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Difference being that Henry doesn't think there was a conspiracy to murder children to get tighter gun laws. Opportunists try to turn any situation to suit their beliefs.  Back to Colt Lyerla- he can be a damn good weapon for the Pack, and if he should fail, virtually nothing lost.  I am looking forward to watching him in training camp- also OLB Hubbard.

Originally Posted by Fedya:
Of course not.  What's disrespectful about using the corpses and destroyed families to, as you put it, "stand up for your principles". 

You do realize a reasonable argument can be made that those who would like to ban guns are doing precisely what you describe above: climbing atop a mountain of corpses to wave the bloody shirt and call for their particular legislation to be passed.


And if you can't see the differences then you're just as bad as the conspiracy idiots. 


If I had mentioned legislation instead of the commenting on the moronic need to spout conspiracy theories in a football thread about some dumb kid, can you please tell me how the actions of backing that legislation would create a mountain of corpses like the gun used to gun down innocent children?  


Then tell me how that legislation would need to be couched in utter lunacy to find traction because the events that occurred are so horrible.  


Yes.  It's exactly the same.  

Last edited by Henry

This reminds me of people that think the twin towers were blown up by the government or the people that thought the government was actively involved in creating the Katrina disaster. Or....the people that think we never landed on the moon.

Originally Posted by Boston Jim:

This reminds me of people that think the twin towers were blown up by the government or the people that thought the government was actively involved in creating the Katrina disaster. Or....the people that think we never landed on the moon.

I was with you 'til the last thing.

Originally Posted by Henry:
        If I had mentioned legislation instead of the commenting on the moronic need to spout conspiracy theories in a football thread about some dumb kid, can you please tell me how the actions of backing that legislation would create a mountain of corpses like the gun used to gun down innocent children? 

If Adam Lanza had really wanted to kill people, he could have used gasoline and killed more than 26.

Then tell me how that legislation would need to be couched in utter lunacy to find traction because the events that occurred are so horrible. 

Look at the people who tried to blame Sandy Hook on Lanza's playing violent video games.  The decades-long campaign against video games that get certain people's knickers in a twist has led to all sorts of lunacy.
Last edited by Fedya
Sorry to interrupt this thread with a football comment. But, does anyone think that Colt Lyerla will make get his life on track, make the team and be a contributor this season and seasons beyond?  Now that he ours I would love to see a success story like that. Once again sorry for interrupting.

Only if the government doesn't conspire to make him fail.


By the way, that's the biggest concern about Lyeria's conspiracy nuttitude is an inability to rationally see cause and effect.  It leads to a pattern of thinking that the cause of something bad is not the real cause.  Someone or something bigger is always responsible.  So if he fails, he's likely to blame anyone but himself.

Last edited by Dr._Bob

Caveman, I think that's a possibility if the real people are influential in his life. The Donald Drivers of the world. However, I just wonder if JMike is gonna reappear on the scene since his tweets seemed to imply his doctor gave him a ready to go clearance and I wonder what McKenzie will say. Last I heard, though, the Packer doctor was spending his time checking into that Sandy Hook thing...

Originally Posted by Dr._Bob:

Only if the government doesn't conspire to make him fail.


By the way, that's the biggest concern about Lyeria's conspiracy nuttitude is an inability to rationally see cause and effect.  It leads to a pattern of thinking that the cause of something bad is not the real cause.  Someone or something bigger is always responsible.  So if he fails, he's likely to blame anyone but himself.

I don't know. The government is clearly responsible for my inability to get it on with any super models.

I think Lyerla has had plenty of time between last October and the draft to think about what he is going to do with his life. I suspect it may have been a reality check for him.

He may have come to the conclusion that football is the way to go and that he needs to behave in order to be successful.

I think he's going to see some situational snaps early in the year. Most notable being red zone snaps. Motion him to see how the D is accounting for him. It's either a LB mismatch and you take your shot or it's a S which opens up all kinds of options. He's a great decoy early on while he develops. 


i think that by week 8 he's going to be tough to keep off the field. 


And yeah, I went from a 15% chance of him making it through rookie tryouts to an 85% shot he makes the 53. He's got the ability to be the best TE on the team. Finley included. 

Originally Posted by Boston Jim:

I think Lyerla has had plenty of time between last October and the draft to think about what he is going to do with his life. I suspect it may have been a reality check for him.

He may have come to the conclusion that football is the way to go and that he needs to behave in order to be successful.

Yup.  And judging by his combine numbers, he kept himself in really good physical shape.


Random testing is an effective deterrent for people with half a brain.  Hopefully not getting drafted will humble him enough to STFU and play football.


(Thanks Timesfour for the warning on McGinn's piece.  I won't be reading that one.)



Last edited by Pistol GB
From a pure football standpoint this is a low risk high reward move.  He has 1st round talent with DIII maturity and questionable decision making.   He also sounds like a little bit of a nut job. 

If he doesn't keep his nose clean or acts like a complete idot the Packers will drop him like a bad habit.
Originally Posted by Dr._Bob:

Rule number one for cults and fanatics... Anything can make sense if you shield yourself from contradictory information.  Tin foil hats work best.


Tin conducts electricity.  Not a smart hat material around electronics from a safety perspective - just saying. 

Originally Posted by Caveman:
Sorry to interrupt this thread with a football comment. But, does anyone think that Colt Lyerla will make get his life on track, make the team and be a contributor this season and seasons beyond?  Now that he ours I would love to see a success story like that. Once again sorry for interrupting.

That's ok - well forgive you. 

One of the things not mentioned much was that Finley had attitude/off field problems when GB selected him.  Then he got a chance to play in the second half of his rookie year he compalined to the media about Rodgers among other things.  MM had to set him straight.  So Lyerla can turn it around.  I wonder if Finley might not make a good mentor for him because of all the suff he has been thru. 

I'd think the best way to handle Colt is with an opportunity to make the practice squad.  I doubt any other team would claim him.   


Colt needs to keep his nose clean and keep his personal life in order for a season.  The practice squad gives him a chance to do that without risking a spot on the 53 on a guy who might crash.  It's probably best to let this kid come along slowly, learn the play book, and develop a professional routine.  I think there's a high probability that this kid can't handle the responsibility if he's given too much, too soon.    


Depends on what he shows in camp and pre-season. If he does little you might be able to stash him on the PS. If he flashes like second round talent and behaves through camp there's no chance he lasts a week on the PS. 

Dunne seems to be getting even more enamored with his really annoying habit of pounding you with incessant incomplete sentences.  It gets old.  Each time I read it.  Adding lists.  In the form of sentences.  All the time.  Every article.  Several times.  Overdoing it.  Funny?  No.  Hackery?  After a certain point.

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