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Obviously a huge loss if he can’t go OR he’s significantly less then 100 percent (highly probable). Upon returning last night, he managed just 3 points in that bad leg.

Not saying Young or the Hawks are BSing about his injury, but that’s a built-in-excuse for losing this series now. Pure guess…he try’s to play tomorrow night, doesn’t last beyond the 1st Q then is ruled out for game 5.

Bucks win easily in 5 and the haters whine that the Nets/Hawks were a MASH unit and that’s why the Bucks are in the finals.

Last edited by packerboi
More info on Young..

It means increased inflammatory fluid (high signal intensity on a T2 weighted MRI) in the bone. Some of us call it “bone marrow edema”. Not as bad as a fracture but increased likelihood of fracture. Doctor likely has him non-weight bearing in a hospital shoe or CAM boot
Last edited by packerboi

He’s basically a modern day version of Allen Iverson, with less heart and toughness.  

Look, Young is a decent player but let’s see him do this over a longer timeframe before crowning him.  I mean, Tyler Herro looked like a stud after the playoffs last year as well.  

As for the “Bucks getting a break due to injuries” what team has benefitted more than the Phoenix Suns?    The Lakers were a shell of themselves.  Nuggets no Jamal Murray.  Clippers no Kahwi.  

By the way, having Joel Embiid at probably 60% is a big advantage so Hawks fans can STFU.

Last edited by Tschmack
@packerboi posted:

Obviously a huge loss if he can’t go OR he’s significantly less then 100 percent (highly probable). Upon returning last night, he managed just 3 points in that bad leg.

Not saying Young or the Hawks are BSing about his injury, but that’s a built-in-excuse for losing this series now. Pure guess…he try’s to play tomorrow night, doesn’t last beyond the 1st Q then is ruled out for game 5.

Bucks win easily in 5 and the haters whine that the Nets/Hawks were a MASH unit and that’s why the Bucks are in the finals.

When the Toronto Raptors give back their NBA Championship maybe then I would give just a little shit for the Bucks winning when the other team's best player is hurt.

@Tschmack posted:

He’s basically a modern day version of Allen Iverson, with less heart and toughness.  

Look, Young is a decent player but let’s see him do this over a longer timeframe before crowning him.  I mean, Tyler Herro looked like a stud after the playoffs last year as well.  

As for the “Bucks getting a break due to injuries” what team has benefitted more than the Phoenix Suns?    The Lakers were a shell of themselves.  Nuggets no Jamal Murray.  Clippers no Kahwi.  

By the way, having Joel Embiid at probably 60% is a big advantage so Hawks fans can STFU.

The thing Young has going for him over Iverson is that AI was a coach-killer and just an overall jerk to deal with. The whole "practice" thing is, of course, legendary. Iverson would run through a brick wall to win. He was just wired that way, but he never made any of his teammates better. The Sixers were successful either because AI would go off for big points himself or he was firing up terrible percentage shots from all over the place which leads to a lot of long rebounds and offensive rebounding opportunities for your teammates from guys playing help defense on his drives and not being able to box out.

Young is a lot better facilitator and does a much better job of setting up his teammates for good shots than AI ever did.

The question going forward is whether he can become a poor man's Steph Curry or remains a poor man's Iverson. I think his mindset can make him more of a Steph Curry/Dame Lillard type. Steph being 3-4 inches taller than Young makes him much less of a defensive liability, though.

I’m fairly certain Atlanta doesn’t even advance to the ECF if Joel Embiid is 100%.  

The Bucks lost Giannis last year in the playoffs and lost their starting 2 guard this year (DDV) to injury so it happens.  

@Goalline posted:

When the Toronto Raptors give back their NBA Championship maybe then I would give just a little shit for the Bucks winning when the other team's best player is hurt.

The Suns match up fairly well with the Bucks in terms of having guys to slow down Giannis (Ayton with Crowder) and being able to build the wall, so it's not like it's a sure thing at all if the Bucks get there.

But D. Booker hasn't had to go up against anyone like PJ Tucker over a 7 game series yet, and Holiday might be the best guy in the league to guard Chris Paul. The games against the Hawks have been a good test run for how to handle an elite pick and roll player against the drop defense. Despite this experience against the Hawks, I'm sure there is one Chris Paul 40 point game where Brook Lopez is running backwards on the switches the entire game.

Young is a 33% shooter from 3pt range.  He’s got a long way to go to even be considered in the same discussion as Steph Curry.

He’s got a great first step and is a decent passer but plays no defense, is a mediocre shooter, and obviously has issues turning the ball over.  He’s a small guy too so I would be worried about long term health with the guy.

It’s hilarious how the narrative has changed and some are even suggesting he’s better than Luka given how the draft picks worked out that year.   Might be the dumbest thing I’ve heard.  Anyone thinking Trae Young is more valuable than Doncic needs to have their head examined.

Last edited by Tschmack

Lol honestly Blair do you even follow the NBA?  Like at all?  I mean, what rock have you been living under?

