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I could have placed this in any number of threads but F it. This warrants its own.


We can justifiably talk about play calling, tired scheme/formations, and poor play by this current WR corp and even AR. From coaches to players, there is plenty of blame to go around.


Now it's time to call out one gaping, gigantic hole that hasn't come close to being replaced. A real TE since the loss of Finley. For a coach in MM who claims to love the TE position (recall a number of seasons GB kept 4-5 TE's) and actually ran ALL TE formations, this supposed key to MM's offense has been woefully addressed.


This is 2009 JerMichael Finley. I think it's important we all watch this. I had not only forgotten how good his hands were, he was also incredibly fast. At 6'5 he almost won every single jump ball as well. This is a complete failure on TT to ignore this position for as long as he has. Richard Rodgers, Andrew Quarless, Justin Perillo. There might not be a worse trio of TE''s in the NFL.  Yes Rodgers misses Jordy. We all know that. But there is another huge hole in this offense. And it's a player like this:






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There are a number of players that were supposed to make a major leap this year. 

Dick Rod is one of them, but the same could be said for Duhvante Adams and Casey Heyward.  Linsley and Lacy and Cobb have not played up to their ability either although Lacy has looked much better the last couple of games.

I agree 100% that they need more talent and production out of the TE position.   It's funny - I view Finley like Nick Collins.  Raw talent when he came into the league but had the ability to dominate at times.  The parallel is both guys got hurt and their careers were cut short but they have not yet found a suitable replacement for either.

It's easy to forget how instrumental both guys were in 2009 and 2010 when they made it over the top and won the title.
Originally Posted by Talkin2Phil:

We won the Super Bowl without Finley.


We played a SB without Finley. In 5 games before wrecking his knee that year, he had already racked up 300 yards receiving and caught 21/26 passes thrown to him. He would have had a huge year. So while yes, they won a SB without him I think it's short sighted to say he wasn't a factor in those early games/wins.


You have to be blind to watch those '09 highlights and the early 2010 ones and think we've even come close to that production. In 2011 he was good for nearly 800 yards receiving and 8 TD's in just 13 games. In 2012, he was at 667 yards through 14 games. And we all know what happened after that with his neck.


That was not potential. That was proven production to which most defenses had no answer for.


Richard Rodgers hasn't cracked 300 yards yet and runs in cement. He's at best a RZ threat and that's only because he has all of 20 yards or less to run.



TE is the most obvious place where you can criticize TT for not using all options to improve the team. Even before Quarless was hurt, to go into a year with Richard Rodgers and Quarless on your team was not the way to optimize success. You might have been able to get away with it if the WRs were outstanding - but minus Nelson they are clearly pedestrian. A guy like Owen Daniels visited GB and then signed with Denver for 3 million guaranteed (3 years, 12 million). There is something to be said for having some veterans how understand how to play in the NFL, especially a position like TE where understanding defensive coverages and finding holes in the zone or beating a linebacker with some moves is often as important as just raw athletic talent. 


You could argue that the NFC Championship game implosion last year doesn't happen if they have a quality red zone threat in the form of a receiving TE. They started the scoring by kicking 18 and 19 yard field goals. 


TE has been a problem for years and other than bringing a POS person like Lyerla (who came cheap) and drafting a guy that isn't a starting caliber TE, not much has been done. 

Originally Posted by MichiganPacker2:

TE is the most obvious place where you can criticize TT for not using all options to improve the team. Even before Quarless was hurt, to go into a year with Richard Rodgers and Quarless on your team was not the way to optimize success. You might have been able to get away with it if the WRs were outstanding - but minus Nelson they are clearly pedestrian. A guy like Owen Daniels visited GB and then signed with Denver for 3 million guaranteed (3 years, 12 million). There is something to be said for having some veterans how understand how to play in the NFL, especially a position like TE where understanding defensive coverages and finding holes in the zone or beating a linebacker with some moves is often as important as just raw athletic talent. 


You could argue that the NFC Championship game implosion last year doesn't happen if they have a quality red zone threat in the form of a receiving TE. They started the scoring by kicking 18 and 19 yard field goals. 


TE has been a problem for years and other than bringing a POS person like Lyerla (who came cheap) and drafting a guy that isn't a starting caliber TE, not much has been done. 


It's also ironic that Jimmy Graham was available via trade and the Packers have 2 quality starting Centers which is what the Hags sent down to New Orleans (plus the 1st round pick) to get him. I mean yes hind sights 20/20 but it's TT job to evaluate talent and Tretter would be starting for about 80-90% of other NFL teams. I can't imagine TT wasn't aware Graham was being shopped.


Another possible what could have been...

Last edited by packerboi

We're all aware of Jimmy Graham's numbers this year, right? They're bad if no one wants to look them up. 


And and it can't be because he's on a bad team. He's playing on a team that should have beat everyone's benchmark in the Super Bowl 10 months ago. 


And I know it's not because Seattle is having a bad year. That's clearly not a realistic  option around these parts. Bad years don't happen. Bad players happen. Or not trading for bad players. 


Not having that C that they traded for Jimmy is also a big reason why Seattle is struggling. 



Dick Rodgers has doubled up Jimmys TD total this year. 


Which really brings up the question no ones asking and instead just throwing more **** at the wall of failure. 


What is it that everyone's wants out of a TE? No need for 6'5" 257 with 4.48 speed answers either. Let's be real specific about who the TE is and when and where he was acquired. 


I dont think Rodgers is the **** stain he's being made out to be. The losing is making him out to resemble a **** stain. And he's got company. 

