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@pkr_north posted:

imagine if brock bowers is there in rd1 and we take him...that's bordering on not the tush push.

Welcome to the use of 13 personnel being wildly used in the NFL for the next 5 years.

@Chongo posted:

Former Fresno State Bulldog Todd Hunt! Hand-Picked to work for former Badger Joey Boese at one point!

How does he feel about pickle juice to solve all that  ails?  

Not to rain on the sophomoric parade, but I actually grew up and went to school with a Mike Hunt. Died in a deer hunting accident when he was about 19. Real tragedy...he was a hell of a good young man.

Thanks, Goldie Krete!

Sorry, KK, I couldn't resist. This was posted in the 'Christian Watson' thread some days back.

But, I have a thought on Watson's hammies.
I think he should consider taking ballet lessons. Lynn Swann and Herschel Walker did, and I'd say they had good results.
Nothing to lose, and can't hurt to try.
So.... yeah!

This one seemed like a no brainer. Rugby banned this tackle because it was so dangerous. NFL said it was 20-25 times more likely to cause an injury than a regular tackle. No idea if that's accurate but watching a hip drop tackle in full speed, hard to argue it causes a significantly higher rate of injury. Owners just don't want to see their $20m WR go down with season ending injury. WRs fuel fantasy football and gambling, which seem to be driving most of the interest in the NFL these days.

People seem up in arms about calling it on the field properly but it seems pretty straightforward to me. NFL refs seem to call the horse collar tackle correctly, so why would a hip drop tackle be so much harder?

Last edited by CUPackFan

Players, coaches, fans, announcers, pundits, etc. will all be in agreement when a clear "hip-drop tackle" is called a penalty.

Players, coaches, fans, announcers, pundits, etc. will all be in agreement when it's clear a tackle was NOT a "hip-drop tackle" is called a NOT penalty.

Players, coaches, fans, announcers, pundits, etc. will all go ape shit when there's a grey area hip-drop tackle and it's called "improperly".....just like "not obvious" PI, roughing face masks, etc.

@Goalline posted:

Don’t necessarily disagree with this rule change, but man it is tough playing defense in this league.

So when a defender grabs and twists them into the ground....Is this allowed?? Seattle does this and so do the Packers sometimes.

Honestly, they should just play flag football. No tackling at all

@Pikes Peak posted:

I predict fans will love the new rule when their team benefits from it and hate when it goes against them.

I’m the new president of the NFL Sadists Club, and we just formed a motion to censure your post.

@mrtundra posted:

Owners ban Hip-Drop tackle. The fine will be 15 yards and an automatic 1st Down.

Thumbs down to this new rule/penalty, not you personally.

It's hard to not acknowledge the 'intent', player safety, blah, blah, blah.
I just see it as something that will be called wildly inconsistent as are RTP, PI, or other calls that are subject to a refs interpretation.

In any case, we all ("me") had better learn to recognize these tackles, and how  they are called. The coaches better get a handle on this ASAP. Ditto the players.

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