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With all the ticky-tack pass interference calls on defensive players, why not call Bryant for offensive pass interference on the disputed catch?  Shields is in perfect position, not initiating any contact with Bryant and has his head turned and is looking at the ball.  Bryant obviously hooks Shield's left arm with his right arm, and then goes as far as grabbing Shield's sleeve.  If a defensive player does that, flags are all over the field and people are screaming bloody murder.  An offensive player does it, everyone in the media ignores it and cries about how a receiver was robbed of such a great catch by bad officiating.  Whatever!?

Just ignore Skip.  He's an idiot that will find fault in ALL things he does not like and will ALWAYS support things he does like, no matter how irrational he gets.  He loves the Cowboys (he was a writer in Dallas before ESPN) and hates Rodgers (no idea why).  Rodgers could cure cancer and Jerry Jones could be found guilty of being a serial killer and he would still spin it in the Cowboys favor.  

Originally Posted by ammo:

Not true. Unless he took steps, which he didn't.  You still have to maintain control all the way until hitting and even after hitting the ground.  A pass play is not like a running play where you only have to break the plane of the goal. That is why the pass was incomplete. Breaking the plane of the goal has no bearing. 

Yup.  The pundits are all saying that he made a football move by taking three steps.  But making the catch in mid air and trying to get your feet under you while falling is not a football move.  It's akin to catching a pass, getting two feet down inbounds, then as you fall out of bounds, the ball hits the ground, pops up and you "re-catch" it.  That would not be a catch even though he "took two steps".  His momentum carried him to the ground, i.e.: no football move.  


It was a controversial call, one that would not have angered me if they ruled it a catch.  But I absolutely see why they overruled it.  If anything, they need to adjust the rules.  But the refs applied the rules correctly.  

Originally Posted by Esox:

Irvin and Deion whining!  Bitches!!!  FK U

Yes it would be interesting to see an 'NFL' show with two commentators from any other team than the Cowboys on the same stage.   How did that happen?  


Even Rich Eisen looked intimidated to say anything somewhat neutral about the reversal.    


I was impressed by the NFL VP who had to rationally splain it to them.   


Change the rool?  to what?   bobbles are ok?   ball hits ground = no problem.?  




That's why Mike Pereirra had to b*tchslap Howie Long in the post game, he kept saying Dez took multiple steps. Perreira said not only did he not take steps but he didn't make a league defined football move, period. I don't think its a bad rule, but certainly there have been instances where the rule gets it wrong. To me it's a trade off though, if DBs are going to have to be 1000x more careful about touching receivers then receivers are going to have to be 1000x more careful about making the catch. Im glad rules like this exist just like I'm glad they ditched the Force Out. Make the frickin catch like a football player, don't try to pass off some acrobatic half catch as a legit catch when talented receivers are actually securing the catch or taking monster hits every week. Dez Bryant didn't do squat to help his team win and he has the balls to b*tch about 1 catch?

I got tired of Aikman after the game say something like "everyone else thinks it is a catch except the refs.  If the call goes the cowboys way they win the game".  Ok - whatever - but he kept repeating it as if somehow repeating it enough would change it.  For the record, I told Mrs. GOL that it wasn't a catch.  She argued and said it was.  I tried (in vain) to explain the rule.  Then she left the room before MM was shown with the red flag in his hand and he challenged it.  So I told her the MM agreed with me and challenged the call.  My wife said that it was wasted effort - it was a catch.  Then the ref came back and overturned the call.  My wife was really surprised.  I think the real victory was that my wife was wrong.  Just sayin ..........

Jamie Dukes stated emphatically on the NFL Network (right after the game) that the refs ABSOLUTELY GOT THE CALL CORRECT!!!!!  He said he does not like the rule, but they interpreted the rule 100% correct and that it was not a catch.  He said that type of play happens every single week, and that it would be overturned any other week as well.  He also said it's unfortunate that the call will be the focus of the outcome of the game, but it was the correct call.

A lotta woulda coulda shoulda. Packer fans have been on the other side of calls or non-calls like this (playoffs, regular season, etc).

Romo could've fumbled the snap on 1st and Goal from the 1, Packer Defense could've held (maybe).

To say Cowboys win on that call (though sounds like they got the call right per the rule) - is ridiculous. There were 4 freaking minutes left, and I believe GB had multiple timeouts left. I think Arod would've been Ok to cut their hearts out anyway.

I agree, going for the td there was pretty damn stupid. Just like Baltimore yesterday.  The Packers were going to be down 1 or 3 points there. The way they moved the ball in the 2nd half Green Bay was still winning that game. 


as as for the play itself, his first step he had the ball pinned against his helmet, no way he had control at that point.  After that it was the correct interpretation of the Calvin Johnson rule. 


Sadly, this garbage is going to cause people to overlook what was an amazing 2nd half by Rodgers, Adams, Cobb and company. 

Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:

I agree, going for the td there was pretty damn stupid. Just like Baltimore yesterday.  The Packers were going to be down 1 or 3 points there. The way they moved the ball in the 2nd half Green Bay was still winning that game. 


as as for the play itself, his first step he had the ball pinned against his helmet, no way he had control at that point.  After that it was the correct interpretation of the Calvin Johnson rule. 


Sadly, this garbage is going to cause people to overlook what was an amazing 2nd half by Rodgers, Adams, Cobb and company. 


Great post.


It's amazing to hear commentator's say that call was the game. Really? Because I saw GB drive to the Dallas 20 at the end of the game when they were just looking to run the clock out. That would have been enough or a winning or tying FG if the Bryant play stood. And, of course, they weren't even trying to score on that drive.


Plus, let's not ignore the two 4 point swings by the refs earlier in the game -- that awful PI on Williams that gave a TD rather than a likely FG; and the inexplicable Lang penalty that forced a FG instead of a likely TD by GB.


Story of the game was Rodgers deciding the hell with it in the 2nd half and moving around in the pocket. Those throws were unreal. 10/10 in the 4th quarterâ€Ķ

Originally Posted by JJSD:

Has anyone mentioned yet that it was a stupid decision to throw that ball anyway?  Run Murray, get the 2 yards and a first down and you're in business to win the game with almost no time left.


Dum play call or audible/decision by Romo.  

Since it was #1 option after diagnosis of single man coverage, probably not just Romo.


Great point about the play call.  The cowboys never recovered from the play or the ramifications of the play.  It's like the game ended for them with 4 1/2 minutes left.  There was time for them to recover, but they never did.

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