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Didn't like Bruschi after he used the Packers years ago, but he's now my hero. ESPN is quickly assembling as many Favre ball washers as possible to offset Bruschi's act of treason.
While I'm sure the rube queen fans are cumming all over themselves right about now, I cant wait for their eventual crash and burn.

I hope every team from game 1 on comes after bert hard and furious like the Saints did. I wanna see him beaten and pummeled (only from legal/legit hits) early and often right from the seasons get go.

The Saints showed the league how to beat gramps, and I truly believe others will follow their route. In fact, would not be surprised at all if the streak ends badly at some point this year.
Originally posted by chickenboy:
Originally posted by The GBP Rules: Three times in his career he has had the ball in his hands to tie or win a Super Bowl or NFCC game.

Could one say then that he is due?

If you're a Vajeen fan.
dollars to doughnuts there is more cash involved with this miraculous return.

No point in threatening to retire if you can't squeeze a few more pennies out of the deal
Originally posted by BTP:
So let's get this straight here. Chilly has Darrell Bevell lie about them going down to Mississippi and attempts to tell everyone they were at practice?

Yep. Reported by Star-Tribune, ESPN1500 and ESPN North blog.

How can the players play for that sorry POS?

Related, d'ya think Favre will even tolerate Chilly/Bevell telling him what plays to run this year? He has the entire organization by their collective nut-sacks.
Originally posted by heyward:
Didn't like Bruschi after he used the Packers years ago, but he's now my hero.

Teddy sounds so pissed now you'd think he'd un-retire for one last shot at #4.
Just when I thought Chilly couldn't get more stupid and classless--he sends players to do his dirty work with Favre, while instructing the rest of the team to lie about it.

Quite a coach you got there Minnesota.

More on CKA's lies from ESPN:

But before Childress restores order, the Vikings made sure to project one final image of insanity. Coach Brad Childress was not scheduled to speak with reporters Tuesday and refused to change the schedule. Instead, offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell and special teams coordinator Brian Murphy both responded the same way when asked about Longwell, Hutchinson and Allen. Murphy said that kickers spent the morning working on "gimmick kicks" indoors and said Longwell had been "around."

Bevell, meanwhile, said Childress told him the players were "inside" when practice began. Linebacker Ben Leber, choosing his words carefully, said: "I honestly don't know anything about it to tell you the truth."

I felt terrible for Bevell and Murphy, who were put in situations they didn't deserve. Nevertheless, the Vikings' effort to orchestrate Favre's arrival failed and their attempts to hide their desperation were only magnified by the scene.

When the disaster of a season gets going in Minny, point to this as one of the many many reasons things went bad and wrong.

Outright flat out lying and throwing your asst's under the bus at some feeble attempt to cover your ass.

My Gawd man. No wonder this team will be headed to LA.
Get Bruschi a Brewski. Only classy player to come from NE. Love it.

I hope Sage keeps playing great in the preseason.

Who was the knob on ESPMS calling the hit vs New Orleans a cheapshot? Captain Obvious must've slept through the Packers-Cardinals.
Thats Jenn Sterger, she's the chick who recently said bert sent her pics of his penis, and was hitting on her.

Now that bert's back playing again, I hope that story gains some steam and all kinda sordid stuff about his highness comes out.
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:

I'm sure the narrative will entail how hard the decision was, how his body is telling him no, but the guys loved him so much, and he's never felt so part of a "team" before that he couldn't say no when 3 of the veteran team leaders personally asked him to come back. He'll remind us numerous times how he's never felt this loved, never been asked to come back like this...

...And, magically everyone will believe it. No one will have the balls to call him out. .

It will be VERY interesting to read what the players have to say after he REALLY retires. I would guess that the overall opinion will be quite different from what their public reactions are today.

I know it's a cliche... but no one is bigger than the team. No one, that is, until now. What would Big Irv say about this circus??
Funny how that Jenn Sterger story got spiked huh? Any other whisper of a rumor pertaining to TOG and ESPN is falling all over themselves. What a sickening display this whole thing is.
Last edited by Blueshound
Originally posted by StarrToDowler:

I know it's a cliche... but no one is bigger than the team. No one, that is, until now. What would Big Irv say about this circus??

I know Big Irv was no Saint and wasn't perfect either, but something tells me there never would have been a circus if he was still around.

Maybe he might have been the one person that might have been able to talk Brett out of some of the mistakes he's made since spring 2008. Who knows, maybe he would have sucked up to his son just like everyone else did, but somehow I think an old school guy like himself might have been able to rein Brett's ego in a little bit and kept him grounded.
Originally posted by packerboi:
Man he looks fat.

No joke. He said around the ESPY's he put on 14 pounds of fat he needed to lose.

14? Ya Brent. At least that.

Must have had some extra pork rinds as comfort food while watching LeBron and kicking himself for not thinking of it before him.

That is hilarious.
He didnt hold back saying the "Monday Night Sleepover" was essentially ridiculous

I can see it now. All four of them sitting in their purple jammies watching replays of "Teen Mom". Then Deanna makes them all go to beddie bye before 10:00 and Allen starts crying and Longwell kicks his popcorn, leaving it just short. Favre throws his Hannah Montana pillow at Hutchinson in a fit, and it's picked off as he grabs his ankle.
Come on....this is drama. Favre will give a crying retirement speech in Minny saying he loves the game and guys but the ankle just won't allow him to play. Flash forward....Hey, the ankle feels alright now. If you guys really, really, need me I might consider coming back again. Maybe! Well, if the price is right.
Originally posted by pduck:
How pathetic. Bud Grant is rolling over in his grave.
Bud Grant is still alive and well. He even still has an office at Winter Park which he sometimes uses to provide advice to the organization (No wonder they've continued to continue to be chokers even after he retired from coaching).
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
Originally posted by StarrToDowler:

... What would Big Irv say about this circus??

