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But again, by your own logic it's the position coaches that are the ones responsible. James Campen was X4's all-time favorite coach who needed to be fired now, until he got 2 stud Tackles that were healthy. It's funny how replacing Marshall Newhouse with David Bakhtiari made Campen look like a competent coach. I'm sure everyone would prefer having an all-time great position coach at every position, but that's not realistic. You're going to have weaknesses on the staff, just like with the players. Gotta make sure you're stocking every position with legit starting talent, competent backups, and future contributors. We're either not seeing that with personnel at some positions or those position coaches are really poor. 

Last edited by Grave Digger
ChilliJon posted:

...I think there is a comfort level that exists on the coaching staff overall.... 

You remember all the stink being raised when we were at 4-6 and everybody was offering their 2 cents on how to 'fix' things.
There was more than 1 person that espoused the theory there was a 'comfort level' among the players; the main point being they felt like there no danger in losing a starter's role once they won it, so performance suffers, and nobody is being held accountable....

Your theory may have some legs.

So they go from 4-6 to the NFCCG without [re]enforcing accountability? 

I can see some complacency setting in from time to time, but it doesn't linger in professional settings where there is strong leadership with a clear direction.

Executive vice president of football operations Howie Roseman pointed to the corner position in particular when emphasizing that the team needs to get away from the "band-aid" approach. They have largely gone the free-agent route for a number of years to fill the cornerback posts, with minimal success. That's been largely out of necessity given that they haven't drafted a corner in the first round since selecting Lito Sheppard 26th overall in 2002.

Satori posted:

Let's start the clock in 2006 when MM /TT began their reign of ineptitude in GB

Since 2006:

BB:  ...1-2 in Super Bowls and 3- time losers in getting caught cheating...

MM / TT... 1-0 in Super Bowls

John Churn- the -Roster  Schneider... 1-1 in Super Bowls

John The Horseface  Elway has amassed a 1-1 record in SB's and missed the playoffs this year

 Giants won (2) SBs since 2006,  by beating the cheatin pats.

So its fair to say that since MM arrived in 2006, no other team has lost more Super Bowls than the Patriots. 


the cheatin' pats are . 500 in the Super Bowl, the Packers are 4-1.  If you wanna convince yourself that "appearances" are important, then tell me why nobody ever lauds the 0-4 vikes or 0-4 Bills when talking about great NFL teams. I'll tell you why, because losing the Super Bowl is the worst kind of losing and only a dickhead would wear a Super Bowl Loss as a badge of honor.

Also noted : The Pats have lost as many Super Bowls as the vikings. ( hahaha !)

Also noted: The Packers kicked BB's ass in Super Bowl 31, starting with the 2nd play of the game for the Packers offense.

BB has only been coaching the Pats for 17 years.

in other words, he was not their coach in SB 31

So, BB's butt being kicked is actually a byproduct of the Packers having kicked Tunas butt, right?

hardly the same thing, if you ask me.

The Pack kicked BB's butt twice in recent memory in my opinion.

a couple of years ago in GB.

and the Flynn game, even though the Packers lost. If AR played that game it would have been a W.

So we won even though we lost? What are you running for DNC chair?

So long as we're doing nonsensical comparisons, in the three head to head matchups as HCs, the Belichicks outscored the McCarthys 87 to 53.

And I mean there was a 35-0 blowout in which the Packers played both Favre and Rodgers in the same game and still couldn't find a point.

Yeah.  11-19-06.  35-0 Pats.  After the game, Al Harris said something to the effect "it's like they knew exactly what defensive set we were in every play.  We would call our set and they would run a play exactly to our weak spot."

A year or two later, we knew why.  The Pats were caught cheating by taking videos on  sidelines during games.  In fact, I think a Patriot videographer was escorted off Lambeau Field during the game.

Good times.  Good times.

