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I went through the book of Genesis last night, spelled out in a random pattern (skip 5 letters, skip 12 letters, etc.) of letters it clears says "Phaedrus knows."  The trick is to randomize how you find the next letter.  Suckers fall for patterns. 


In Habakkuk I found "Hank wanks." using the same procedure. 


not sure if the two are related.   



Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

I see what you did there!  From Revelations:


[2] I know thy works, and thy laBour, and thy patience, and hOw thou canst Not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
[7] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I Give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.




[9] I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the BLasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are nOt, but are the synagogue of Satan (Another X4 Reference). 

[10] Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I Will give thee a crown of life.

[11] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.




[12] And to the anGel of the church in PergamOs write; These things sAiTh he which hath the Sharp sword with two edges;



I am trying to keep this discussion relevant to how folks feel about Colt Lyeria.


Fond Du Arrigo:

I wouldn't bring him to GB, as I think he's a certifiable nut-job. That crap he said about Sandy Hook and the parents of the murdered kids was completely outrageous



Conspiracy nutball?  Useful idiot for false flag operation-selling carpet-baggers?

I posted the thing about the Batman movie because I think the odds are remote that of the few locales even referred to in the movie, two would be Aurora and Sandy Hook - unless their mention is connected to the events.  With regards the Sandy Hook reference, I believe the map only referenced two places - Sandy Hook and Gotham City.


In this link I referenced:


The first video is an interview with a man named Wolfgang Halbig.  I believe it would be highly illuminating to have some awareness of his credentials (including integrity and competence), his more than once stated concern to not be offensive to anyone, and his referral to "anomalies" with regard to Sandy Hook.


Halbig made a number of Connecticut state Freedom of Information Requests, none of which were responded to (this being unlawful).  But, two Connecticut officers did visit his Florida home one day and told him that if he did not stop asking question, felony charges would be filed against him.




There is something I thought of recently with respect to some conspiracy theories.  (Oh, and a conspiracy is defined as an evil plan perpetrated by two or more people and so the notion that the term carries the weight of "therefore it did not happen that way" is just one more fallacy.)  I am thoughtful of a famous George Carlin comedy skit where he referred to a club and we are not in it.


My point is as follows.


Should many heinous events be carried out by conspiracy via our own government as opposed to folks from the general population, such a scenario casts a much less negative light on humanity as a whole.  The general population would then be far more civil and less criminal then we are led to believe and the reason for many atrocities is an elite club of psychopaths who naturally welcome only those who are like they are.


It is the non-conspiratorial world view that is actually a greater indictment of mankind and not the other way around.



I went through the book of Genesis last night, spelled out in a random pattern



I see what you did there!  From Revelations:

While perhaps humorous to some, the above can be misunderstood to pack the weight of dismissing certain things.  The erroneous association is the suggestion of the applicability of notions that have essentially zero probability of occurrence.


Originally Posted by phaedrus:


However, I believe the event, whatever it was, was government orchestrated.



I'm prolly going to regret this... why would the (U.S.) government orchestrate a mass murder such as the Sandy Hook Elem massacre?


Oh, and did the U.S. government orchestrate the whacko statements and cocaine use for Colt Lyerla?  (just trying to keep this on topic)

Originally Posted by phaedrus:

You believe the government is responsible for the mass murder of 20 children or that said mass murder was faked?  Let's start there.

I don't know.


However, I believe the event, whatever it was, was government orchestrated.


There are a ton of anomalies with the event.  Just really weird stuff.

Did see a video online that explores one such anomaly. Link

Originally Posted by phaedrus:

1. I don't hide behind my computer and I am in "the real world."


2. I don't believe I am being disrespectful.


Unsupportable and undeserved criticisms are noted.



Of course not.  What's disrespectful about using the corpses and destroyed families to, as you put it, "stand up for your principles".  


I mean really people, what's with all angst over a few kid's bodies when it comes to your right to own weapons that creates heaps of kids bodies?


The real injustice is the personal attack on yourself after spouting half baked lunacy propped up by deliberate ignorance.  


Clowns like you aren't keyed into the fact the First Amendment is a two way street.  

Of course not.  What's disrespectful about using the corpses and destroyed families to, as you put it, "stand up for your principles". 

You do realize a reasonable argument can be made that those who would like to ban guns are doing precisely what you describe above: climbing atop a mountain of corpses to wave the bloody shirt and call for their particular legislation to be passed.

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