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You know, this ticks me off. He's rated the #3 center in the NFL and we let him go. Listen, it smacks of hubris to take a team just a year removed from the super bowl and let guys walk and think we can just plug in a rookie and be back in contention next year. It takes time to learn to play in this league.

And now Jarrett Bush is shopping around. I say sign him. He's one of our top special teams guys. I'd also sign Howard Green. He may not be great, but he's not bad depth at NT.

As for Pat Lee, Ryan Grant, and Walden, I don't really care. But we already have serious needs at OLB, DL, and DB. Adding a solid starting Center is really stretching it! Let's at least keep Bush and Green--they won't break the piggy bank, Ted!!!!!!
Originally posted by cuqui:
This isn't about fit. If it was Wells would have re-signed with Green Bay. Its all about the benjamins.

It has Marco Rivera redux written all over it. He got his ring, now he's got his bling too. Although I do have to say I think the Rams are going to be very good, very soon.
Originally posted by Boris:
Although I do have to say I think the Rams are going to be very good, very soon.

Who will coordinate their new defense in 2012 ?
I never saw Wells as highly as others did. I think he did a good job but was not a difference maker on offense. He didn't make mistakes but I never saw him dominate a DT one on one in either pass blocking or run blocking. Now I don't know how they rate OL performance, but I had the feeling that the team rarely put Wells in the position to have to block a DT one on one on a consistent spot. He got by on being smart and not making mistakes, and that's not worth $6m a year.

I'm not an expert on o-lineman, but I just don't think Wells was a $6m a year center. I'd say he was more of a $3m a year center. We'll see if TT can replace him, but we have a lot of important players hitting free agency soon and if I had to weigh keeping Wells while possibly losing Lang, Raji, CMIII, etc., it's a no brainer to me.
The Packers front office made the decision last fall when they could not agree on an extension with him

While his move to St. Louis is recent, the decision to move on wasn't
Originally posted by Boris:
It has Marco Rivera redux written all over it.

This seems a little more Rivera-like...

And this isn't to say I'd be against it. But with Saturday being 36 years old, he doesn't fit the TT mold. I really hope he would be open to a one-year deal 'cause that is what I bet TT offers (if he even makes an offer).
Originally posted by Satori:
The Packers front office made the decision last fall when they could not agree on an extension with him

While his move to St. Louis is recent, the decision to move on wasn't

So, you're saying that train has left the station?
I like Konz, I feel he has Nick Mangold potential. I also like Michigan C David Molk in round 3. He has Scott Wells potential, meaning he's undersized, but he's fundamentally sound and plays with a chip on his shoulder because of his size. I don't think he could step in right away, but a band-aid like Saturday would work until Molk or any other developmental Center was ready.
If Saturday goes to Denver, I wonder if the Broncos would keep Walton. Don't know how good Walton is but he might be better than starting a rookie. Saturday would be a good one to two year player while a center drafted later in the draft this year has time to develop. Mike Brewster could be a possibility.

Walton is far and away the worst starting center in the league. Which is why i suspect Denver will bring in Saturday to replace him.

I like Konz. Call me a homer, but he's by far the best center in the draft and looking at the draft boards i'd say there's a decent chance he's still there at 28
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Wells to the Rams?

from rams minicamp:

"First, as reported in this space last week, C Scott Wells is dealing with an injury issue. Coach Jeff Fisher acknowledged on Tuesday that Wells had a knee scope a few weeks back. Wells has other important things to tend to that Fisher did not want to reveal without Wells’ permission. It’s nothing bad, of course, but out of respect for Wells and his wife, it’s best to just know that while Wells did have a knee scope that Fisher said would have kept him out of this week’s minicamp and the OTAs, he also has an excused absence for more pressing issues.

- And again, Wells is expected to be present and fully healthy in time for training camp."
not the full IR but the new kinda IR

The also know center Scott Wells will miss at least the next six weeks, as they placed him on the new injured reserve “designated for return” list.

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