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Originally posted by R MaN:

A couple of weeks ago it felt like the Pack would have no chance to stop a strong running game. But they really did a much better job last week, enough to give you some hope at least.

San Fran is more versatile than Minnesota, but even as good as Gore is, he pales in comparision to Petersen. The Pack's front 7 has to be more physical than it was in week 1, and can't let the 49ers get too much run game going. Just overall, the D-Line didn't do enough in week 1 in either defending the run or rushing the passer.

Mike Neal has been playing well enough lately to make a difference, let's hope his strong (and healthy) play continues. We'll need him to flush a guy like Kaepernick to the OLBs and it will be up to Matthews/Walden/Moses to make sure he doesn't get to the outside when he scrambles which he is apt to do.
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
A couple of weeks ago it felt like the Pack would have no chance to stop a strong running game.

This is a big misconception. Other than 2 bad games against Adrian Peterson (who made a lot of teams look bad) and Frank Gore, the Packers run D held up really well this season. They held Beast Mode to under 100 yards and under 4 ypc, they held Arian Foster to under 30 yards with like 1 ypc, etc. Against everyone other than Adrian Peterson, they only allowed 3 runs of 20 yards or more and I think they allowed barely over 4 ypc which is pretty good compared to the rest of the league. I know you have to look at the defense as a whole, but 3 bad games out of 17 ain't really that bad.
Gore isn't my main concern for the defense. Keeping Kooperdick in the pocket and limiting his opportunities to make plays with his feet are what worries me the most. He can pick up 3rd and long with his feet seemingly at will.

I forget which Packer DL it was (Pickett?) that said it before the Viking playoff game, but his comment was basically "We're not a very disciplined team." He was referring to players staying in their gaps on defense. If GB breaks down and doesn't have gap control, it's going to be a long day on D.
After watching the NFLN replay of the first SF game last night, I think the Packers had the same issues vs Gore the first time as they did vs AP. He was able to get around the edge and gash them. No Neal and no Walden in that game. They learned from playing AP to keep their "run fits" as MM likes to say. If it does not turn into a lopsided time of possession game the Packers should do well against Gore. Hopefully they are also prepared for the scat back SF has from Oregon.
Originally posted by TwinRig:
After watching the NFLN replay of the first SF game last night, I think the Packers had the same issues vs Gore the first time as they did vs AP. He was able to get around the edge and gash them. No Neal and no Walden in that game. They learned from playing AP to keep their "run fits" as MM likes to say. If it does not turn into a lopsided time of possession game the Packers should do well against Gore. Hopefully they are also prepared for the scat back SF has from Oregon.

This is something I've found ....disturbing. Green bay under McCarthy went to a Zone Blocking Scheme where running teh ball was based on cutback lanes, yet when facinf two of the best backs they face all season they go to a two-level run defense scheme which if blocked even semi-competently creates, you guessed it, cutback lanes. The single-level scheme has issues too if the break that level and the safeties aren't good tacklers behind them, but it also leaves less space for running lanes like it did against Minnesota in teh playoff game.
Originally posted by Herschel:
This is something I've found ....disturbing. Green bay under McCarthy went to a Zone Blocking Scheme where running teh ball was based on cutback lanes, yet when facinf two of the best backs they face all season they go to a two-level run defense scheme which if blocked even semi-competently creates, you guessed it, cutback lanes. The single-level scheme has issues too if the break that level and the safeties aren't good tacklers behind them, but it also leaves less space for running lanes like it did against Minnesota in teh playoff game.

Can you clarify "two-level run defense scheme" and "single-level scheme" please? I'm unfamiliar with those terms.
Originally posted by Thunderbird:
I didn't watch the replay last night, but weren't the niner's Dbs a bit physical (past 5 yards) with our receivers the whole game, and the replacement refs let them get away with it?

I'd say I most noticed it in the middle of the field with Finley. Once in the end zone and one other time Bowman had one of his hands so Finley had to try to make a one handed grab. Jennings also a time or two.

The 4 wide all vertical route pattern worked pretty well, just a matter of protecting Rodgers.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Originally posted by Herschel:
This is something I've found ....disturbing. Green bay under McCarthy went to a Zone Blocking Scheme where running teh ball was based on cutback lanes, yet when facinf two of the best backs they face all season they go to a two-level run defense scheme which if blocked even semi-competently creates, you guessed it, cutback lanes. The single-level scheme has issues too if the break that level and the safeties aren't good tacklers behind them, but it also leaves less space for running lanes like it did against Minnesota in teh playoff game.

Can you clarify "two-level run defense scheme" and "single-level scheme" please? I'm unfamiliar with those terms.

Basically, there were breakdowns of when the packers were reading run instead of filling/forming a solid, single wall of defenders (ie: one level) they would basically "stack" so instead of there being eight lanes filled along the first level/LoS "equally", there would be four lanes filled up front and four lanes on the second (linebacker/up safety) level.

So basically


Last edited by H5
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All I gots to say is if da Pack don't do it, I am definitely not goin to be a happy camper wearing GD 49ers cap for the entire week ...and I have to buy the damn thing too. I am thinking if I have to wear that freakin cap, I might get hives or somethin. The 49er fans have been relentless down here and I have so many bets, I had to break out the note pad to keep track.

C'mon Pack - WIN THIS FOR ME!!!!!

This is a HUGE game.

Some of the comments are simply ridiculous. As if the Packers haven't won anything under MM & MM is a terrible coach.

Some "fans" should be hogtied & not allowed access to a keyboard.

These same people will be crowing how they're "vindicated" if the Packers lose but will be nowhere to be found if the Packers win.

I love our coaching staff (except Campen) & our front office. They deserve a ton of credit for building a team that is always competitive & challenging for a title even if it doesn't happen every year.

Of course I want the Packers to win. However, I'm proud of this team no matter the outcome on Saturday Night.
Originally posted by Esox:
All I gots to say is if da Pack don't do it, I am definitely not goin to be a happy camper wearing GD 49ers cap for the entire week ...and I have to buy the damn thing too. I am thinking if I have to wear that freakin cap, I might get hives or somethin. The 49er fans have been relentless down here and I have so many bets, I had to break out the note pad to keep track.

C'mon Pack - WIN THIS FOR ME!!!!!

This is a HUGE game.

Found a loophole

Originally posted by Ryan Grant:
We have the superior QB. They have the superior team. Who wins??!!

The quarterback is a part of the team.

They have Smith. We have Mathews.
They have Willis. Our secondary is better.
Davis = Finley.
They have Crabtree. We have Nelson, Jennings, Jones and Cobb (would you rather have one good receiver or a bunch of them?)
They have Gore. We have Cobb and Harris, but more importantly, we have AR12 in the backfield. Our passing game is much better than their running game.

There is no "superior team" here. Both of them are very good.

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