What I love and hate is every single game makes or breaks someone.  Like game 1 for Trae or game 2 for Trae.  You have to look at the entire deal to draw an opinion.

He’s been a nice story this postseason but WTF some talking heads suggesting he’s validating ATL making the move to get him and throwing shade at Luka?  That’s some high level bullshit.

I’m a big Cuban guy but have no idea what he’s doing with that team.  Jason Kidd makes coach Bud look like Pat Riley in his prime.

JFC man stick to what you know

Playing hall monitor

Drinking wine out of a box (not all bad I might add)

Talking about the good old days of Milwaukee HS soccer

Moving from FL to Utah to Carolinas or ? (like box wine I can’t hate but congratulate)

Back to the bidness at hand.  Slap down that poser hobbled Trae Young Hawks team in game 4 and humiliate them in Mawaukee in game 5.  Finish these fuckers off and move to a real opponent in the Suns.

A flawed and negative karma Chris Paul team that will relent and bow down to you soon to be champion 2021 Bucks.

Does that mean Connie Hawkins is retired?

Reliving glory days/hall monitor/box wine aficionado/peripatetic lifestyle......those are what keep me going.

At least I'm not Fedya.

Last edited by Blair Kiel
@Tschmack posted:

JFC man stick to what you know

Playing hall monitor

Drinking wine out of a box (not all bad I might add)

Talking about the good old days of Milwaukee HS soccer

Moving from FL to Utah to Carolinas or ? (like box wine I can’t hate but congratulate)

Back to the bidness at hand.  Slap down that poser hobbled Trae Young Hawks team in game 4 and humiliate them in Mawaukee in game 5.  Finish these fuckers off and move to a real opponent in the Suns.

A flawed and negative karma Chris Paul team that will relent and bow down to you soon to be champion 2021 Bucks.

Are they a real opponent or a flawed and negative team?

Asking for BK

Last edited by Pikes Peak

It’s as simple as this

Trae Young is an overrated whiny look at me one dimensional bitch.  He hasn’t earned the right to gripe to the refs and the shimmy is embarrassing to a guy like Steph that has multiple titles and may go down as the best pure long range shooter in NBA history.

But I’m not bitter nor do I care.  In the end, the Bucks are going to bring the hammer down on his punk ass, hobbled or not.  I hope Holiday goes for 40 tomorrow.  Point being he could be a flash in the pan Tyler Herro for all we know.

The Hawks owe 90% of their success to Nate McMillan.  They didn’t do squat before he showed up including Trae Young.

Pikes the Suns are a better opponent for sure but Chris Paul has a lot of negative energy karma mojo whatever you want to call it.  He’s cursed, hexed, jobo sacrifice a live chicken type stuff.

@Tschmack posted:

Pikes the Suns are a better opponent for sure but Chris Paul has a lot of negative energy karma mojo whatever you want to call it.  He’s cursed, hexed, jobo sacrifice a live chicken type stuff.

Good commercials tho

Holiday could shoot 4% for all I care he will wear his ass out defensively and knock his dick in the dirt.  

Holiday is the real deal in these playoffs not Trae Young.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

What I love and hate is every single game makes or breaks someone.  Like game 1 for Trae or game 2 for Trae.  You have to look at the entire deal to draw an opinion.

You look at the whole game thread… is there a lot of looking “at the whole deal” before drawing an opinion?

Last edited by Music City
@Tschmack posted:

Holiday could shoot 4% for all I care he will wear his ass out defensively and knock his dick in the dirt.  

Holiday is the real deal in these playoffs not Trae Young.  

The fact that the Pelicans traded him away for Bledsoe and 3 likely mid-20s draft picks like 5 years from now still baffles me. They already had Zion Williamson and there is probably no better role model for what it means to be a true NBA player.

At the time the Pelicans won the right to draft Zion, they had Anthony Davis, Jrue Holiday, and Julius Randle under contract. Christian Wood and Solomon Hill aren't bad guys for depth either.

How they managed to turn that roster into a team that couldn't make the playoffs less than two years later with Zion averaging 27 points and shooting 61% from the floor remains a mystery.

The Pelicans are, or should I say were, the OKC Thunder from 10 years ago.  That team should have won multiple titles. Not sure I’ll ever see another team in my lifetime with three 1st ballot HOFs and a very good surrounding cast.

I have no idea WTF they were thinking trading a guy like Holiday for what will likely be meaningless 1st round picks down the road.  All It will do is accelerate the exit of Zion and once again New Orleans will become a basketball wasteland.

To bad, I've enjoyed watching him play.  Once he gets some of that mad bomber out of his system, he will be one of the top players in the NBA

Yep, fantastic player. I love the confidence and swagger he plays with but he's also the kind of guy that doesn't go as hard when things are not going right for him. You will see him not getting back on defense and making some really bad decisions. Give him the attitude of Giannis and that kid would be an MVP candidate.

But like Kyrie, it seems like he's getting a taste of karma. Irving acted like a jerk in Boston then had the injury vs the Bucks. While not exactly acting like a jerk, Young did rub the Bucks noses in his swagger in game 1 then played like shit in game 2 and had the fluke injury in game 3.

