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Originally posted by Diggr14:
Originally posted by PackerHawk:
TT >>> Wolf.

A whole new level of dum.

Digga please.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I'm not crowning the guy before he wins any hardware. They just won the Halas Trophy. 2nd NFC title game in 4 years. Could be the 2nd SB in 4 years if not for whatshisname. What has your "anti-TT" man Melvin won? That's what I thought.

This Packer team is not going to be the mid 90's Packers. Two years from now they won't be losing in the wildcard round and then sitting out the playoffs for a couple of years. The reason for that is TT. The same guy that's making you uncomfortable with your repressed feelings toward men.
In reference to Diggr, I hope for the following to occur Sunday:

1) I hope Raji lives down to your expectations - as he has been doing all year.

2) I hope TT proves to be the sub-standard GM that you obviously think he is when another of last years draft picks steps up to the plate. I referring to Quarless who has been on OJT all year. If he had 6 catches for 125 yards and 2 TDs, that would be great.

3) I hope other TT acquisitions also continue to live down to your low expectations and have an even bigger impact than in past games. I'm talking Shields, T Williams, Bishop, etc. here.

If the Packers barely satisfy Diggr, then the Pack will win going away. I can't wait! ... to Diggr disappointed I mean.
Originally posted by Diggr14:

Ted is just starting to scrape into the above average territory as a GM...

As a reformed Ted basher, there was a "factoid" that blew my mind regarding this year's team . . . I believe it came from Aikman during one of the playoff broadcasts.

I may not have this 100% correct, but he stated that the Packers had lost 200 plus starts over the season, and of the other teams in NFL history that had similiar "lost" numbers, none of those teams finished better than 6-10. He didn't give a source or delve any further into where that fact came from, and he said it in referencing McCarthy as his "hands down" coach of the year, but I think that fact, if true, speaks as much (or more) to what Thompson has done over the last three years here.

I said earlier in the year, playoffs or not, they both deserved another year because of all the injuries and how they had handled such a potentially devastating year...

All they did was get these wounded warriors to the Super Bowl.

Simply amazing, and both are deserving of coach/GM of the year.
I think he was off in that statement. I think it was in the low 90s. The Packers didn't even have the most games missed by starters this year, I saw something that it was the Colts by a few games. They finished 10-6 as well. Then again, a bunch of those games were by Bob Sanders and if anyone relies on that guy to be healthy they are fools.
Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by Diggr14:
Ted is just starting to scrape into the above average territory as a GM.

This entire journey is just killing you isn't it?

Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by Diggr14:
Ted is just starting to scrape into the above average territory as a GM.

This entire journey is just killing you isn't it?

I laughed so hard I was afraid I was going to destroy the hard drive on the laptop that was bouncing up and down on my stomach like a pink pong ball.

I really don't understand how many of you flock to the Ted and Mike are the best ever bandwagon especially after a very tumultuous season in which many of you now "waffling converts" chastized Mike McCarthy for losing at least 2 games for us single handedly with his timely bumbling and predictable playcalling.

Yep, the Packers are in the Superbowl. A recent Superbowl even had the freakin Bears in it. I wouldn't get so comfortable up on that pulpit spewing nonsense about how good Ted Thompson is. He is barely above average, his record proves it. Comparing him to Ron Wolf - or in this case stating he was a better GM than Ron Wolf is as assinine as saying Mike McCarthy is a better coach than a guy like Mike Holmgren. Just because you whittle a moronic idea up in your small myopic capaciter you call a brain does not make this very small moment in time true.. win or not. Neither McCarthy or Thompson have the mettle that Wolf and Holmgren did. They have a hot team, with great late season chemistry, (ironically they did a good job trying to screw it up with the team picture fiasco) which almost missed the playoffs and were a a half second from a dancing raji bear f-up resulting in having to watch the Bears go to another superbowl.

Thompson has a list of screw ups to couple with his successes over his tenure, including giving away a great shot at the 2008-2009 superbowl because he wouldnt part with a late round draft pick. Great GMs don't throw away chances to improve superbowl capable teams for 5th round picks. IMO this team could have been assembled to be a 14-2 team, and could have been that good over the past 3 seasons if not for Thompson and McCarthy. I know some of you are beating your chest in pride because mediocrity finally got hot at the right time, but this team should have been so much more over the past 3 seasons.

