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@H5 posted:


Hill with a Masters in Applied Kinesiology-Sport and Exercise Science. Certainly has the education needed to succeed.

I hope his Masters thesis was in the proper care and maintenance of hamstrings.

@H5 posted:


Hill with a Masters in Applied Kinesiology-Sport and Exercise Science. Certainly has the education needed to succeed.

My ex girlfriend had a degree in kinesiology from Carrol College in Waukesha.    She worked at a 24 hour fitness and now she teaches 2nd grade.  

@Iowacheese posted:

Yeah...still no match for the Curves. Pickle juice dumdums around here.

Says the dumdum who thinks he knows more about COVID vaccines that the experts.

Guys, please don't politicize this. I don't care what you think about the vaccine. I just want to pick on IC.

Last edited by Goalline

Why don’t you guys drop the act and just admit that you are in love with each other.

Guys, please don't politicize this. I don't care what you think about the vaccine. I just want to pick on everyone.

Last edited by Benzene

Gutey gonna get himself a top tier FA...IMO. Up to $50M available if they want.

Last edited by Boris

Derrick Ansley
is now the DB Coach / passing game coordinator for Hafley and this is a write-up on one of his pupils from the Chargers.

Safety Alohi Gilman is a free agent and the comments are from former GM Randy Mueller via The Athletic.


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Last edited by Satori
@Satori posted:

Derrick Ansley
is now the DB Coach / passing game coordinator for Hafley and this is a write-up on one of his pupils from the Chargers.

Safety Alohi Gilman is a free agent and the comments are from former GM Randy Mueller via The Athletic.

He's a Naval Academy guy, so you know he's smart, and he went on to play really well at Notre Dame.

@Boris posted:

Gutey gonna get himself a top tier FA...IMO. Up to $50M available if they want.

Or a fat extension for #10.

Ummmm.....ok 🫡

Well then....I expect to see him return to All-Pro form

Last edited by Boris

If he was still able to play at an All-Pro level, he'd be on this team in this new defense.

In the NFL....your career can fall off a cliff very quickly. It sucks and wish the guys could all play for 15-20 years. It's just not reality.

Rasul backs his expected. These guys are good peeps. Wish we could keep them all.

Of course Devondre will look like Fred Warner in that Niner defense now

Rasul's career was largely because Gutey took a risk on him. Packers paid Campbell well for a couple seasons and had one good year from him.

Both got paid because of the Packers so if they are disgruntled, so be it. More clowns for the circus.

@Benzene posted:

.  Now I’m glad he’s gone.

I get what you're saying....but what I had been saying since before start of 2023 was Barry not putting guys in best positions to succeed. Follow the scheme.....follow the scheme.....

Sometimes as a coach you need to understand what works well for the player and (GASP) ADJUST your scheme to get maximum results. This is what a good coach does!

It sounds to me like Hafley is going to do exactly what I just said.

We'll see on Sundays this year 😉

@Boris posted:

If he was still able to play at an All-Pro level, he'd be on this team in this new defense.

In the NFL....your career can fall off a cliff very quickly. It sucks and wish the guys could all play for 15-20 years. It's just not reality.

You really want to see 15 years of AJ Hawk or Ahmad Carroll? 

Hey, I can't blame Campbell for saying he and Quay weren't in the right spots and looked lost. We all said the same thing all year long. But, Campbell has to take some ownership for his attitude, lack of speed, and missing tackles. If he had the ability to do what Hafley is going to ask of the LBs, Campbell would still be in GB.

@Fandame posted:

Hey, I can't blame Campbell for saying he and Quay weren't in the right spots and looked lost. We all said the same thing all year long. But, Campbell has to take some ownership for his attitude, lack of speed, and missing tackles. If he had the ability to do what Hafley is going to ask of the LBs, Campbell would still be in GB.

This is the difference between Quay and Campbell.  Campbell went on a rant on Twitter and took his ball and went home.  Quay kept it professional and just played ball.  They were in the same situation, but Quay acted like a man and De'Vondre acted like a child.

This reminds me of an exchange Quay had with a reporter last season:

Reporter: Lots of people on social media taking jabs at the defense.

Quay: Yeah I don't pay attention to Twitter and all that, I'm just focused on work and getting better.

Reporter: Seems like De'Vondre pays a lot of attention to Twitter.

Quay: Yeah, and that's the problem.

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