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Absolutely the Russia Collusion thing was a bag of nothing. Not one shred of evidence has come to light after a year plus of investigation. Drummed up by the left as a distraction to their own corruption. These yahoos leak every time someone has to go to the bathroom. Dont you think if there was something nefarious about the Russians they would have already leaked it. All we get is Alan Schiff and fellow democrats saying there is some smoke. Schiff would be leaking evidence like an old faucet if he had anything at all. 





Floridarob posted:

Absolutely the Russia Collusion thing was a bag of nothing. Not one shred of evidence has come to light after a year plus of investigation. Drummed up by the left as a distraction to their own corruption. These yahoos leak every time someone has to go to the bathroom. Dont you think if there was something nefarious about the Russians they would have already leaked it. All we get is Alan Schiff and fellow democrats saying there is some smoke. Schiff would be leaking evidence like an old faucet if he had anything at all. 





Wait. Mueller is no fool. He will restore the rule of law in this country and kick the traitors out. Hell, I didn't agree with W's policies but I always believed he loved his country and wouldn't sell us out to the Russians.

YATittle posted:
Floridarob posted:

Absolutely the Russia Collusion thing was a bag of nothing. Not one shred of evidence has come to light after a year plus of investigation. Drummed up by the left as a distraction to their own corruption. These yahoos leak every time someone has to go to the bathroom. Dont you think if there was something nefarious about the Russians they would have already leaked it. All we get is Alan Schiff and fellow democrats saying there is some smoke. Schiff would be leaking evidence like an old faucet if he had anything at all. 





Wait. Mueller is no fool. He will restore the rule of law in this country and kick the traitors out. Hell, I didn't agree with W's policies but I always believed he loved his country and wouldn't sell us out to the Russians.

Yea, that is what I hope for too. But just a feeling he isnt looking at the Jim Comeys, Loretta Lynchs, Andrew MCabes, Lisa Pages, Peter Strzoks, and Hillary Clintons of the past. 

Floridarob posted:
YATittle posted:
Floridarob posted:

Absolutely the Russia Collusion thing was a bag of nothing. Not one shred of evidence has come to light after a year plus of investigation. Drummed up by the left as a distraction to their own corruption. These yahoos leak every time someone has to go to the bathroom. Dont you think if there was something nefarious about the Russians they would have already leaked it. All we get is Alan Schiff and fellow democrats saying there is some smoke. Schiff would be leaking evidence like an old faucet if he had anything at all. 





Wait. Mueller is no fool. He will restore the rule of law in this country and kick the traitors out. Hell, I didn't agree with W's policies but I always believed he loved his country and wouldn't sell us out to the Russians.

Yea, that is what I hope for too. But just a feeling he isnt looking at the Jim Comeys, Loretta Lynchs, Andrew MCabes, Lisa Pages, Peter Strzoks, and Hillary Clintons of the past. 

Sad. False equivalency and blindness.

Here's a list of all the political scandals from recent presidents....... lots of reading.     political scandals.   And here from another source:   As the Russia investigation enters its second year, the most important variable may be how long Mueller can keep his job. Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater all had one thing in common: They lasted at least four years.    Hope Mueller can be given at least the full 2 - 3 years.  

Last edited by Goldie
Tschmack posted:

I hate the MSNBC and Fox News tit for tat bull**** but thatโ€™s where we are.  Quite honestly, if you follow either organization thatโ€™s not objective.   They both have their agendas.

keep going Tscmack!   There's one organization that reports fairly on both sides and yes, does lean to the right.  Then there's all the rest that are heavily weighted to the Democrat Party. (alphabets-CNN-WaPo-NY Times-every big city newspaper-USA Today-Reuters-AP, etc.)

That is one reason Trump won.  The media admitted in October 2016 that they were for the Democratic Party and that surprised no one.   The other half of the country is now starting to fight back against the dishonest media.  This is only the beginning.   Trump will win in 2020 as the movement continues.

just curious...but...please tell me what news organization you think is honest and fair?


Goldie posted:

Here's a list of all the political scandals from recent presidents....... lots of reading.     political scandals.   And here from another source:   As the Russia investigation enters its second year, the most important variable may be how long Mueller can keep his job. Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater all had one thing in common: They lasted at least four years.    Hope Mueller can be given at least the full 2 - 3 years.  

How many of those investigations were built on a lie set up by the opposition party?  

How many of those investigations had the current President politicize the intelligence agencies and plant a spy in a political campaign?    President Obama even spied on the press while in office!

This is why Trump will win again in 2020.  Most Americans believe in fairness and are unhappy with the Gestapo tactics of the leaders of the Obama intelligence agencies.

Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan
Tschmack posted:

I actually think itโ€™s a great opportunity for a true independent to rise to prominence and no thatโ€™s not DJT. 

