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β€œHe is a first-round talent, and he will be a great young man in Green Bay,” Lyerla’s agent Vinnie Porter told Press-Gazette Media. β€œHe has turned the corner and will make this situation a great one.”


β€œI have always believed that there are certain things that people can atone for, acknowledge their mistakes and get on with their lives,” Thompson said during a news conference Saturday. β€œAnd I am a proponent of those kind of people that try to do that. And that’s where we’re at with Colt.”


β€œI am honored to be a part of such a legendary organization,” Lyerla tweeted late Monday afternoon after his signing was announced. β€œProud to be a Green Bay Packer!”


Lyerla received other tryout offers besides the Packers, according to Porter, but the benefits of working in a small town where it’s easier to concentrate on football was a factor in deciding to come to Green Bay.


β€œ(The Packers) were very straight up and were like, β€˜We have our reservations, and he needs to come in here and prove himself,’ ” Porter said.

Of course I hope it all works out, and he proves to be a solid contributor on the field and in the clubhouse. I stand by my initial thought, however. I wouldn't bring him to GB, as I think he's a certifiable nut-job. That crap he said about Sandy Hook and the parents of the murdered kids was completely outrageous. Add the fact that he's prone to emotional outbursts...I don't know, but I just don't get good vibes about this.


As others have pointed out, it is low risk/high reward, so I'm just going to wait and hope for the best.


Last edited by Fond Du Arrigo


That crap he said about Sandy Hook and the parents of the murdered kids was completely outrageous.



Not directed at the original poster (Fon Du), just quoted for the context for my comments because I've read this opinion about Lyerla here and have heard it on WIS sports talk.



We've all heard about this crap he said about Sandy Hook... so I checked to see what exactly did he say. Honestly, I don't recall LKyerla's tweet being a national story when it occurred, maybe it was.


If you have a half hour you should watch this and enlighten yourself.


That initial tweet included a link to a Youtube video describing Sandy Hook as a gov't conspiracy. Lyerla did not create the Youtube video and he was not the first or only to suggest this conspiracy, and he was hardly the most educated to do so. (Doesn't excuse the insensitive and stupid comment though...)

Lyerla’s school of thought is not new. The CNN show Anderson Cooper 360 profiled a professor at Florida Atlantic, who had similar beliefs and the video Lyerla posted had more than 1.5 million views.

I remember discussing the Fla Atl prof when that came out.


The dum then continued...

Lyerla even got into a little tiff with a Twitter follow who questioned his point of view.


β€œThe parents of the kids that supposedly died in the sandy hook situation are liars,” Lyerla tweeted and later deleted.


If I'm Thompson, I'm more concerned about his drug problem then him saying something extremely insensitive and/or stupid. 



I have a problem with people in the media saying he is a nut job. I am sure the people saying he is nuts are qualified psychologist but they are still making their diagnoses with out ever meeting the guy. 

I am spit balling it a little bit here, but perhaps the Packers had a Doctor or two talk to him. Naw Ted is not bright enough to do something like get  a professional opinion on how stable this guy is.

As I recall, Ray Nitschke was a major head case coming out of college. Green Bay and Father Vince Lombardi worked for him. Maybe Green Bay and Father Mike can work for Colt. Scouts were calling him a first round talent (even without his final year). I would say this is a complete crap shoot, but a roll worth taking. Does anyone drool at the idea of a 4 TE line up (Quarless, Bostick, Rodgers & Lyerla) with Lacy at RB? Only 6 yards a carry, but never less than 4. Pass to whoever is covered by the slow LB or the 180lb 5'9"CB. A dropped pass? Go for it on 4th down. 99.9% touchdowns in the red zone and 10 minutes of ball possession. 

β€œThe parents of the kids that supposedly died in the sandy hook situation are liars,” Lyerla tweeted and later deleted.


That bugs me more than the cocaine, honestly. Again, his talent and ability are very appealing, and he could be an awesome player for this team if everything goes right. I hope he gets his head on straight, and everything works out.

Originally Posted by JJSD:
Originally Posted by packerboi:
β€œI am honored to be a part of such a legendary organization,” Lyerla tweeted late Monday afternoon

He should probably delete his Twitter account and never, ever use Twitter again.

Really, there's probably been plenty of players in the history of the NFL with similarily outlandish opinions on matters, only they (thankfully) never had the medium of Twitter to share their lunacy with the rest of the world.


A better idea would be to sign over custodial power of his twitter account to someone on the Packers' PR staff. Let him/her tweet things on a regular basis to undo all the damage he's done to his reputation.

Last edited by Fond Du Arrigo

I prefer this comp:

His ceiling might be as a more athletic version of Julius Thomas, who caught 14 touchdown passes for the Broncos last season. The two are similar players, in terms of their size and impressive body control. Lyerla's versatility and ability after the catch reminds of former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez. 

The whole thing is worth a read.

Originally Posted by Timmy!:

Originally Posted by Fedya:
8:00 PM Saturday (7:00 PM LFT). 

Nice plug!

As slick as a NASCAR driver promoting his sponsor!

Although you did fail to mention the channel...

Mumble, grumble....

TCM, of course.  The good channel that doesn't break up movies with a ton of commercials or edit them for content.

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