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@CUPackFan posted:

I'm all for alternative ways to stay healthy and improve your quality of life.  I've shifted to a plant based diet.  I've successfully got off my heartburn meds by eating licorice root and drinking aloe vera juice.  I do yoga and meditation most days.  But what Rodgers is doing is nuts.  Eating ghee for 3 days until you vomit and sh*t your brains out?  Ghee is butter!!!!  In what world is eating nothing but butter for 3 days considered healthy?

Maybe I'm missing something with this cleanse but it sounds a lot like the time I got a stomach virus in Hawaii and spend two days going from my bed to the bathroom.

I also got sick in Hawaii a few years back.  Went to a restaurant in downtown Kona on the Big Island and had fried Ohno.  As we drove back to our condo like 30 minutes away, I started to feel sick.

I thought I was going to have to get out in the middle of the lava desert, drop my pants and let my evening meal explode onto the rocks.  Somehow, someway, I held on and ended up spending a full hour in the condo bathroom where my body purged the slightly food poisoned Ohno.  I remember I dropped like 3 lb. that night.

Despite that event, I love Hawaii and hope I can get back again someday.  I only have been to Oahu and the Big Island, would like to see some others like Maui someday.

@fightphoe93 posted:

Despite that event, I love Hawaii and hope I can get back again someday.  I only have been to Oahu and the Big Island, would like to see some others like Maui someday.

I've been to Oahu and Maui.  I like Maui much better - do it!

I partied on the Menominee Rez for half the Packer games this year.  It helps to have lifelong friends and a brother married into one of the families, but it ain't nothing like it used to be in the 70s either.  If you're familiar with the War Bonnet bar and all the stories...   it's now family friendly.  Last time I was in it 25 or so years ago it was still rough and tough and you never knew what you might find - I walked in and 3 in-laws were there, whew. 

@Tdog posted:

I've been to Oahu and Maui.  I like Maui much better - do it!

I partied on the Menominee Rez for half the Packer games this year.  It helps to have lifelong friends and a brother married into one of the families, but it ain't nothing like it used to be in the 70s either.  If you're familiar with the War Bonnet bar and all the stories...   it's now family friendly.  Last time I was in it 25 or so years ago it was still rough and tough and you never knew what you might find - I walked in and 3 in-laws were there, whew. 

A good friend of mine back in the day who lived next door to me in the dorms at UW-Oshkosh was from the res.  He wanted me to go home with him one weekend to hang out.  The only bar I knew of at the time in the res was The War Bonnet.  I told him I didn’t think it was a good idea for me to go there, and he told me if I was there with him I would be fine.  I politely refused regardless.

@Tdog posted:

I've been to Oahu and Maui.  I like Maui much better - do it!

I agree...Oahu is a shit hole. Maui is a dream from heaven. Airbnb and VRBO are a game can get condos for the week for half of what a hotel is, full kitchen so you can save money cooking some meals at home.

Couple years ago we went with another couple...6 night rental outside of Kaanapali cost us $700. $350 per couple.

@fightphoe93 posted:

I also got sick in Hawaii a few years back.  Went to a restaurant in downtown Kona on the Big Island and had fried Ohno.  As we drove back to our condo like 30 minutes away, I started to feel sick.

I thought I was going to have to get out in the middle of the lava desert, drop my pants and let my evening meal explode onto the rocks.  Somehow, someway, I held on and ended up spending a full hour in the condo bathroom where my body purged the slightly food poisoned Ohno.  I remember I dropped like 3 lb. that night.

Despite that event, I love Hawaii and hope I can get back again someday.  I only have been to Oahu and the Big Island, would like to see some others like Maui someday.

That's where I was!  We were about 30 minutes north of Kona just down the mountain from Waimea.  I don't remember eating any ohno but had to have been something. 

That lava desert is something though.  I remember driving north from the airport thinking "This is Hawaii? This is what I flew 7 hours for?".  Looks like the surface of Mars. 

@CUPackFan posted:

That's where I was!  We were about 30 minutes north of Kona just down the mountain from Waimea.  I don't remember eating any ohno but had to have been something.

That lava desert is something though.  I remember driving north from the airport thinking "This is Hawaii? This is what I flew 7 hours for?".  Looks like the surface of Mars.

Through happenstance (Mrs.Kiel found where her father who had abandoned her 30 years previously lived, so we decided on an unannounced visit) we flew to Kona in 1995. Found him in his house in the lava fields up the mountainâ€Ķlooked like the surface of the moon. We walked up his driveway as he stood with his new wife and teenage son who had no idea he had had a previous “life”. My wife handed our 18-month-old daughter to him and simply said, “This is your granddaughter.”

Dude practically stroked out.

Good times.

@Chongo posted:

I agree...Oahu is a shit hole. Maui is a dream from heaven. Airbnb and VRBO are a game can get condos for the week for half of what a hotel is, full kitchen so you can save money cooking some meals at home.

