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 I don't mind him getting on a receiver from time to time but in todays game hard not to tune him out with his shabby play, so far he's 1 for 3, this is not baseball. 


Now he's still the best QB in the league and I'd bet in the post game presser he's hopefully shown some humility and accepted blame for today's defeat. Same for M3, he's been outcoached and terribly disappointing 3 straight weeks.  Today's loss is a direct result of AR12 and M3. 

I don't know- if the TE makes that block, there's a lot of room to theorist. Bulaga is moving to the second level until Rodgers gets blasted. Levy jumping the C gap doesn't result in a loss of Lacy can just follow the TE block.

I am a firm believer that an OL can't just line up one on one, especially when you're in that goal line situation - there must be scheme. There has to be movement that sets them up for success.

I don't see that. Watch the 49ers run game. They're reslky fascinating designs that give them opportunity to create mismatches.

Rodgers has the fastest release in the NFL.  That's the problem.  He hardly ever takes off running any more.  I don't know, but it could be he's always thinking he can still make the throw, and forgets to use his feet to escape pressure (until it is too late).  It's almost like he thinks he's too good for that.  Today I kept yelling, "Move Aaron, use your feet!"


It is, of course, a helluva a lot harder than it looks.  Lions had him contained pretty good.

Last edited by Pistol GB
Originally Posted by PackerPatrick:
Originally Posted by PackerBackerDPM:

" Same for M3, he's been outcoached and terribly disappointing 3 straight weeks.  Today's loss is a direct result of AR12 and M3." 

Agree about AR. However, I wonder what plays we should have called?

I agree its not the plays its the execution.  For instance the 4th down play call no problem with it at all, Jordy is open and has the LB in coverage.  Terrible Terrible throw by AR. I don't care for the stretch runs with lacey, that would seem better fit for STarks Harris, now all could be used effectively in the screen game IMO.  But again execution of the blocking schemes was nonexistent. 

I guess my angst, and that's what it is angst no need for his head to roll, is the persepction of a lack of creativity.  I noted in another thread the Seahawks/Iggles watching them the have guy in motion and more quick hitters that catch the D in poor leverage situations.  Now is he saving that for latter, could be I don't know.  Just frustrating.

Last edited by PackerBackerDPM
Originally Posted by packerboi:

AR has more trust issues then Taylor Swift.




I do agree that Rodgers needs to give these guys room to grow in this offense. Especially Adams. Rodgers best football of the season was the 2nd half against the Jets, and Adams just happened to be very active in that half of football.


For this team to succeed, Adams needs to get the experience to become a producer.

 Originally Posted by packerboi:

AR has more trust issues then Taylor Swift.


He doesn't trust Adams. He's stopped trusting Boykin. And he's losing trust in Cobb.


That leaves Jordy. Which explains the # of targets.


AR misses his James Jones and Finley. And probably Gerg pre-divorce.

Agreed. They definitely lack any experience behind Jordy and Cobb. Lions front 4 knows how to get in Rodgers head too. He found no rhythm or comfort zone the whole day. That said, he still usually finds ways to make plays. That didn't happen today. Poor performance and now they're digging an early hole in the division.

Starting to wonder what's up with Rodgers.  Is it the Olivia Munn distraction, the distraction of endorsement deals....or is he playing tentative since his injury last year?  In the five games he's played since coming back from his broken collarbone he's 2-3, and his averages are 18-28 passing and 206 yards/game, with a total of 7 tds and 3 interceptions.  Certainly not what we are used to seeing from him.  He just has not looked poised and confident in the pocket and is reluctant to move out of it.  Despite what he says publicly, I think he lacks confidence in his o=line and protection schemes.

let me be clear (Obama voice), i changed my avi to be funny, but I honestly don't think Olivia Munn has anything to do with Rodgers' "slump". He hasn't looked himself. He's only 30 years old and is surrounded by talent. There's no reason to think he won't snap out of this. In fact, after that embarrassment today, I think there's even more of a reason to think he will. 