I know most of you disagree, but I feel you are terribly short-sighted in respect to analysis of Ted and Mike. We should have been better over their tenure.
diggy would bitch about a sunny day because the sun was in his eyes.

Nothing but a troll.

I suggest you do what I shall now do----ignore him forever.

I was so bothered by this, I woke up at 6:10 to post.

Serenity now! I'm free!
There are many other factors to why the Packers are in the super bowl that you guys are forgetting. In

Would you mind sharing these with us? I love stupid.

Gee I posted this back on page 12 digsta,

I'm still waiting for a response. Please list them in chronological order or order of importance. Check with your local Walgreens for an enema kit if you have a difficult time pulling these out of your ass.
Well, my sense of things is that criticisms headed MM's way sure seemed valid, but to coach up an injury ravaged team into the SB speaks volumes.

TT is a different matter. The depth on this team is astounding. It was a scrap heap with a cap mess and it was gonna take some time and this included needing to transition away from Favre and to the next QB of the Packers.

Everyone has his own thinking processes and mine cannot escape the notion that TT sits at or near the very top.
Originally posted by Diggr14:

I really don't understand how many of you flock to the Ted and Mike are the best ever bandwagon especially after a very tumultuous season in which many of you now "waffling converts" chastized Mike McCarthy for losing at least 2 games for us single handedly with his timely bumbling and predictable playcalling.

Tomorrow is my 11 year "anniversary" on this site, and I have been called nearly every name you can think of here. I AM a stubborn, hard-headed opinionated SOB. The one thing I have never been accused of, ANYWHERE, is that of a "waffling convert."

The one thing I am not is stupid (careful Goaline, TD, CA! just leave that one alone for now, I'm on a roll here)....

Ted deserves any and all praise, because he has built this team, which has proven it has;
1) talent
2) depth
3) character
4) quality leadership
5) excellent coaching (even in special teams over the last 5 weeks)
Originally posted by phaedrus:
Well, my sense of things is that criticisms headed MM's way sure seemed valid.......

.......from a football fans viewpoint. If you were standing on the sidelines, after watching and breaking down hours and hours of tape, not being able to controll what a player does or doesn't do, maybe not so much.
In judging performance, the question is, "compared to what?" Compared to perfection, no one makes the grade. Compared to other GM's and coaches, being in the top two teams speaks for itself. People who get their jollies from criticizing failure would do much better to follow a team like the Cowboys or Raiders, where they have owners who will give them unlimited material. My personal issue where I am hoping I was wrong is in judging the special teams coach.
Last edited by ColoradoPackFan
Posted 02-02-2011 03:36 AM

Diggy getting lonely under that kitchen table? The only time he can venture out from under it is late at night when the lights have been off for hours.
I admire his stamina. Nothing else.
Diggy is so desperate for attention that he puts the "kick me" sign on his own back. And we keep rewarding him by reacting. I just did. Reminds me of a Denver radio personality who builds his ratings by knocking the latest sports hero, knowing he will get a wild reaction from callers.
I know most of you disagree, but I feel you are terribly short-sighted in respect to analysis of Ted and Mike. We should have been better over their tenure.

Why should they have been better, because of the skill of the players on the team? Who put the team together? One player does not make a team, and to say trading for one guy will be the thing to put a team over the hump is very short sighted indeed, this is the NFL, the ultimate team sport. The players like Reggie White and Charles Woodson are very rare in their ability to help a team, but what makes them special is not just their play on the field but their ability to lead and to inspire. Great players do not equal great men, and there is so much more to taking on a player than what you see on the stat sheet. You accuse others of being short sighted but you fail miserably to see the big picture, the Packers are a quality football team who are built much like the Pittsburgh Steelers, they promote from within, they coach up their players and they have a system that the players can all believe in. There are no magic savior players in football, ask the Bears and Cutler, or the Dolphins and Marshall, or how about the Vikings and Favre. It takes an entire team to get to the Super Bowl. Your rant that TT and MM are average is a testament to what you understand about professional sports, you are a fantasy GM with no ability to think past your own self serving ideas. Your inability to admit your mistakes is exactly what sets you apart from men like TT and MM and you only contine to drive that point home with your endless drivel. I will say that you would be a tremendous captain of the seas as you are surely not afraid to go down with the sinking ship.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
diggy would bitch about a sunny day because the sun was in his eyes.

