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@50k Club posted:

I  Gute completely fucked up there this past off-season.  Unfortunately, I think that means a lot of fresh faces, which takes time to get up to speed.

I think Gute was relying heavily on throwing enough money at Adams to keep him. There was no plan B because he never thought he would need one.

@Fandame posted:

That was exactly my point. Stafford stepped into a ready-made situation, as did Brady when he went to TB. Rodgers would want something like that.

Oddly enough, Denver was viewed as that type of team last offseason and they obviously thought they were by trading for Wilson. For all the posturing Rodgers has done in the past it certainly appears he actually wants to retire as a Packer.

@YATittle posted:

Him not showing up at OTAs to get in a groove with the young receivers MIGHT be important.

Be careful saying that ! I brought that up in the pre-season and was promptly "straightened" out .   

Adams would not take the money the Packers offered. It was every bit what the Raiders paid. I think it comes down to another lack of communication during the offseason and when they realized what Adams' stance was it was too late. His mind was made up.

@vitaflo posted:

Rodgers did say he didn't like the playcalls at the end of the game, which MLF didn't exactly seem thrilled about hearing (probably because MLF heard it from the media and not from Rodgers).

MLF also talked about how certain guys were trying to play "hero ball" and too often tried to make up for what they thought was their teammates deficiencies but that this just causes more issues than it solves.  I wonder if part of that is also what Rodgers is alluding to.

The last playcall was terrible with all 3 receivers run deeper patterns. That's 4 down territory and even a 5 yard gain gives them life rather than the ball Rodgers threw.

@PackerRick posted:

The last playcall was terrible with all 3 receivers run deeper patterns. That's 4 down territory and even a 5 yard gain gives them life rather than the ball Rodgers threw.

Especially vs. the blitz the Lions used...another example of Lions DC being one step ahead of MLF all night.

@PackerRick posted:

The last playcall was terrible with all 3 receivers run deeper patterns. That's 4 down territory and even a 5 yard gain gives them life rather than the ball Rodgers threw.

All true, but Rodgers didn't throw the ball well all day. If I recall correctly, weren't the two throws just prior just as poorly chosen/placed? The problem is we never know what MLF had in mind on such high stakes drives, nor do we know what Rodgers just decided on his own. The most frustrating thing is the few times the offense put together long drives this season, the objective was to move the chains efficiently and develop a rhythm. Most of this year, as well as glaringly so in playoff losses, Rodgers himself has been a significant reason that the rhythm never materializes. If he's wasting plays on 1st or 2nd down, and it results in drives falling apart, MLF needs to find it within himself to put his foot down and tell his all world qb to take what is given. The hero ball was awful, but idk if Rodgers was engaged for a full 60 minutes all year, based on the funks he had throwing the ball. They never found an identity on offense after 17 games including a 6 game losing streak. The bulk of that lies with the HC and the QB, and that failure is the reason we saw the same old garbage play calling and execution in the biggest spots.

Worst throw he had was to Doubs on the third down slant that would have been a First down. His best pass was to Doubs on the right sideline that Doubs appeared to not be looking for. Would have been a First Down in Lions territory.

@Goldie posted:

I wanna just say right here, I do not care for the comparison to Bert favor and #12.  No comparison AT ALL.    JMHO.  ♥️ 💚 💛  

Yeah, Favre made two SBs while Rodgers made one.

They said Doubs had 2 drops. I hope that slant wasn't one of them because that was a terrible pass. I don't recall any other passes to Doubs that might be drops. I don't think Doubs ever really saw the ball on the good pass he missed. The coverage was tight and might have shielded his vision.

@Goldie posted:

  Yah, and #12 didn’t rip off a State for millions, or show his dick on his cell phone.  Ugh……. Bert is now a human puke.  🤮

He’s 14 years younger than Brett so he’s got years to work on those types of things yet

@FLPACKER posted:

Worst throw he had was to Doubs on the third down slant that would have been a First down. His best pass was to Doubs on the right sideline that Doubs appeared to not be looking for. Would have been a First Down in Lions territory.

It hit him in the hands about waist high. That’s on Doubs.

Went back on looked at that play ... ball looked to be between his waist and knees , could have been a better throw but Doubs should have caught it. The other thing I noticed was that Doubs seemed to change the angle which he was running the route when the ball was in the air , started on a shallower angle which if he would have continued would have resulted in the ball being a little higher when reaching him.

@RoyalWulff posted:

Seriously? Try telling that to fans of the Lions and Browns.


Have the Lions or Browns or any of the other 31 NFL teams had Hall of Famers playing QB during each and every one of the last 25 seasons like the Packers have?

The only franchise that comes close to matching the Pack's years of Hall of Fame QB play in the last 25 years is New England.

Can't recall, were the Pats able to get to more than 1 Super Bowl over the past quarter century?

@artis posted:

The problem is we never know what MLF had in mind on such high stakes drives, nor do we know what Rodgers just decided on his own.

We def know on the last series that MLF called all the plays and Rodgers did not like any of the play calls.  And MLF did not know Rodgers didn't like the playcalls until the media told MLF of this fact (after interviewing Rodgers).

