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Some one will have to explain to me exactly how a CB with a groin injury and who needs a hernia surgery is supposed to play a WR off the line.  And then how he's supposed to tackle with much aggressiveness.

DH13 posted:

Some one will have to explain to me exactly how a CB with a groin injury and who needs a hernia surgery is supposed to play a WR off the line.  And then how he's supposed to tackle with much aggressiveness.

You make a good point. However, he played like that as a rookie as well and he was not injured the whole of last season. Besides playing way off the line was what the defensive scheme that was called for him to play. As I stated he has some skills in that format and perhaps that is why Capers had him do that. I also think that he can be a good ball player and he may just thrive in his new role. I am not dumping on him as a player and I hope being the new "Star" will suit him and our defense better.

Both Randall and Rollins were guilty of looking in the backfield too often and letting that mess up their reactions, letting guys get past them. Shields would occasionally mess up like that but had the speed to close.


PackerPatrick posted:
DH13 posted:

Some one will have to explain to me exactly how a CB with a groin injury and who needs a hernia surgery is supposed to play a WR off the line.  And then how he's supposed to tackle with much aggressiveness.

You make a good point. However, he played like that as a rookie as well and he was not injured the whole of last season.

Well except that you're wrong.  He did not play like that as a rookie no matter how many times you repeat it.

If the "DEFENSE RESTS" (as in courtroom lore) we are in trouble.    

If we stay healthy, keep up the energy, and put people in positions to succeed, we will be fine.  Even with (cough) Dom (cough) as DC.  

PackerPatrick posted:

You make a good point. However, he played like that as a rookie as well and he was not injured the whole of last season. 

I don't think that's true at all. He wasn't perfect as a rookie, but he played better than most rookie CBs and held his own. 

They didn't give up on Adams after his injury limited year 2, so wouldn't expect them to do that with Randall or Rollins.

(yes, I brought up Ankles 'cause I know how much you were in his corner)

I was watching "A Football Life - Tom Landry" on the NFL Network yesterday.  There were fans who wanted Landry gone after a few years and he still wasn't winning.  Imagine how things could have turned out for them if in fact he was fired.  They would have just layed the ground work for a few years and out for any coach who was apparently not doing well.  The Cowboys "could" be as bad as the Vikings or Browns of today.  Give up to soon - and they flourish elsewhere.  Stay with them to long while they prove their ineptness - give up on opportunities to improve.  Tough call to make at times. 

Last night I was watching the ESPN Championship Sunday preview before the big games on my DVR, which I had yet to watch. Got to the experts analyzing the game and Charles Woodson, who's always on the mark, predicted in advance "If Dom Capers has his DBs playing 10 yards off the line it's gonna be a long day for the Packers." I kid you not. Now, sure, we can talk about the injuries and this and that, but the way he said it made me think Dom is not on Woodman's list of respected D Coordinators.

"Mike. Teams will score, Mike. They'll score in ways they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive in Green Bay as innocent as children, longing for the past. "Of course, we won't mind if you score", you'll say. They'll score without even thinking about it: for it is schemes they have and points they lack. And they'll walk out to the bleachers; sit in parkas on a frozen afternoon. They'll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the sidelines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they'll watch the game and it'll be as if they dipped themselves into a recurring nightmare. The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will score Mike. The one constant through the years, Mike, has been Dom. Players and injuries have rolled through Green Bay like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, redrafted and erased again. But giving up points has marked the time. This staff, Dom Capers: it's a part of our past, Mike. It reminds us all that defense is good and could be again. Oh...people will score Mike. People will most definitely score.”

Dom Capers Sucks! 

Last edited by ChilliJon

What's amusing to me is that before the game Wood knew what Dom would do, which he hadn't done the previous two weeks. If he knows your tendencies, don't you think the rest of the league has Dom dialed up?

Time to change leadership, MM. Don't be so damn loyal--we lost a Super Bowl shot in part because of your dedication to that idot Slocum.

GBP's are loyal almost to a fault. Players who get large contracts know that those contracts will probably expire before they are cut. And to a lesser degree coaches as well. If not promoted they stay. No other team is interested in a position upgrade for Moss or Capers so they stay. Slocum had to be horrible before he was fired. Capers mentor was fired then rehired quickly. I don't know if Capers would get rehired as quickly. The scheme doesn't seem too bad (Zone Blitz) but I have no confidence in his play calling. When calling a play, does that players skills fit that play? As others have noted he may not have the players to fit his playcalling. House sucked last year at Jax but thrived the year before. Hayward did better with a new DC. Players and scheme need to fit well in order to succeed. And playcalling is ,to my mind, a marriage of the two.


Probably best discussed on another thread but because the defensive woes are the biggest reasons Rodgers has only 1 ring....  has there been a bigger "Super Bowl or Bust" year for the Packers in the last 25 years than this upcoming one?

1998 was a major disappointment as I really expected them to avenge the Denver debacle.

The farther we get from 2010 title , the more pressure on Rodgers and MM to win.

I was absolutely stunned that Dom was retained after allowing 75 pts in the final 2 games before the Falcons pulled up the reigns. 

I just hope that the strategy for 2017 is more than "please  slow them a bit, we'll try to out-score them". Its got to be the end of the line for Dom if the D again is the reason were at home watching SB52 in Minneapolis.

I guess you could say there will be hell toupee? 


Has anyone here ever wondered if Dom Capers is the problem? It's not really ever been discussed here, just thought I thought I would throw that out for discussion. 

Image result for anyone? gif

There is a sorry lack of Dom Capers discussion here. It should be the only thing being discussed at all times. More Dom Capers discussion.

Last edited by Grave Digger

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