Most Americans tend to lean right on fiscal policies and reside in the middle or lean slightly left on social policies.  Right now, neither party adopts those values.  The Dems are too arrogant and weak minded and the GOP has been hijacked by the tea party.  

Sometimes the best solution is โ€œnone of the aboveโ€ 


I also think that if a true independent candidate can run I think they could do extremely well.  I think there is a big part of the voting population that is very independent minded and are beyond fed up with the current parties.

How Trump won the election is pretty simple to me.  A perfect storm of people disliking Hillary, the Democratic party shifted too hard left, people where fed up with the PC culture, and finally they lost some of their states that are heavily union that helped carry them before.  

SanDiegoPackFan posted:
Goldie posted:

Here's a list of all the political scandals from recent presidents....... lots of reading.     political scandals.   And here from another source:   As the Russia investigation enters its second year, the most important variable may be how long Mueller can keep his job. Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater all had one thing in common: They lasted at least four years.    Hope Mueller can be given at least the full 2 - 3 years.  

How many of those investigations were built on a lie set up by the opposition party?  

How many of those investigations had the current President politicize the intelligence agencies and plant a spy in a political campaign?    President Obama even spied on the press while in office!

This is why Trump will win again in 2020.  Most Americans believe in fairness and are unhappy with the Gestapo tactics of the leaders of the Obama intelligence agencies.

You believe so much nonsense there's no talking to you. The spy thing is garbage. It was an FBI decision, they WARNED Trump Russians were trying to infiltrate his campaign, he did nothing. And the media "admitted" they were for Democrats? Just Breitbart fantasy.

You dont think the Main Stream Media is for the democrats and left agenda. If you believe that then you are in denial and there  is no talking to you. The hypocrisy of the MSM is beyond reproach. Last week alone, CNN brutally attached  Trump for meeting with Kim Kardashian over prison reform. Whether the meeting was anything at all was not the question.  But last year John Legend has a meeting with Obama for the very same thing and Jim Acosta (CNN) was as giddy as a school girl in doing an interview with him. The same person that blasted the KK meeting. Got a feeling if KK was meeting with Obama Acosta would be creaming in his pants. Damn hypocrite. 



We disagree then, YA. 

But you will find out you are the one living in FantasyLand.   The Fourth Estate has been finally exposed and the majority of Americans are aware of what has been going on for a long time.  

There is a new "uncivil" war going on now that the media has been exposed...and for that matter, the intelligence agencies.  As usual, in a civil war, the right side will win again.

Can you imagine the media if this was George Bush using the Fourth Estate and the FBI, CIA to properly do the vetting of candidate Barak Obama.  Lordy, heads would be exploding.  But because it was the Republicans and Trump....not a peep.  It is sad.   (BTW....there was no vetting of Barak Obama....if there was...Lordy the things we would've found out!)

But, I do pray for you, YA.....and...there is still hope!   Repent now and be saved of your wicked thoughts and opinions!  

SanDiegoPackFan posted:

We disagree then, YA. 

But you will find out you are the one living in FantasyLand.   The Fourth Estate has been finally exposed and the majority of Americans are aware of what has been going on for a long time.  

There is a new "uncivil" war going on now that the media has been exposed...and for that matter, the intelligence agencies.  As usual, in a civil war, the right side will win again.

Can you imagine the media if this was George Bush using the Fourth Estate and the FBI, CIA to properly do the vetting of candidate Barak Obama.  Lordy, heads would be exploding.  But because it was the Republicans and Trump....not a peep.  It is sad.   (BTW....there was no vetting of Barak Obama....if there was...Lordy the things we would've found out!)

But, I do pray for you, YA.....and...there is still hope!   Repent now and be saved of your wicked thoughts and opinions!  

I will pray for you that your delusional beliefs keep you feeling great.


Well, I don't feel great.  Especially when I know what is happening with our politicized Intelligence Agencies and the biased media that runs the Democratic Party....nor should you.   I am afraid for my children growing up in an America where the government spies on you.

This is scary stuff for our democracy....yes, there is a "deep state" problem in this country.  You don't have to believe me...just pay attention to what is happening now.

Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan

I agree.  The rank-and-file members of the intelligence agencies are patriotic and love their country. Good people.

Unfortunately, as we have found out the past few months, the leaders of the intelligence agencies are corrupt and had a political agenda inspired by the previous president.   That is dangerous to the country.

What we all should be concerned about is that these same people were caught spying on certain media back in 2014, too.   Yet, nothing was done.


More information coming out now about the incident and itโ€™s even uglier than what we knew.   The two officers conversing in the car trying to talk through how this person was a somebody.   The officer stepping on his ankle for fear he was going to get kicked.   Seriously?  Then the photo of his face and it looked like he got tuned up pretty good. 

How those officers didnโ€™t get terminated I have no idea.  They are an embarrassment to police officers and the City of Milwaukee.  