Couple years ago we went with another couple...6 night rental outside of Kaanapali cost us $700. $350 per couple.

I have to go go Maui for my work sometime in the next couple of months.  I have never been there so I do sort of look forward to it.  I will tough it out but I think I will stay away from whatever  Ohno is.

Now that he's done trippin' the butter fantastic I can't imagine it's not in motion.  You would think with the restructures happening it's a foregone conclusion but then you have to consider who you're dealing with.

I wonder if Gutin has anything else in the works outside of starting Love if Rodgers evacuates.

Last edited by Henry
@Henry posted:

Now that he's done trippin' the butter fantastic I can't imagine it's not in motion.  You would think with the restructures happening it's a foregone conclusion but then you have to consider who you're dealing with.

I wonder if Gutin has anything else in the works outside of starting Love if Rodgers evacuates.

He already evacuated. Prolly wore out the bidet!

@packerboi posted:

The Packers and Rodgers are trying to work out a deal for sure, they probably have been for some time.  It's just whether that deal works out for both sides.  I assume AR's announcement will come at the end of those negotiations.

I had a dream last night. I was plane watching with a girl from high school who I was too scared to ask out, I mean she was prom queen so I still think I made the right call because I was not prom king material, but my friends thought she liked me. But maybe my friends were messing with me. Who can say?

Anyway so there we are, we're both eating shredded cheese out of my hand, hand sprinkling it into each other's mouth, I think it was like a 4 cheese blend, and we're watching a plane on approach for landing  We're talking twin engine standard airliner sized jets like a 737 or an A320, but I think it was a cargo variant as I didn't see windows. Anyway I see the left wing dip past 45 degrees and exclaim "oh no, he's done". She takes an extra second or two to realize that I mean a crash is happening because she's not as into aviation as I am. Anyway we lose sight of it behind the tree-line and there's a giant explosion.

Dream shifts to the next day, and she walks up to me, refusing to make eye-contact, hand in hand with Jordan Love. Jordan berates me for traumatizing her, like it's my fault a plane crashed, and I stand there dumfounded as they walk away.

I'm not sure if it was our high school selves who time-traveled forward, or if Jordan went back to 1998. But what I am sure of is we need to get rid of Jordan Love, because that was a dick move.

@4 Favre posted:

I had a dream last night. I was plane watching with a girl from high school who I was too scared to ask out, I mean she was prom queen so I still think I made the right call because I was not prom king material, but my friends thought she liked me. But maybe my friends were messing with me. Who can say?

Anyway so there we are, we're both eating shredded cheese out of my hand, hand sprinkling it into each other's mouth, I think it was like a 4 cheese blend, and we're watching a plane on approach for landing  We're talking twin engine standard airliner sized jets like a 737 or an A320, but I think it was a cargo variant as I didn't see windows. Anyway I see the left wing dip past 45 degrees and exclaim "oh no, he's done". She takes an extra second or two to realize that I mean a crash is happening because she's not as into aviation as I am. Anyway we lose sight of it behind the tree-line and there's a giant explosion.

Dream shifts to the next day, and she walks up to me, refusing to make eye-contact, hand in hand with Jordan Love. Jordan berates me for traumatizing her, like it's my fault a plane crashed, and I stand there dumfounded as they walk away.

I'm not sure if it was our high school selves who time-traveled forward, or if Jordan went back to 1998. But what I am sure of is we need to get rid of Jordan Love, because that was a dick move.

You just recounted Donnie Darko.

@Chongo posted:

I'm calling bullshit on him wanting $50M a year. He says he wants to win a title, $50M a year seriously limits the Packers surrounding cast and that includes bringing 17 back.

Maybe Adam Schefter had his sources call Dianna Russini...

Bill Micheals reported the same thing on his radio show today.  He got the info from a guy he really trusts he said.   Micheals' guy did not get it from Rodgers directly but from those representing Rodgers.

He also said no team has won a Super Bowl in the cap era with any player taking up more than 13.9% of the cap.  So while the $50 million would not be the cap number for next season it would certainly be more than 13.9%.   But he also said Rodgers may think he is the guy who would do just that.   

@The Heckler posted:

I have to go go Maui for my work sometime in the next couple of months.  I have never been there so I do sort of look forward to it.  I will tough it out but I think I will stay away from whatever  Ohno is.

Don't know how long you'll be there but Hana is awesome, and further up from there a white sand beach is spectacular and a fun wave floater...  however, and I couldn't believe there weren't bumper stickers stating this, 'you gotta wanna get to Hana' from the Paia area - 4 hours of constant curvy island road, so glad my daughter was driving.

Mt. Hakeakala is incredible too.  To go from sea level to above the clouds.  We watched the sun set, turned 180 deg, and watched the moon come up just like that.

OK, tourism advice over.  Brady for the Owl!!!

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