I was at that game.  Froze our asses off, and my brother and I said the same exact thing Harris did, a bunch of times, during the game, on both sides of the ball.  It was uncanny to the point of obvious.  I'm surprised they didn't get caught sooner.  

It was the last game I went to with my brother before he died.  And the Patriots act like they are unfairly persecuted for the hate they receive.  Yeah newsflash(!), everyone hates cheaters.

GrainBelt66 posted:

So, BB's butt being kicked is actually a byproduct of the Packers having kicked Tunas butt, right?

hardly the same thing, if you ask me.

BB was the Defensive Coordinator responsible for stopping the Packers offense. He failed miserably, starting on the 2nd play of the game, giving up a 54 yard TD to Andre Rison. He failed again when he gave up ( at the time) the longest TD in Super Bowl history to the speedster Antonio Freeman.

The 1996 Packers averaged 28 points per game and 28 points is exactly how many points Belichicks defense gave up that day. The Pats defense averaged 19 pts/ game in 1996, but failed miserably in their efforts to stop the Packers offense, giving up 4 TDs on their way to losing the Superb Owl....

Now you know why nobody asked you.

Satori posted:
GrainBelt66 posted:

So, BB's butt being kicked is actually a byproduct of the Packers having kicked Tunas butt, right?

hardly the same thing, if you ask me.

BB was the Defensive Coordinator responsible for stopping the Packers offense. He failed miserably, starting on the 2nd play of the game, giving up a 54 yard TD to Andre Rison. He failed again when he gave up ( at the time) the longest TD in Super Bowl history to the speedster Antonio Freeman.

The 1996 Packers averaged 28 points per game and 28 points is exactly how many points Belichicks defense gave up that day. The Pats defense averaged 19 pts/ game in 1996, but failed miserably in their efforts to stop the Packers offense, giving up 4 TDs on their way to losing the Superb Owl....

Now you know why nobody asked you.

Hey Smart guy, do you realize that the Patriots played 12 different teams during the regular season in 1996?

of those 12 teams, only Miami (21.2), Arizona (20), Baltimore (23.2), Indi (20.9) and Jacksonville (20.3) averaged more than 20PPG during the regular season.

As a matter of fact, as a whole the Patriots faced 12 offenses that, together, averaged 19.33 PPG during the regular season.

Which, is actually less that what their defense allowed (19.6 PPG).

so, that they allowed 28 points to a team averaging 28 points does not in my mind constitute an a$$ kicking.

Yes, now I know why nobody asked me.

LOL! That's exactly why the Super Bowl trophy should be named the Bill Belichick trophy. Because, Bill is so good at defense he can do no better than the league average.

Last edited by Goalline

My point exactly! Renaming it in his honor would be sacrilidge.

my point was simply that that defenses numbers were skewed based on the very average to below average offenses the played against.

My take on TT and our front office is that too many of TT's former assistants have left to become GM's. That brain drain has left Ted to rely on lesser talents. Gund and Wolf are the main ones left. So when Ted reluctantly returns to his desk he finds more annoying matters to face. And he treats them as such.

If he wants to scout then let him scout and leave others to make whole team related decisions.

DH13 posted:

Just curious, was his 2009 season the best statistical season by a MIN QB?

Favre's rating that year was 107.2 that year

Cunningham's rating in 1998 (Randy Moss rookie year) was 107.0

Both seasons ended in OT in the NFC Championship game. Favre's after the immortal snatching defeat from the jaws of victory interception and in 1998 after Gary Anderson misses a clinching FG after going 106 for 106 on FGs and XPs that year (regular season and playoffs).

There's always room for an extra hand to run out on the field and squirt bursts of water into the mouths of tired and dehydrated players during a time out.  Maybe Favre could start by doing that?  Maybe pick up TT's dry cleaning?  Shine McCarthy's shoes?  Surely there's a place somewhere for old #4 in the organization. 

Edit:  Here I call him "old" #4 when I am actually 3 months older than he is.  I guess I am an old man too!!  

Last edited by fightphoe93

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