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To be fair, the officiating has been awful, but the Bucks should blow this team out even playing 5 on 8.

Atlanta is playing like the series is over if they lose. This is exactly what to expect. But it’s attrition… the just need to play this thing steady and stop forcing.

With Young out the Bucks need to come out and assert their dominance from the first quarter on. No half-assing it and letting Lou Williams go off

Ummmmm.....just like you said.

The Bucks are still within 9. LOL

So, they loafed thru the first half. Are they going to play at ALL tonight? Or just let the Hawks tie the series?

I keep laughing Everytime the Bucks come down the court & either miss the shot or turn the ball over. This looks like game #1 again.

Last edited by Boris

This is such typical Bucks bullshit

You want to be a champion?  Bury these fuckers.  You lose to this suck ass team without it’s best player honestly maybe you don’t deserve the chance in the first place.

Most embarassing and pathetic display of basketball in a half as I’ve seen in some time.  Nice job Bucks.  You are still a pretender and choker until you prove otherwise.  And for the so called Big 3- are you even trying to win?

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