The coaching staff has also been hurt durring this time piriod. The team needs a little time to rebuild this could be the year. Also since the last CBA the type of players coming into the draft has changed I need to see how Ted handles darfting these younger players.

Originally Posted by Music City:
Been thinkng about t that s all week- what if this is all part of a progression? Whatnif it is planned? How can one of the NFL's most innovative kinds be doing what he's been doing? So vanilla, unimaginative.

And then I thought about the marathon versus sprint idea. Do you want to show all your looks in September? Do you really want Seattle or whomever to have game film on you? Now there's a balance- you don't want to fall too far behind. But when they looked at the schedule and saw Seattle and Detroit road games in the first 3 weeks, maybe they said we'll avoid going crazy and see if we can steal a couple, but maybe those are losses?

I have this feeling this is what Rodgers was gettin at. Marathon, not sprint. U.S. Brewer fans all know that its morenimportantbto peak late than early...


Yes,  some real Spy vs. Spy stuff there.  A fumble for a touchdown here, not able to call plays onto the field there.  They will never see it coming!  Brilliant!


Hawk and Jones are obviously the masterminds and deep, deep undercover.  


Nobody will ever know our plan to go deep into the playoffs and eventual Superbowl glory!!!   They obviously employ the same beginning of the season strategy at the beginning of the playoffs as well.  SUBLIME!


Last edited by Henry


If they play like they did vs. Seattle or Detroit, I'll be so drunk at 3:45 nothing will matter anymore.


I expect a very good game. The NFL needs this & leave it to the best rivalry in all of sports to provide the tonic. Just look at how much of the nation is going to see this game. It's electric in Chicago right now. Everyone is talking about it.

If they play like they did vs. Seattle or Detroit, I'll be so drunk at 3:45 nothing will matter anymore.
If it weren't for the fact it meant a Packer loss, I'd love to see you posting here that drunk. 

There is really no reason to panic, I see this team making the play-offs.  No reason to excuse ****ty losses like yesterday, but this is a good team.


Playoffs are going to be a bitch if they cannot get some takeaways.  

good thing is that the NFC is a total crapshoot at this point.


weve lost to good teams and beat the crappy teams so that puts us

on the 2nd tier at this point in the NFC until we can go into someones

home and kick them around (besides the bares)


No one is particularly scared of the Cardinals, who own the best record.


there was an article after week one wondering if the Seahawks would go undefeated

and after week 2 what day Jason Garrett would get fired.


There isnt a team on the schedule we cant beat. Pats are getting hot though midseason.

We need to be one of the hot teams come January and hope the confidence and sense of urgency aids our weak lines.

that Philly game could be huge, especially if we cant overtake the Loins.


some of the teams who could be competing for a wild card : Niners, Eagles, Saints, Seahawks - weve lost head to head with 2 of them so far.

I don't know a damn thing about the Packers after 8 weeks. I don't know a damn thing about any team after 8 weeks. After last night the Saints could travel to Carolina this Thursday and get pulled apart by the Panthers and it would' not surprise me one bit. I have no idea what any team is going to do because "most recent performance" amount's to **** in 2014. 


SF, Dallas, GB, Patriots, Seattle, Arizona, Philly, Baltimore, Denver, Chargers. Good bet the SB winner is in that group. Any one of those teams could beat any team on that list in a given week depending on what teams show up. 


Maybe the new offensive friendly rules are screwing with everyone's ability to understand where they really are as a team. Spending each week analyzing wins and losses and what they mean in regards to improving / regressing / better / worse is a damn waste of time.


Make the playoffs or don't make the playoffs. If you make them in 2014 and you're fairly healthy you've got just as good a shot as anyone else. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

The Packers chances to make noise in the playoffs depends on whether they will ever be able to stop the run. Their passing offense is elite, their run offense is sufficient, pass defense is strong (especially when Shields returns), and their special teams are good. Teams are just going to target their DTs and ILBs until they can stop that.

The Packers big problem is in the trenches. 


On offense, they allow the more physical defenders to penetrate and disrupt the running game. 


And on defense, their undersized guys get stood up at the point of attack and allow opposing blockers to get into the second level. Only Mike Daniels has shown a consistent ability to penetrate, and he's often double-teamed. 


You can have the best inside linebackers in the league (and the Packers have some of the worst), but if you're down linemen can't penetrate and disrupt the backfield, the linebackers are making plays 3-5 yards past the line of scrimmage instead of at the line of scrimmage. 

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