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Ty is trying to find his voice. My advice ? Keep. Looking.


And some of his mis-spellings and word choices are astounding. for a journalist

Maybe. He is channeling. Captain. Kirk.

My very first thought when I looked at the picture of him that accompanied the link that chickenboy provided was that's a person who needs some love. He looks sad and lonely in his soul.

I realize it's just a moment in life, and may not be a true 'reflection' of himself, but either way, I would think he couldn't be in a better position to succeed. Could any of us imagine Rodgers putting his arm around us among other things??!!

I also hope he talks to Jolly. A lot.


As an aside, welcome back chickenboy! Long time no see. Be good and stay out of trouble!


Originally Posted by JJSD:

That's the failure of the editor.  


blogs are used as news sources and editors rely on the computer/software for checking on-line content. Pathetic and entitled.


September 11, 2009


To All Medaille Students Taking Dr Uhuru's Courses:


As I continue to the conclusion of my teaching employment at Medaille College, I remain ever vigilant regarding my personal and professional conduct, behavior and language. At this writing and this moment during my 30 years of earned employment, the aforementioned practices have been exemplary regarding my adherence to ethical standards applicable to the human condition. With the completion of my doctorate degree in political science from the University of Buffalo and subsequent hiring at Medaille, I made a conscious decision that (a) Buffalo would be my home, and (b) that college classroom teaching would be my life employment raison d'etre. I have actualized both. The learning joys and blessings have been myriad and life enhancing. Throughout, conscious vigilance has been my guidepost. That brings me to why this communication is coming to you at this time.


With the establishment of Information Technology becoming the dominant and primary framework for human communication, I was confronted with an employment fait accompli that I would have to learn how to use it. In 2005, I attempted to first systematically introduce this computech medium into my classroom teaching. I have been in neurological overload ever since. I have operationalized a very basic Course Website of which I find the "file management processing" involving 4 different courses very labor intensive. I was made instantaneously aware of it in one of my classes today. I was approached by students who had taken previous classes from me if I still had Course Exercise Responses that they had completed regarding our "history" Thought Provoker.


Students who have taken courses with me recognize that I have incorporated this Exercise as an important "Teaching/Learning" method for critically reflecting on the evolution of homo sapiens qua "the human condition. I have also clearly stated that students who take Courses from me would be well served to SAVE "any" Course Info and especially Info pertaining to Exams and Definitions of terms and concepts. My classroom teaching has been that students have already paid for that Course Material and therefore your learning regarding this matter should not require that you have to "start" from a tabula rasa in completing this Exercise in subsequent courses that you take with me. The upshot is that students have been informed that Responses to the "history" Thought Provoker which were completed in "previous" classes can be used in subsequent classes. However, I have emphasized that I will Not go back and see what the Point Eval on any previous response was and would read each submitted response anew.


In today's classroom I articulated a "willingness" to provide some very ethical and good students their previous "history" Thought Provoker Exercise Responses. After some very much needed sleep and respite from my 3 classes, my retrospective critical reflection has concluded that this would be a problematical ethical slippery slope had I done so and were I to do so in the future.


All students please be informed I have Not Done So and Will Not Do So, Not because there are "X" number of students who are also taking additional Courses with me who could make the same inquiry and request, and thereby requiring me to return to previous Course File Management Processing, but rather because it could allow future allegation of unethical conduct against me. With only a "few" additional years remaining on my intended full time teaching career, any "nuance" of impropriety would be for me a cul-de-sac distraction and neurologically unnerving.


The concluding upshot is "that it is" and "must be" the student's personal/individual responsibility to maintain her/his accounting for this and all previous Course Materials. The classroom teaching/learning inquiries and exchanges continue to inform and enhance my life dao and hopefully the same will be for students who take Courses with me during their continued and imperative objective to attain their Baccalaureate Degrees.


Peace out,


Dr Uhuru

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:


This video spoke to me. 


AJ Hawk would realize he sucked if he had a pair of decoder glasses. 


I see hidden messages better than most. 




Roddy Piper is appalled.

Leisure Suit Larry looked stupid. Found this online:


"A prostitute is available as soon as the game starts. Should Larry have intercourse with her, he will contract a sexually transmitted disease and die shortly thereafter. This fate may be avoided by buying a condom at the convenience store. Larry questions the validity of losing his virginity to a hooker, but the game resumes without a time limit"


That sounds like a whole different kind of fun right there. 

Tramon Williams on Colt after OTA's today:


"Sometimes it’s not just about the game of football. This opportunity can truly change this guy’s life."


"If you’re looking for it, you can find trouble anywhere. But I think this is the perfect place. You lessen it here."


"If it can truly change a guy’s life by being a part of this team, then that’s bigger than what we do."

I can't think of a better place for a guy like Colt than Green Bay.  Obviously there is less trouble to get into in a smaller town but the lockerroom has to be one of, if not the, most stable in the NFL.  No arrests since Walden in 2011, and no PED/drug violations since Neal in 2012.  Yes, they had the Jolly thing but they turned that into such a positive story.  


If Colt can't succeed here, I'm not sure where he'd be able to succeed.  

Originally Posted by PackFoo:

This interview got kind of awkward at times but he handled it like a pro.


How many times can they ask the same friggin' question?

He passed the first test.  


I obviously don't know the kid at all, but I get the impression he could have a Ryan Leaf-esque outburst if these locker room interviews get too personal for him.


I really hope this works out. Everything I read about his ability is off the charts.

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