Feels like there are obvious communication problems there.  And it also means that Rodgers isn't just "changing the call" at the line whenever he wants.  Obviously he ran several plays he didn't like at all (and didn't execute on).

Is Rodgers throwing MLF under the bus because they didn't work?  Or did Rodgers not execute the play call correctly?  Did other players not execute?  Could Rodgers have done a better job understanding a blitz was coming on the 3rd down play and check out of it, or call an audible?  Who knows, but there's was too much bad body language from AR on some of these plays and obviously not enough communication between coach and QB.  That's just unacceptable for both people in such huge time in the game.

MLF did say that on the last play there was a "busted blitz pickup" indicating that someone (or ones) on o-line and / or RBs blew an assignment, which was indicative of the offense as a whole all season.

This is how I view the Rodgers/MLF relationship. Rodgers reminds me of the 50 year old guy that's been with the company 25 years and MLF is his 30 year old supervisor that's been there 3 years. Rodgers is set in his ways and when something MFL does goes wrong he's going to take exception to it and thinks he had a better idea. I've seen plenty of times where there is a miscommunication and Rodgers acts like it's the WR's fault.                                                                                 

It's reached a point where he acts like he's unaccountable for anything when in reality his skill set just isn't the same. When he was in his prime he was most dangerous when he rolled out of the pocket, left or right, and made pinpoint throws on the run. The old adage is you play QB with your legs and Rodgers really doesn't have that aspect in his game anymore.

Why didn't Rodgers change any of the plays then?

Sounds like a toxic relationship has developed. QB with the season on the line gets plays from HC that he doesn't like and then runs all those plays anyway.

@PackerRick posted:

This is how I view the Rodgers/MLF relationship. Rodgers reminds me of the 50 year old guy that's been with the company 25 years and MLF is his 30 year old supervisor that's been there 3 years. Rodgers is set in his ways and when something MFL does goes wrong he's going to take exception to it and thinks he had a better idea. I've seen plenty of times where there is a miscommunication and Rodgers acts like it's the WR's fault.                                                                                 

Rodgers thinks he is the smartest guy in the room or on the field.   Always has, always will.   He would be worse than Romo doing TV color guy.

and might I just say……how many fawking millions DO THEY ALL NEED???  Seriously.  A local TV station was talking about a group of elderly folks meet in this old building to play cards, dance and just hang out.  The City wanted to raze it and build apartments or something.  The group of elderly folk went to City Hall to present their case to keep this old building intact and keep it for them.   I just want to know why some old or young millionaire CAN’T BUY THE DAMN BUILDING FOR THEM AND LET THEM KEEP IT FOR THEIR ACTIVITIES???   Why do they, as seniors have pool their money to buy the building from the city???   I’m sorry for even mentioning this, just watching my local news and weep for the local older folk that have lived their life and can’t even keep a damn building they’ve gathered in for years.  

@FLPACKER posted:

MLF did say that on the last play there was a "busted blitz pickup" indicating that someone (or ones) on o-line and / or RBs blew an assignment, which was indicative of the offense as a whole all season.

If you watch cuts of that play, the OL picked up their rushers perfectly.  AJ Dillon flowed to the left and missed the blitzer coming off the right side.

@Goldie posted:

and might I just say……how many fawking millions DO THEY ALL NEED???  Seriously.  A local TV station was talking about a group of elderly folks meet in this old building to play cards, dance and just hang out.  The City wanted to raze it and build apartments or something.  The group of elderly folk went to City Hall to present their case to keep this old building intact and keep it for them.   I just want to know why some old or young millionaire CAN’T BUY THE DAMN BUILDING FOR THEM AND LET THEM KEEP IT FOR THEIR ACTIVITIES???   Why do they, as seniors have pool their money to buy the building from the city???   I’m sorry for even mentioning this, just watching my local news and weep for the local older folk that have lived their life and can’t even keep a damn building they’ve gathered in for years.  

As they said on Yellowstone and Treasure of the Sierra Madre, always need more, just a bit more.

@Goldie posted:

and might I just say……how many fawking millions DO THEY ALL NEED???  Seriously.  A local TV station was talking about a group of elderly folks meet in this old building to play cards, dance and just hang out.  The City wanted to raze it and build apartments or something.  The group of elderly folk went to City Hall to present their case to keep this old building intact and keep it for them.   I just want to know why some old or young millionaire CAN’T BUY THE DAMN BUILDING FOR THEM AND LET THEM KEEP IT FOR THEIR ACTIVITIES???   Why do they, as seniors have pool their money to buy the building from the city???   I’m sorry for even mentioning this, just watching my local news and weep for the local older folk that have lived their life and can’t even keep a damn building they’ve gathered in for years.  

Some wise man once sung,   Poor man wannabe rich, rich man wannabe king, etc

@Pikes Peak posted:

Til he rules everything

Just wanted to mention I noticed your Guernica avatar. Such a powerful painting, especially if you read the story behind it. I'm not sure about the colorized version though... 

@Fandame posted:

Just wanted to mention I noticed your Guernica avatar. Such a powerful painting, especially if you read the story behind it. I'm not sure about the colorized version though...

I put it up during the siege of Mariupol

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