Nothing but a troll.

I suggest you do what I shall now do----ignore him forever.

I was so bothered by this, I woke up at 6:10 to post.

Serenity now! I'm free!

Your post was made at 5:11. Why don't you move to a proper time zone?
Diggy getting lonely under that kitchen table? The only time he can venture out from under it is late at night when the lights have been off for hours.

Believe it or not that is typically the time cockroaches will be moving about also and generally under the same conditions, in the dark and under the table.
Originally posted by RonJr:
Originally posted by Diggr14:

I really don't understand how many of you flock to the Ted and Mike are the best ever bandwagon especially after a very tumultuous season in which many of you now "waffling converts" chastized Mike McCarthy for losing at least 2 games for us single handedly with his timely bumbling and predictable playcalling.

Tomorrow is my 11 year "anniversary" on this site, and I have been called nearly every name you can think of here. I AM a stubborn, hard-headed opinionated SOB. The one thing I have never been accused of, ANYWHERE, is that of a "waffling convert."

The one thing I am not is stupid (careful Goaline, TD, CA! just leave that one alone for now, I'm on a roll here)....

Ted deserves any and all praise, because he has built this team, which has proven it has;
1) talent
2) depth
3) character
4) quality leadership
5) excellent coaching (even in special teams over the last 5 weeks)

I am quite sure I have never called you stupid. Arrogant as hell? Yes! Diggy on the other hand...

I love this thread. Everyone is posting about how wrong they were on certain issues except the guy that was most wrong. Diggy has taken all the evidence that shows he was so wrong and used it to build an argument for why he is so right. Hilarious stuff!

Yes, folks are waffling, because they admitted they were wrong about McCarthy, and the Catholic church were waffling when they decided that the earth was not the center of the universe after all.
Originally posted by RonJr:
Originally posted by Goalline:

I am quite sure I have never called you stupid. Arrogant as hell? Yes!

How could I be considered arrogant when I have never been wrong?

Thompson has a list of screw ups to couple with his successes over his tenure, including giving away a great shot at the 2008-2009 superbowl because he wouldnt part with a late round draft pick. Great GMs don't throw away chances to improve superbowl capable teams for 5th round picks.

What are those list of screw ups?

What trade was out there for a 5th round pick?
Originally posted by Goalline:
.......and the Catholic church were waffling when they decided that the earth was not the center of the universe after all.

The real irony here is that the people of Jacksonville have decided that Waffle Houses are the center of the universe.

Originally posted by Diggr14:
Neither McCarthy or Thompson have the mettle that Wolf and Holmgren did.

Holmgren had 3 more wins than McCarthy does after his first 5 years. Actually their records are comparable really...2 NFC Championship appearances, 1 SB appearance, etc. Had McCarthy initially made better staff choices (i.e. hiring Capers as DC after Houston fired him in 2005, no Jeff Jagodzinski), I would argue he would have a better record than Holmgren at this point. He had to work with what he was given though, and Ted Thompson gave him an NFC championship caliber team in only his 3rd year as GM. You're obviously going to say it was Favre that got them there, but somebody had to sign/draft those receivers Favre threw to and those linemen that blocked for Favre right? Ted Thompson.

including giving away a great shot at the 2008-2009 superbowl because he wouldnt part with a late round draft pick. Great GMs don't throw away chances to improve superbowl capable teams for 5th round picks. IMO this team could have been assembled to be a 14-2 team, and could have been that good over the past 3 seasons if not for Thompson and McCarthy. I know some of you are beating your chest in pride because mediocrity finally got hot at the right time, but this team should have been so much more over the past 3 seasons.

Are we mediocre or are we SB capable? I feel like you can't be both. Bad coaches and bad GMs don't run SB capable teams.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally posted by Goalline:
.......and the Catholic church were waffling when they decided that the earth was not the center of the universe after all.

The real irony here is that the people of Jacksonville have decided that Waffle Houses are the center of the universe.


That's proven itself many times over.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
diggy would bitch about a sunny day because the sun was in his eyes.

Nothing but a troll.

I suggest you do what I shall now do----ignore him forever.

I was so bothered by this, I woke up at 6:10 to post.

Serenity now! I'm free!

Your post was made at 5:11. Why don't you move to a proper time zone?

Not only took him a whole minute to type that.

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