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

We're all aware of Jimmy Graham's numbers this year, right? They're bad if no one wants to look them up. 


And and it can't be because he's on a bad team. He's playing on a team that should have beat everyone's benchmark in the Super Bowl 10 months ago. 


And I know it's not because Seattle is having a bad year. That's clearly not a realistic  option around these parts. Bad years don't happen. Bad players happen. Or not trading for bad players. 


Not having that C that they traded for Jimmy is also a big reason why Seattle is struggling. 




Actually Graham has quietly risen to the 7th best TE in the NFL (total yards). Here's the top 7:


1Rob GronkowskiNETE5184316.584.376T81543568.60
2Greg OlsenCARTE5378814.971.65261613769.80
3Gary BarnidgeCLETE4866713.966.7407913368.80
4Travis KelceKCTE5062012.462.042T3612958.01
5Delanie WalkerTENTE5361711.668.661T3713158.50
6Benjamin WatsonNOTE4655112.055.14631012758.71
7Jimmy GrahamSEATE4453012.053.04521012659.10




He's been terribly used in Seattle and through the first 4-5 games, the guy was barely even targeted was which was ridiculous. It was a bad trade for Seattle because they had no answer behind Max Unger who they gave up. And to Pikes point, having AR throwing to him is not the same as Wilson.


As for trade bait, yes I agree that JC Tretter was largely unknown but it's TT's job to convince NO's he was a starting C just in a log jam behind Linsley. But like Vernon Davis, I doubt a call was even made. But it still makes you wonder since NOs could have gotten a 24 year franchise C (Unger will be 30 in April).




Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

What is it that everyone's wants out of a TE? No need for 6'5" 257 with 4.48 speed answers either. Let's be real specific about who the TE is and when and where he was acquired. 




What I want is that 2009 TE version of Finley on this field. We have to realize when you look at teams like NE with Gronk, he opens up so much field between the 20's including medium-long range routes in the middle of the field that is currently not even an option for Rodgers. That also in turn opens lanes for Lacy because safeties can't load the box and they aren't daring Rodgers to throw.


In 2009-2010, defenses had almost zero answers for Finley. And he in turn then opened so much up for Jennings, Jones,


Jordy Nelson burned on go routes and the deep stuff. We all know that. But there's all of that center field Rodgers could be exploiting and he can't because he has zero TE's capable of doing that. My God we're actually longing for Andrew Quarless' return.


Think about that.



Last edited by packerboi

Thus far, there are 150 offensive players that have qualified for stats when it comes to receiving. 


Richard Rodgers ranks 140th of those 150 players in terms of yards per catch at 7.3.  Only one non-RB ranks lower, Eddie Royal at 6.6.


Added this...


And, really, the thing we're seeing is we have ZERO downfield threats.  Zero.


AR's Yards/Attempt since 2009:









One of these things is not like the other.  A lack of TE hurts.  An absolute lack of ANYONE that threatens ANYONE is the biggest issue.


So, the question is this:

1.  Is this season's outlier due to lack of deep threats?

2.  Is this season's outlier due to a different playcaller being ultra conservative?


Last edited by Timpranillo



Also, while Jordy's rehab is rumored to be light years ahead of where it should be he's also going to be 30 and coming off a major injury. Is TT going to just believe once he returns all is well again? Wouldn't getting another prolific offensive weapon like grabbing a TE high in the draft or getting a veteran FA TE not insure this O in case Jordy just isn't the same player?


He's ignored this position and ILB far too long. That has to change with something other than a project.

Last edited by packerboi

Also, I'm going to mention now that there is not one player (Graham, Davis, Finley, Jordy, or whoever) that would systematically fix the offense right now. This is bigger than having a #2 player as the starter. It's a systematic breakdown, probably coming from the coaching staff, but also probably an injured QB and WRs playing like their head is on a different planet. 

Originally Posted by Rusty:
Originally Posted by packerboi:
Originally Posted by Rusty:


And our center position would be what right now? Now that the flaming pile of suck called Linsley is injured?


For fu** sakes.


You're the one who brought up trading a center for Graham. Defend your position.


My point Rusty was a All Pro TE was available for trade over the summer. An All Pro at a position TT failed to address. For multiple seasons now. Do I think the trade would have happened? No. But just like Owen Daniels, Greshem, L. Kendricks, and then V. Davis just a few weeks ago TT didn't budge and opportunities were there to sign one of these guys. And since he's a draft and develop guy and didn't do that either, than you would look to trades or FA.


Now maybe someone like Davis wouldn't have mattered much. But a message would have at least been sent TT was trying to address the issue.


What he's drafted at TE is a complete joke.







Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

I wish Janis was 25lbs heavier. He'd be an interesting guy at TE. 


Theres nothing in next years draft that shows promise. A guy like Troy Niklas in AZ is collecting dust. 2nd round pick out of Notre Dame. Lots of injuries though. 


Eat up Jeff. Eat up. 


Hunter Henry-Razorbacks. Supposedly the most complete TE going into the 2016 draft.Guy blocks. Has great speed and size. Projected to be a 2nd round pick.





Good objective review on him here written today:

Last edited by packerboi

Again, I think something is wrong internally. The offense just flat out fell apart and seemed a bit off even in the six wins to start. They won, but it didn't look smooth. I wonder if there is friction between AR and Clements, and AR and everyone else. His WRs just don't seem to be trying for him, and AR seems like he has a really poor attitude, like something doesn't sit right for him. My guess is he doesn't see eye-to-eye with Clements, and if AR talks to MM my guess is MM is holding the line and won't take back playcalling. 


One thing's for sure: we're more than just a good TE away from being a good team right now.

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