I know Big Irv was no Saint and wasn't perfect either, but something tells me there never would have been a circus if he was still around.

Maybe he might have been the one person that might have been able to talk Brett out of some of the mistakes he's made since spring 2008. Who knows, maybe he would have sucked up to his son just like everyone else did, but somehow I think an old school guy like himself might have been able to rein Brett's ego in a little bit and kept him grounded.

I don't buy that. Irv was the one who raised him, and if Irv was going to instill positive values in him, they would certainly have taken hold by this time. Brent's not 12 anymore, he's a friggin grandpa. The traits you are now seeing were formed many years ago.
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
Originally posted by pduck:
How pathetic. Bud Grant is rolling over in his grave.
Bud Grant is still alive and well. He even still has an office at Winter Park which he sometimes uses to provide advice to the organization (No wonder they've continued to continue to be chokers even after he retired from coaching).

The LaVar Arrington show was pretty interesting o nthe drive home today. Most out here are sick of the whole Favre thing and saying how it's much worse than the ego trip Lebron James went on.

A couple called in to say that it's all the fault of the Jets and Vikings and that the Packers were the only team that handled him properly, and showed him who the boss was
Last edited by Hauser
Excellent Post, and now Percy Harvin reports to camp, I wonder if the 3 wisemen talked him into returning as well........or maybe it was Breleigh Ann

Goodall is a joke for allowing this sham of an organization to get away with this crap.

Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
So, really, I'm supposed to believe that this hick decided literally today, after wavering forever, to simply up and head to camp? No prep, no packing, no goodbyes to the family, no wrapping up loose ends, and in the span of 20 minutes the 3 wise men convinced Cletus to up and go to camp and hit the plane?

I thought it would be Thursday, I had the 19th. But anyone thinking that this wasn't choreographed and planned is naive. Brett just wanted the public, and specifically wanted ESPN to remind the public, that all the players just so loved and wanted his Favreness back.

I'm sure the narrative will entail how hard the decision was, how his body is telling him no, but the guys loved him so much, and he's never felt so part of a "team" before that he couldn't say no when 3 of the veteran team leaders personally asked him to come back. He'll remind us numerous times how he's never felt this loved, never been asked to come back like this.

And, magically everyone will believe it. No one will have the balls to call him out. He tells is he loves his teammates but then calls them liars about his texts. He plays for the love of the game but he doesn't need to dedicate himself in the off season - Hell he knows the offense more than the coaches. He loves Minnesota, but throws the head coach under the bus.

Honestly I hope every single NFL team absolutely beats him every single time he drops back to pass.
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
Honestly I hope every single NFL team absolutely beats him every single time he drops back to pass.

I think that will happen. The Vikes' first eight games could be brutal:

New Orleans (which I predict will be a repeat of the NFC title game)
Miami (the Dolphins are poised to step it up this season)
Detroit (the Lions have nowhere to go but up and could catch the Vikes slippin')
NY Jets (a road game against his other team whose defense was top-rated last year will be rough)
Dallas (the Cowboys are looking to settle the score for the Vikes running up the score in the NFC divisional playoff game)
Green Bay (you guys will be fired up at home after being swept last year by the Vikes)
New England (another road game, this one on Halloween, which means it should be a little chilly at Foxboro)
Arizona (if Leinart is the answer for the Cards, they could beat the Vikes)
I would love nothing more than to see a poor early showing by the Vikes. Nothing better than 3-5 in the first 8 games. We would see the true colors of everyone who has allowed themselves to be a part of this nonsense. Of course, what would happen is diva boy would feign an injury and retire for good rather than endure the rest of the season.
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
He loves Minnesota, but throws the head coach under the bus.

Who in turns throws his assistants under the bus.

With the meltdown that is about to happen at Winter Park, they will rename it Summer Dump when it's over.
Just mulling over three scenarios:

1. If those three guys were sent bt the organization to GET him to commit, TOG just might have committed earlier than he wanted to. And since it's well-known who likes to be in command, he could pull something at the last minute to show who's in control. Maybe he announces another retirement, maybe he jsut goes through the motions during practice, maybe he forces them to pay him more money or give him Lake Minnetonka...

2. If those guys were sent to BEG him, you just gotta laugh. Hilarious that the organization that points to its history of toughness and Bud Grant pride now finds itself playing in an indoor dump and prostrating itself before one player. Even KFAN announcers were wondering if they have gone too far and made Minny the laughingstock of the NFL (as if they had far to go for that!).

3. If those guys were sent to CONVINCE him how badly he's needed, their locker room must be a mess. There was the argument on the sidelines between Sage and the coaches where he was "over-communicating clarity" during Saturday's game, just three days ago. You have to wonder if/when Sage was gonna snap, "Big deal! You don't give a flyin' Mississippi f*** about me anyway!" And you had to wonder when Chilly was gonna watch Sage and TJack and snap back, "Why should I put up with these bozos when there's a HOFer who should be here?" Which leads possibly back to scenario No. 1. (If you think there is no connection between Saturday night and today, there's a bridge with your name on it.)

It's great to be a Packer fan!
Originally posted by atticus:
I wish "Hard Knocks" was in Minny this year instead of NY.

They wanted a commitment BEFORE they brought in the production crew
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