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Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
I would love GB to sign Dashon Goldson. Solve the safety/leadership issue and bring attitude to our D. Also, I think that whould free up a draft pick for another area. Canty signs, add Jolly (if he has anything left), Perry comes back and this allows GB to get running back, O-Lineman and linebacker in draft. Maybe a top placekicker to challenge for the roster spot.

Goldson is a good player, made much better by the Whiners outstanding pass rush. He will command ridiculous coin for his skill set, and quite frankly, would rather TT avoid him. He was a serious underachiever under the old regime.
Packy, I'm sure dollars played a role somewhere, but I recall at the time the Packers coaches saying that Wayne Simmons was a better athlete, and weren't overly concerned if Paup left via FA.
A huge gaffe by the Packers, IMO. Paup only went on to become DPOY in '95; by '97 Simmons was out of Green Bay, largely due to criminal troubles.
Originally posted by trump:
Originally posted by WolfPack:
Adrian Wilson released by AZ. High character guy. Kick the tires Ted

Hmmm, thats an interesting 1 there ... Anybody have the metrics on this guys play the last couple of years? Is he a problem in lockerroom?

He's a great leader and team guy all the way. He's played the last few years with a torn bicep, and he's not the player he used to be. He may have a few years left in him in the right scheme if he can get healthy. I hate to see him go, 12 years as a Cardinal. He will be in the Card ring of honor when he finally retires.
Andrew Brandtā€@adbrandt
Bears' Henry Melton, Cowboys' Anthony Spencer sign their Franchise Tag tenders, per agent @JordanWoy. Money now guaranteed.

I was starting to wonder if the Bears internet connection was down. Urlacher's release should have been posted hour's ago. They're not seriously considering an extension....are they?
Originally posted by Timmy!:
I'm not opposed to signing any FA(s), but I am opposed to signing FAs that are risky because of age, injury, or wear. No matter how shiny.

Im not sure youll ever find a FA that isnt a risk in at least one of those areas.

FA is as big of a crap shoot as the draft. You never know who will ease up once they get paid.

With the new CBA,a FA can cost you as much as your entire draft
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Can you say Hardy Nickerson with a mouth full of steak, red potatoes and asparagus? I just did.
Plus we already have Hawk taking up the Hardy Nickerson role.

The question I ask myself is: "If you were going to sign one, is a 35 year old James Harrison better than a 28 year old Erik Walden for 2013?"

Walden has showed what he is. He's peaked on progression and what's there is inconsistent and unreliable. Will always give just enough to get you there but not enough to get over the hump.

I'd think Harrison might even come cheaper than Walden if he's still there when the funny money is gone. If you want to instill attitude on the defense rolling the dice on Harrison and Jenkins might not be a bad thing at very reasonable prices. If they want too much, no big loss.

If it's me I'd rather have Harrison. He stands a better chance of pushing Perry for starting snaps. Not sure he fits the culture of denial of softness though. It's not that I think Harrison is so good it's more that I think Walden is awful and a waste of space.

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