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There were a few runs Sunday where he actually moved the pile forward. He keeps those legs churning, and that says a lot about his effort. Thought he may be only 5'8, he's strong, he uses his 200 pounds well, and you're going to have to pile on him to stop him.

I've said it a few times. I think he has some real upside. But I don't want to put all our chips on Harris. We need to draft a running back to develop, and let Harris have the ball in the interim. The impression I've gotten from DuJuan is that he realizes he has an opportunity, and playing running back for the best franchise in pro sports is a hell of a lot better than selling cars. Sometimes it's the guys that haven't been given everything on a silver platter that end up being the impact players. They have gone without, and they're hungry. If anybody caught the story on ESPN about Arian Foster a few nights ago, that's the same kind of thing. He wasn't drafted out of Tennessee, and he got a chip on his shoulder. When he got his chance, he bit down like a Pit Bull, and hasn't let up since.

Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle. Harris could be that lightning, and 4.6 yards per carry, though a limited sample, has earned him a shot in my opinion.

I'm pulling for him.
I think that would be a worthwhile study from the local reporters.

How many third down and less than, say 7 yards, were successful for 10 yards or less, 10 yards or more, came up short (either came up short or short pass not completed) or busted for a long play (10-20 yards, 21 yards or more).

I don't know myself, but I would guess it seems like they are bombs a lot more than they really are.
Originally posted by Henry:
Agreed and I still don't believe that to be the case. You can cobble it altogether, injuries, the Capers debate, the fact that TT drafted a bunch of young guys that may need more than one season to mature into their roles. It isn't a matter of lacking talent it's a matter of maturation and constant addition. Do they have all the pieces to be a powerhouse defense? No, but they do have the talent to be competitive in the playoffs. Maturation, coaching or the addition of one or two more legit players.

The smart subset likes to look at all angles.

I do agree with this. I'm not saying the defense is completely devoid of talent, I LOVE the talent up front. Once they re-sign Raji (who I believe is an elite player) I think the DLine will be set for many years with Worthy, Daniels (who impressed the heck out of me this year), Neal, and Wilson. There's no JJ Watt or Justin Smith on the line, but there's a deep group of really solid contributors.

However, and I've said this on many occasions, Capers D lives and dies by the ILBs. They're the guys that the rest of the front seven is setting things up for. The DL and OLBs are getting into position to funnel the offense into the ILBs so they can finish the play. If they're not doing that then the defense gets gashed. Of course everyone else has to do their job and certainly the OLBs struggled mightily against San Fran, but a struggling OLB is a deficiency that can be covered. It's hard to cover up a struggling ILB let alone 2 struggling ILBs. Bishop will be a mega boost back for this D, but they need another consistent player next to him. I don't see DJ Smith, Brad Jones, or Jamari Lattimore as that player. They're great ST players and can do fine in limited work, but they're not guys that can hold up full time. Terrell Manning seems like a guy who could be that guy if he gets his health/body in order, but that's a big gamble on a guy we really know very little about.

The lack of talent I'm looking at really has to do with ILB. You can't win a championship with struggling players at ILB. Like I said, a lot of deficiencies can be covered up, but that's not one of them.
Originally posted by mark:
Hey everyone.I was a member years ago and now im back.

Welcome back.

Originally posted by mark:
Unless the Packers are on regular cable i drive 64 miles to a sports bar (to and from) to watch the packers so i am die hard but to get kicked around like that by SF was hard to watch.

Get DirectTV and NFL Ticket. Cost of driving to/from the sports bar and money spent while there it would probably be a wash.

Originally posted by mark:
Capers has always been that way. Of course when he takes over a new defence thats at the bottom they move up and then the next few years he stinks.That why he goes from team to team.

They improved significantly in 2012 over 2011... injuries hit them harder than in 2010 and SF played a great game.

Originally posted by mark:
His time in GB has come to and end.

Maybe... his contract runs out this off-season, so if they don;t extend he's moving on.

Originally posted by mark:
Plus we are so soft of a team its pitiful. We scare no one. AR would have been sacked 75 to 80 times if not for his fleet of foot.

Not sure what someone means when they post "soft". AR would have been sacked less than the 53 if he had thrown the ball away a few times or even used his fleet feet...

Originally posted by mark:
We should have never given Driver all that bonus money just to stand on the side lines when we could have used that money foy line help.

What OL were available that would have helped?

Originally posted by mark:
This years draft should be nothing but OL,DL and LBers. Nothing else. Hopefully one from Alabama's team.TT still cannot draft DL and OL. i think he gets to much credit. we have to bring in that nasty hard hitting DC. just wanted to get a few things off my chest. glad to be back.

