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@Tschmack posted:

Gerg not holding back damn

As for those that rip the guy, I’m not sure the Packers and Rodgers win that title in 2010 w/o 85.   The pitch and catch late in the SB game where Rodgers thread the needle to Jennings may have iced it.

Jennings was a great Packer.  I fucking loved the guy but he went for big money, and not that much of a difference from what the Packers offered.  He fucking sucked with the spermheads.

I don't know if he or Rodgers is the a-hole but it could be both.  There seems to be a whole lot of "don't be that guy" going around in the last few years.

Last edited by Henry
@Henry posted:

Jennings was a great Packer.  I fucking loved the guy but he went for big money, and not that much of a difference from what the Packers offered.  He fucking sucked with the spermheads.

I don't know if he or Rodgers is the a-hole but it could be both.  There seems to be a whole lot of "don't be that guy" going around in the last few years.

Kinda funny tho…..Jenn wasn’t wanted in Green Bay, he walked to one of our worst enemys and fawk him.  I do NOT give a piece of crap of what HE says.  Ugh.

@Henry posted:

Jennings was a great Packer.  I fucking loved the guy but he went for big money, and not that much of a difference from what the Packers offered.  He fucking sucked with the spermheads.

I don't know if he or Rodgers is the a-hole but it could be both.  There seems to be a whole lot of "don't be that guy" going around in the last few years.

Totally is both.

@H5 posted:


BTW, did anyone else realize the first game he missed his entire career was last year?  I didn't because I've got it all figured out. 

Yes, keeping P over Z is pretty much a no brainer at this point even though Z can offer more if he's healthy.  P is a good fit opposite of Gary at this point.  If they add some juice to the middle of the Dline both guys would tear it up.

Also, P is not a CB.

@Henry posted:

BTW, did anyone else realize the first game he missed his entire career was last year?  I didn't because I've got it all figured out.

Yes, keeping P over Z is pretty much a no brainer at this point even though Z can offer more if he's healthy.  P is a good fit opposite of Gary at this point.  If they add some juice to the middle of the Dline both guys would tear it up.

Also, P is not a CB.

They should keep all 3 and figure out a way to keep Mercillus as well.

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