It’s hard to root for guys like Harden and AD and Kyrie and even Kahwi that basically quit on their teams and then forced the issue to get what they wanted.  

Ironically, all four of those guys have had karma boomerang on them w/injuries although I think Kyrie might be a flake of epic proportions and Anthony Davis just seems like he’s soft as hell.  It sounds crazy but if I’m the Nets I’d unload Kyrie the first chance I’d get and the Lakers won’t do it but they should move on from Davis as well because he’s just not reliable and honestly I think you’ve seen the best of him (last year).

I don’t mind Trae Young’s antics; I just don’t think he’s as good as everyone makes him out to be.  He’s a pretty decent player, but I can’t stand guys that make no effort on defense nor don’t go 100% all the time.  I mean, Young basically mailed it in for game 2.   That’s something I’d expect from a dipshit like Kyrie Irving and hope he doesn’t go that route.  

Atlanta is an interesting team but they need to get better defensively and if they can add a couple of more pieces (like a PJ Tucker type guy) they will be pesky in the next couple of years.  Nate McMillan is a fantastic coach and he’s exactly what that team needed.  I think Indiana hiring Rick Carlisle is a similar type deal.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

It’s hard to root for guys like Harden and AD and Kyrie and even Kahwi that basically quit on their teams and then forced the issue to get what they wanted.  

Ironically, all four of those guys have had karma boomerang on them w/injuries although I think Kyrie might be a flake of epic proportions and Anthony Davis just seems like he’s soft as hell.  

I don’t mind Trae Young’s antics; I just don’t think he’s as good as everyone makes him out to be.  He’s a pretty decent player, but I can’t stand guys that make no effort on defense nor don’t go 100% all the time.  I mean, Young basically mailed it in for game 2.   That’s something I’d expect from a dipshit like Kyrie Irving and hope he doesn’t go that route.  

Atlanta is an interesting team but they need to get better defensively and if they can add a couple of more pieces (like a PJ Tucker type guy) they will be pesky in the next couple of years.  Nate McMillan is a fantastic coach and he’s exactly what that team needed.  I think Indiana hiring Rick Carlisle is a similar type deal.

DeAndre Hunter is out for the year and he's a pretty good piece. Good defender (like most Tony Benett-coached guys) and a guy that gets you 15 points a game. 

The Hawks big decision this offseason is John Collins. He's a restricted free agent this summer and could command a large salary. Do they sink 20 million a year (or more) in him or do they think they can upgrade?

Speaking of Kyrie and Anthony Davis

Ben Simmons and apparently Damian Lillard may be available.

If you are the Nets, would you trade Kyrie for Ben Simmons straight up?   If you are the Lakers would you trade Dame for AD straight up?   The salaries would match and arguably those trades could make each team better.  

John Collins is an important piece for them because he can score and defend pretty well.   Is he worth 20MM a year?  Well, he’s better than Gallinari and Capela and both of them are making 20MM a year.  The advantage the Hawks have is Young is still cheap as is Hunter and Reddish.   I think they can upgrade over Huerter but adding a guy like Serge Ibaka or Norman Powell would help them as well.

If you look at who has assets, the Pels are in prime position. They have Zion, Ingram to trade, and picks galore. Philly has Simmons bur no real picks, and they could be looking to move Harris but who wants him? And if you’re McCollum, are sticking around for a rebuild? Several contenders would be very interested in him, I’ll guess.

But McCollum doesn’t play defense either. Or rebound.  Or pass the ball.  

I’m no Ben Simmons apologist, but he’s got a lot more value than a 20PPG scorer that can’t or won’t do anything else.  He can be an elite defender and is an exceptional passer.  He can finish and is a decent rebounder.  He just can’t shoot and is awful at free throws.  But I’m of the belief you can improve in those areas (look at Giannis).

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

Speaking of Kyrie and Anthony Davis

Ben Simmons and apparently Damian Lillard may be available.

If you are the Nets, would you trade Kyrie for Ben Simmons straight up?   If you are the Lakers would you trade Dame for AD straight up?   The salaries would match and arguably those trades could make each team better.  

If you are the Nets, if you have Durant and Harden, Simmons is a good fit. He won't have to worry about shooting or spacing the floor at all. Irving would be a good fit in Philly in terms of playing style, but you know he's pretty likely to quit on you if things get tough, which is exactly what the Sixers don't need.

If you are the Lakers, you don't trade AD for Dame. The Lakers won a title because AD is a top 5 defensive player. Their defense would really suffer.

The Blazers are basically in no mans land. Good enough to compete for a 5-8 seed, but not a real threat to compete for a deep playoff run or a title.  Worse yet, Portland isn’t a destination spot to lure other guys.

Lillard is a top 10 guy in the league and is still relatively young at 30 years of age.  You put him on a team like Miami or Toronto or Philly and they vault to the top of the list of contenders.

Last edited by Tschmack

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