They will need to draft a WR, but agree they need more OL and LB. DL depth is pretty good IMO. Who do you like for DC?
The long balls on 3rd downs is a feast or famine strategy. When it works, it usually works in a big way but when it doesn't .... well. I don't know myslef but it just seems those plays have been more famine than feast.
I could be wrong, but I think 2 of the last 3 (1 for sure)drives in the last Viking game ended in incomplete 3rd down passes.

Getting off topic here but this would make for a good thread topic.
Originally posted by Music City:
I think that bears repeating. The packers' offense and inability to control the ball exasperates a defensive issue that is glaringly apparent.

It's probably true that at various times this season, shortcomings on offense contributed to the defense's problems.

But I just don't see how that was the case on Saturday. Maybe if there were a ton of broken tackles, etc. I could buy that. But CK was running free all game. The defense wasn't just fatigued...they were completely overmatched and way out of position for most of the game.

If the problem on Saturday was the offense not giving the defense enough time to rest, let's look at the SF drives following successful GB offensive drives:

1) Following an 80 yard drive by GB that made it 14-7; SF ripped off a 9 play 83 yard drive.

2) Following another 80 yard drive by GB that tied it up at 21; SF ripped off an 11 play 62 yard drive for a FG

3) Following the a 74 yard drive by GB that tied it up again at 24; SF ripped off a 3 play 80 yard drive

The offense didn't play an optimal game on Saturday night, but they were also going against a tough defense. The bottom line is that defense was just atrocious.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Originally posted by Henry:
Agreed and I still don't believe that to be the case. You can cobble it altogether, injuries, the Capers debate, the fact that TT drafted a bunch of young guys that may need more than one season to mature into their roles. It isn't a matter of lacking talent it's a matter of maturation and constant addition. Do they have all the pieces to be a powerhouse defense? No, but they do have the talent to be competitive in the playoffs. Maturation, coaching or the addition of one or two more legit players.

The smart subset likes to look at all angles.

I do agree with this. I'm not saying the defense is completely devoid of talent, I LOVE the talent up front. Once they re-sign Raji (who I believe is an elite player) I think the DLine will be set for many years with Worthy, Daniels (who impressed the heck out of me this year), Neal, and Wilson. There's no JJ Watt or Justin Smith on the line, but there's a deep group of really solid contributors.

However, and I've said this on many occasions, Capers D lives and dies by the ILBs. They're the guys that the rest of the front seven is setting things up for. The DL and OLBs are getting into position to funnel the offense into the ILBs so they can finish the play. If they're not doing that then the defense gets gashed. Of course everyone else has to do their job and certainly the OLBs struggled mightily against San Fran, but a struggling OLB is a deficiency that can be covered. It's hard to cover up a struggling ILB let alone 2 struggling ILBs. Bishop will be a mega boost back for this D, but they need another consistent player next to him. I don't see DJ Smith, Brad Jones, or Jamari Lattimore as that player. They're great ST players and can do fine in limited work, but they're not guys that can hold up full time. Terrell Manning seems like a guy who could be that guy if he gets his health/body in order, but that's a big gamble on a guy we really know very little about.

The lack of talent I'm looking at really has to do with ILB. You can't win a championship with struggling players at ILB. Like I said, a lot of deficiencies can be covered up, but that's not one of them.

...many good points, it brings up the question of "is the defensive scheme condusive to our roster area of strength'. If our inside LBer's are our weakest group & the defense is designed to put the most pressure on them being good....the obvious question is why are we playing this defense...or why have we not obtained better ILBers, looks like Raji & CM will be with us for a good while, wouldn't it be prudent to run a defense that is centered on your best players?
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Perfect example of the weak ass mindset that passes for conversation by the subset around here. When you're insecure you take the easy way out and ridicule instead of letting reason be the ground you stand on. Biggest disappointment of it is that your smarter than that and could have easily taken the thirty seconds to shoot the fish in the barrel or put your fragile ego aside and ignore it but you ended up looking like a boorish ******* to anyone with a sense of civility.
powned....agreed...bitch move for sure.
But I just don't see how that was the case on Saturday. Maybe if there were a ton of broken tackles, etc. I could buy that. But CK was running free all game.

Thats actually not quite true. Look at the first quarter and into the second.

SF 1st drive: GB stopped them pick six
SF 2nd drive: TD
GB 1st drive: 3 and out 42 seconds.
SF 3rd drive: GB stopped them
GB 2nd drive: TD
SF 4th drive: GB stopped them
GB 3rd drive: Fumbled punt
SF 5th drive: TD only going 8 yards.
GB 4th drive: Quick Int.

