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On 5/19/14 with Homer (4 minutes 6 seconds in) Jason Wilde said he talked to some people in Oregon who said the argument Colt had with the Oregon coaches was he had a gun and the coaches didn't want him to have a gun anymore.   Colt said forget you, and then he quit the team .  Then he wanted to come back but the two sides agreed it would be best if they went their separate ways. 



Agreed completely.  Conspiracy nutball?  Useful idiot for false flag operation-selling carpet-baggers?  Gun nut to the point he'll walk away from a scholarship to defend his patriotic freedom from the tyranny of The Man?  Cocaine fiend?  


I hope we find out next that he's a cross-dresser.  This guy is a walking documentary.



Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

good thing there aren't a lot of guns in Wisconsin


EKB one thing should Colt pull out that 45 in Wisconsin he could easily be outgunned by the arsenals I have seen in almost every pick-up truck parked in the lot at the bar.  Would look like Beirut or Anbhar province !!



Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

These days I am a Colt fan first


God given and 2nd amendment rite for Colt to carry his 45


It's a .357 but that's just splitting hairs

Originally Posted by titmfatied:

On 5/19/14 with Homer (4 minutes 6 seconds in) Jason Wilde said he talked to some people in Oregon who said the argument Colt had with the Oregon coaches was he had a gun and the coaches didn't want him to have a gun anymore.   Colt said forget you, and then he quit the team .  Then he wanted to come back but the two sides agreed it would be best if they went their separate ways. 



Never mind what I said. This kid sounds solid.

Absolutely kick ass if he turns into another UDFA diamond like Williams and Shields turned out to be. Don Barclay was a gem too.


We went into the draft with TE and Safety as priorities. If we came out with 2 of the best at their positions, ie Dix and Colt, hosannas TT.

Originally Posted by JJSD:

Agreed completely.  Conspiracy nutball?  Useful idiot for false flag operation-selling carpet-baggers?  Gun nut to the point he'll walk away from a scholarship to defend his patriotic freedom from the tyranny of The Man?  Cocaine fiend?  


I hope we find out next that he's a cross-dresser.  This guy is a walking documentary.



hey!  Oprah has time now to do a documentary now that the Sam melodrama is put on hold.  Maybe she will come to Green Bay now?




Originally Posted by Herschel:
Originally Posted by LarseeBear:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Please avert your eyes SDPF.  LarseeMethbear, it's not real.  


Don't worry, Betty. I know your spew isn't real.


hey now!


don't know if y'all caught it but on Tuesday mcginn went all bad bob on twitter about the Pack signing Lyerla.  phooking ridiculousness at its best - "bottom-feed", "gutter", "wonder about leadership".  bob really needs to get over himself, the self-righteous prick.

today a well reasoned article by Vandermause:


  • Almost every franchise has been in the gutter before. Win at all costs defines NFL just like it defined Packers Monday. So risky. Just say no.

  • Rest assured 31 other NFL teams raised eyebrows and wondered about leadership/direction in Green Bay after the signing of TE Lyerla.

  • Packers had four-year history with DE Johnny Jolly before bringing him back. They had TE Lyerla for four days before signing him.

  • Thompson, McCarthy, Murphy/board, welcoming fans show they can bottom-feed with the best signing off on TE Lyerla. What price glory?



Last edited by Tdog

I don't know what happened at Sandy Hook, but the event is full of anomalies, so he gets a pass from me on that one.


Gun issue could be a man standing up for his principles - even at a huge cost.


Cocaine?  That's another story.

Originally Posted by Tdog:

  • Almost every franchise has been in the gutter before. Win at all costs defines NFL just like it defined Packers Monday. So risky. Just say no.

  • Rest assured 31 other NFL teams raised eyebrows and wondered about leadership/direction in Green Bay after the signing of TE Lyerla.

  • Packers had four-year history with DE Johnny Jolly before bringing him back. They had TE Lyerla for four days before signing him.

  • Thompson, McCarthy, Murphy/board, welcoming fans show they can bottom-feed with the best signing off on TE Lyerla. What price glory?




It's also no coinky-dink that the "scouts opinions" he drummed up and wrote on  were all negative. Remember this is the same Bad Bob who was told by inside sources that re-signing AR would be tricky due to how sensitive AR is and who said the Packers were ready to move on from Finley before they signed him to a 2 year deal.


I said this earlier this week. You would think Ted Thompson traded up into the 2nd round to get this kid and then gave up a 2015 1st round pick. For fu*k sakes, he's an UDFA.


Why are some peoples panties in such a wad?

Last edited by packerboi

Stupid commentary by McGinn.  If Lyerla flops, cut him with no repercussions.  This is a strong lockerroom so doubt he has any effect on the other players.  If he gets his head on straight, like players in his situation have before him, he'll be a steal.  And what better place for a guy like him to focus on football than Green Bay.  


The decision now was an easy one b/c there is no downside.  The real decision comes after 3 years, if Colt turns into a great player.  

Every turd has a story.  I can't say that McGinn is wrong but he is going overboard for hits.


You can spin this a hundred different ways, just depends on what you want to hear.  


Maybe TT and MM believe in the strength of their organization, particularly after dealing with Jolly, feeling they can shape the young idiot.  Maybe they believe they are in BB territory, where reclamation projects are feasible and willing to take the risks.


Maybe they are going to the proverbial gutter for talent.  I'm sure they are all considerations but the reality is if this kid doesn't perform, where does the altruistic intent go?  Are they wrong in doing so?


I think Bob went pretty hard to the hyperbole well, especially with the 31 teams comment.  If TT and MM get this kid on track then you can packer people all over this story and it will definitely elevate TT's status as well.  If it fails, it may be the touching a hot stove analogy.


Let's not kid ourselves about what the drive is for any team, it's about talent and winning first, altruism second.  


With that said, I think it's fair to compare organizations and how they approach the turd conundrum.  Some try to collect talent at any costs, others make smart, informed decisions with good intent for said turd and the team.  I think it's fair to say after Jolly's follies, the statements from Rodgers and TT's approach to Jolly we as fans can confidently say we root for a organization that prescribes to the latter.


Personally, I think the kid is a twat but the NFL is about money first.  Welcome to America.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by phaedrus:

I don't know what happened at Sandy Hook, but the event is full of anomalies, so he gets a pass from me on that one.


Gun issue could be a man standing up for his principles - even at a huge cost.


Cocaine?  That's another story.


We'll all look for the conspiracy when someone pumps you full of anomalies.  

Falling for conspiracy crap that gets spread around the internet is not a great testament to his intelligence, but it's hardly unforgivable.


The same can be said for doing cocaine.


Quiting his team over a gun is odd, but I can understand him feeling like that was overly intrusive into his private life.  Someone prone to fall for conspiracy theories is likely to be more sensitive to that sort of thing anyway.


There's no question the pattern is a concern, but he is still very young and it's premature to ostracize him for his mistakes.  Our politically correct society too often tries to black-list complete strangers for relatively minor transgressions.


The Packers aren't ignoring Colt's past, they're just giving him a chance to demonstrate he has moved beyond it. And he'll face an uphill battle in proving that he's worth a roster spot - TT won't want to use up a valuable roster spot on a player that is just going to run himself out of the league in a few months (and there's still question of whether his talent will translate to the next level).


I'm rooting for the guy, as I would anyone in his situation.  Hopefully he understands that he used up all him mulligans before he even arrived in the NFL, and has learned enough from his past to appreciate this opportunity.

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