Last edited by Tschmack

Barack Obama didnโ€™t know about any FBI informant in the Trump campaign because THERE WAS NO EMBEDDED SPY OR INFORMANT IN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. The WH, GOP leaders got a briefing from the FBI and reviewed all relevant documents. Rep. Gowdy went public and said there was no embedded spy or information, that the FBI was engaged in legitimate action aimed at Russia and he approved. All other GOP attendees have not said a word since that briefing. Donโ€™t you think theyโ€™d be holding press conferences and screaming about FBI and Obama and Clinton if there had been even a hint of anything inappropriate? Numerous media sources have now written about how this โ€œspy gateโ€ nonsense is dead and the GOP admits it. Only a few extremist right-wing media sources continue to claim itโ€™s true.

Hereโ€™s the deal: the โ€œembeddedโ€ spy/information:

  1. He was a long-time GOP staff for the Reagan and Bush administrations.
  2. He never worked for or volunteered for the Trump campaign (canโ€™t very well be embedded if you have no involvement with the campaign can you!).
  3. Invited Flynn to present at a public conference held in the UK. Do you think he pumped Flynn for secrets in those discussions held in public before the media and other academicians?
  4. Asked Papadopolous to write an economic analysis paper.
  5. Talked with a 3rd staffer about China (and that staffer confirms that is ALL they discussed).

What Iโ€m wondering is when Donald Trump is going to apologize to Barack Obama for telling such a horrendous lie with no basis or evidence.

EC Pack posted:

Tin foil hat = conspiracy theories.

Trey Gowdy now part of the deep state?

And there was no intelligence abuses during any Republican admins either I suppose.  WMD's in Iraq.

Sorry, I'm done now.  Neither side is innocent in anything, that's why we are f**cked.  Tribalism.



People need to stop watching Fox News and MSNBC and actually educate themselves on what's going on, not get spoon fed what to think.

SanDiegoPackFan posted:

nice try.

President Obama has spied on Americans before.  This latest incident DURING A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN is cause for real alarm based on past history of the previous President, Brennan, and Clapper.    FBI text messages implicated that the White House knew what was going on.

Ostrich = Head in Sand



Link to FBI text messages? I would love to see if its, an ultra reliable font of nonsense.

EC Pack posted:

Tin foil hat = conspiracy theories.

Trey Gowdy now part of the deep state?

And there was no intelligence abuses during any Republican admins either I suppose.  WMD's in Iraq.

Sorry, I'm done now.  Neither side is innocent in anything, that's why we are f**cked.  Tribalism.



Truth here. We need to start electing DINOs and RINOS who have been banished from office for not being "pure" enough.

MichiganPacker posted:
EC Pack posted:

Tin foil hat = conspiracy theories.

Trey Gowdy now part of the deep state?

And there was no intelligence abuses during any Republican admins either I suppose.  WMD's in Iraq.

Sorry, I'm done now.  Neither side is innocent in anything, that's why we are f**cked.  Tribalism.



People need to stop watching Fox News and MSNBC and actually educate themselves on what's going on, not get spoon fed what to think.

It sounds as if you don't let the talking heads get to you and have educated yourself as to the ins and outs of the news....curious as to what conclusions that road has taken you to. 

Pikes Peak posted:
MichiganPacker posted:
EC Pack posted:

Tin foil hat = conspiracy theories.

Trey Gowdy now part of the deep state?

And there was no intelligence abuses during any Republican admins either I suppose.  WMD's in Iraq.

Sorry, I'm done now.  Neither side is innocent in anything, that's why we are f**cked.  Tribalism.



People need to stop watching Fox News and MSNBC and actually educate themselves on what's going on, not get spoon fed what to think.

It sounds as if you don't let the talking heads get to you and have educated yourself as to the ins and outs of the news....curious as to what conclusions that road has taken you to. 

Although I definitely lean strongly to the left (and very much so socially), I have often voted for Republicans in the past. I try to read articles from The Atlantic, New Yorker, Reason magazine, and read commentary from a wide range of perspectives (left and right) ranging from Ta-Nehesi Coates, Ben Shapiro, Bill Kristol, Paul Krugman, David Frum, George Will, Fareed Zakaria, David Brooks, etc.

I just like to read well-constructed arguments from across the political spectrum. I used to tell my friends that I enjoyed reading Scalia's Supreme Court opinions even though I disagreed vehemently with the majority of them. I think the fact that Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg got along so well despite being polar opposites ideologically should be the model for all public discourse.

The problem today is that the Trumpism is not based on logic or reason - it's main attraction to its proponents is that the get to stick it to "pointy-headed" academics like me (and other people that are not "true Americans" in their minds) because they are ruining the country.

The biggest underlying problem is that now both sides have to win 100-0 on every issue to satisfy their bases.

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