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@CUPackFan posted:

Is there any comparison for a player to come back from season ending injury like this at the age of 40?  In any sport?

Sonny Jurgenson returned at 39 after blowing his Achilles at 38. I think at Rodgers age even if you successfully return from an Achilles you are at a much higher risk at having another Achilles issue or possibly knee problems from favoring the bum ankle before you are 100% recovered.

@Boris posted:

He's not working with the Packers anymore like Sherman said??

Correct. He left earlier this year is my understanding.   He is a really great surgeon. Met him couple times at various conferences.  He is a huge Packer fan so was surprised when I learned that he left.

if the picture circulating the net is accurate and the tendon has retracted that much man that is going to be a tough repair.  Very likely going to need to transfer his Flexor Hallucis (tendon that moves the big toe) to augment repair.   Hopefully they can get the ankle to neutral at that time to give head start on the PT.  If he has to be casted in plantarflexion going be all that much rougher.

@Dr._Bob posted:

And this situation was all very predictable.  We were talking about it here well before the Jets game.

It was literally one of two serious complaints we've had about him....since 2008! Along with deflecting responsibility and owning his errors , it's been his kryptonite his entire career. For a guy with virtually no flaws those two came back to bite him in the ass repeatedly and consistently over and over again.

It's wild to me listening to Jets fans be oblivious to either. Endured 6 months of cherry picked takes about how he'll make their line better by getting rid of the ball quick. 8 told everyone who would listen that was boring to him when MLF tried to get him to buy in on letting play design do the heavy lifting.

Maybe just maybe we have a scouting staff that prioritized finding players that complimented his play style and made sure he'd have the time to improvise and make the plays that make him special. It's wild listening to the 'woe is me' sad sack takes by Jets fans bemoaning their bad luck while they gloss over their lack of protection for their QBs. It's kind of important! (and it's beyond nuts to think it gets fixed for his potential comeback when no one in their organization seems to realize it's an enormous roster flaw that needs fixing because he's going to do what he's always done).

I'm more surprised at Hackett not imposing his will on the line coach to take those cut blocks out. Likely we're missing important context, but wow, you know how 8 plays the game, where's the pushback? Almost get the sense Hackett trusted 8 to override everything on the field and the players listened to the game plan instead of 'seeing it through the QB's eyes'.

All the media pretending it's a good idea for him to play again without knowing the particulars bothers me. It's almost pressuring him into a come back. They don't give him any space to reflect and make his own decision.

There has to be a part of Rodgers that thinks he'd just like to rehab his tendon to the degree that he can enjoy 18 or 36 holes of golf, but then there's that pull that's more of a push from Woody, Saleh, McAfee, and everyone else that hopes it's not the end.

Maybe it's good to help him through his recovery, but I'd hope it wouldn't make him put himself at risk by trying to play when he shouldn't. I love watching MMA, but there's times you wish older fighters would call it a day because they're in the cage for the wrong reasons. It's not about the cheers of the crowd during the walk, it's about protecting yourself during the contest.

Chasing dreams in violent sports is a dangerous proposition. Worst of all when it's a beloved contestant and everyone would rather pretend there are more glory days to come instead of just enjoying the memories.

Watch the play he got hurt on - does Rodgers get hurt on this same play 10 years ago?  I don't think so.  In his 20's, he spins out and gets away.  But 39 year old Rodgers can't spin out of a sack like he used to.  And he should know that.  Now yes, when the tackle happened, the injury was fluky.  But that's what happens when a player gets old - the number of opportunities to get hurt increases b/c they don't move the same way.

So fast forward to 2024 - is Rodgers better than he is now?  Nope, he'll be worse.  He'll have less mobility.  His body will have not played for a year which at 40, isn't good.  There's a reason we don't see 40 year old football players come back from major injuries like this.  But I think Rodgers does (or tries) but just don't see how 2024 goes well for the Jets.

Last edited by CUPackFan
@PackerRick posted:

Jurgenson played 50 years ago when teams passed 15 times a game and almost everyone was a pocket passer. Rodgers will need his legs to play QB especially behind his current OL.

He also uses his legs to generate power in his throws - same thing Nolan Ryan did to throw 100 MPH fastballs.

It's his right Achilles too. As a right handed thrower that's where all his power comes from.

I'm certain the Phoenix will rise again πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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