This idea that his endorsements or girlfriend are affecting his play is ridiculous. Just look at the way he behaves in the pocket now. He's playing scared because of the broken collarbone last year. He even mentioned in the offseason that he was going to try to cut down his scrambling. The irony of this is that by not using his legs, he's taking more hits than ever due to his continuing refusal to throw balls away.

Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

let me be clear (Obama voice), i changed my avi to be funny, but I honestly don't think Olivia Munn has anything to do with Rodgers' "slump". He hasn't looked himself. He's only 30 years old and is surrounded by talent. There's no reason to think he won't snap out of this. In fact, after that embarrassment today, I think there's even more of a reason to think he will. 

How much talent is there on the O line?  We thought that there was a lot of talent in the RB position, is there?  Reciever?  Jordy is the real deal, is Cobb?  Boykin?  Even if Bostic was available does the TE position scare anyone? 


Playing a bit of Devils advocate here but  all this so called talent needs to step up.

Could not disagree more on Rodgers playing "scared."  Waiting in the pocket until the last possible second is not scared, it is pretty much the opposite.  That takes huge guts.


Also disagree on any lack of "poise."  Rodgers is as poised as ever.  If anything he is too poised, which leads to less improvisation, IMO.  I just think he needs to buy more time with his feet, or run for the first down himself, something he doesn't seem to do any more.  But I don't believe it is fear, because he can always slide or run OOB.  I just think he wants to throw his way out of trouble, and he knows he usually can.

Last edited by Pistol GB
Originally Posted by packerboi:

 Β·  20m

12 mentioned not making adjustments a number of times in his PC. Seemed like he was sending a not very subtle message to his boss.

I think AR has a problem with MM.  I think the Packer offense is stale, hasn't changed in years and is as predictable as they come.  I think the defense over the past several years has collectively sucked.  I think it's time for change. 

I don't think MM is the problem. I think his QB coach and OC are failed retreads who aren't helping him out. I think Clements is probably best served as QB coach and I think Van Pelt is probably challenging Rodgers very little. McCarthy likes these guys because they have bought 100% in his system and his "culture" but that doesn't necessarily mean they are good coaches. I think Philbin had a different perspective being a former OL coach and also seemed to be very meticulous. That brought some different methods and practices to the O, now we have 3 QB coaches running the O, that changes things a bit. I think even MacAdoo being at QB coach brought some different perspective with his background as TE coach. McCarthy needs to find a real OC who can handle the O while he oversees everything. It's crazy that our HC spends more time with the D and less with the O and now we see the O struggling. Find a real staff, not just cronies.

There's definitely been a downward trend in the offense since Philbin left. I know the meme around here is that McCarthy is the sole offensive guy and the OC is just a figurehead spot, but I don't believe that's the case. The offense isn't as organized and productive under Clements, who was horrid in his stint as Bills OC. I was never sold on Clements, at the time he was promoted I'd rather have seen a young up and comer like McAdoo or Bennett get the nod.

I put this loss on MM and staff.  Then comes Aaron Rodgers.  MM called a real clunker today.  All pre-season we heard how the Packers were gonna try and get 70 plus plays per game.  They were gonna use the no-huddle to accelerate the pace and tire the defenses.  Well, after game three looks like MM has to go back to drawing board.  


The offense sputtered and puttered against Seattle.  They failed or rather played away from Sherman the entire game.  Therefore limiting Rodgers receiver selections.  Then vs the NYJs, the offense looks ineffective and uncertain and the defense opted to sleep-in for the first half.  Now, we have the Lions coming off a big loss.  The Packers come out sloppy, lose the ball and get behind.  Then proceed to lack direction and precision.  But they get some momentum going and grab an INT.  But MM calls an obvious run to Lacy and the Packers get sacked for a safety.  DUMB CALL!  Tide turns.  Packers are on their heels.  They fitter away the opening series of the second half.  But still remain in the game.  Get a good drive going in the 4th, but again, dumb plays and poor decision-making on the field.   Despite some good plays, the defense could not stop the Lions when it really needed to.  Pathetic.  Capers got outsmarted and McCarthy got outwitted.

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