For the first quarter and a third, the defense didn't do that bad a job, it wasn't great but for the most part they held there own. The offense and special teams, (even the pick 6) put them in a situation that eventually wore them down, let the 9ers get into a rhythm and helped then find the weaknesses to attack in the defense. Kaepernick really started to get it going on that drive right before the half, before that while not thrilled, I think the Pack could have lived with what was going on. It was that final 1st half drive that set the tone for the rest of the game.
Originally posted by FLPACKER:
...many good points, it brings up the question of "is the defensive scheme condusive to our roster area of strength'. If our inside LBer's are our weakest group & the defense is designed to put the most pressure on them being good....the obvious question is why are we playing this defense...or why have we not obtained better ILBers, looks like Raji & CM will be with us for a good while, wouldn't it be prudent to run a defense that is centered on your best players?

First off I don't think any scheme works when your ILB/MLB just can't play. Every scheme relies on the ILB to make plays. Like I said before, there's not much you can do to cover that up. Maybe if 1 ILB is weak in coverage, you can work around that or if you have a back-up in for a game or 2, that's something you can scheme around covering up. When you have 2 ILBs who can't shed OL, can't run sideline to sideline, struggle in coverage, and have below average instincts, there's not much a change in scheme can do for that.

The part in bold is the key question for me. Thompson hit and missed with Hawk. It happens. He did better with finding Bishop. It needs to be a priority this offseason though. The D will never get better if Jones/Smith/Lattimore are starting.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Perfect example of the weak ass mindset that passes for conversation by the subset around here. When you're insecure you take the easy way out and ridicule instead of letting reason be the ground you stand on. Biggest disappointment of it is that your smarter than that and could have easily taken the thirty seconds to shoot the fish in the barrel or put your fragile ego aside and ignore it but you ended up looking like a boorish ******* to anyone with a sense of civility.
powned....agreed...bitch move for sure.

...says the team captain of the "Subset of 10"
Originally posted by Monkfish:
Thats actually not quite true. Look at the first quarter and into the second.

SF 1st drive: GB stopped them pick six
SF 2nd drive: TD
GB 1st drive: 3 and out 42 seconds.
SF 3rd drive: GB stopped them
GB 2nd drive: TD
SF 4th drive: GB stopped them
GB 3rd drive: Fumbled punt
SF 5th drive: TD only going 8 yards.
GB 4th drive: Quick Int.

For the first quarter and a third, the defense didn't do that bad a job, it wasn't great but for the most part they held there own. The offense and special teams, (even the pick 6) put them in a situation that eventually wore them down, let the 9ers get into a rhythm and helped then find the weaknesses to attack in the defense. Kaepernick really started to get it going on that drive right before the half, before that while not thrilled, I think the Pack could have lived with what was going on. It was that final 1st half drive that set the tone for the rest of the game.

You're right on the 49ers 4th drive. The drive chart shows it being a TD for San Francisco, but in reality it was a stop followed by the fumbled punt.

I disagree that the final drive of the 1st half was the key one. Up until that point, SF already had 38 plays for over 275 yards. They were doing whatever they wanted. The only true turning point drive was the one right after the INT for a TD. Pack had a 3rd and 2 slant broken up when Williams was called for a hold. Then they had a 3rd and long where CK broke the pocket and flipped to Gore for 45 yards. That was pretty much the beginning of the end for the defense.

Again, I agree there are times the lack of balance on offense can really hurt the defense. And I agree the Packers didn't play a clean game offensively on Sunday. But Saturday's outcome was signed, sealed, and delivered by that defensive effort. They were ill prepared, didn't execute, and never adjusted. There's not much else to say.
The offense didn't play an optimal game on Saturday night, but they were also going against a tough defense. The bottom line is that defense was just atrocious.

The Packer D was on the field for 21 minutes in the first half. The Packer offense failed at every turn to regain TOP. It was a HUGE factor in the way the game was played.

Not that it was all one thing. It never is. But the Packer D was never the team's best unit. The O needed to carry the burden, but they failed to do that time after time.
vs SFO - Jan 13 2013 45 pts 579 yds
vs NYG - Jan 15 2012 37 pts 420 yds
vs ARI - Jan 10 20120 51 pts 531 yds

The problem isn't that we get beat in the playoffs by good teams now and then. The problem is the pattern of complete defensive collapse as shown above. Embarassing!

What about the other playoff games?

vs MIN 2013
vs PIT 2011
vs CHI 2011
vs ATL 2011
vs PHI 2011

There is only one win outside of the 2010 SB run but let's not cherry pick.

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