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Crosby may not be the greatest but lets go back 30-40 years.  After Chandler retired in 1967 these are the Packer kickers and games played:


 2 games  Erroll Mann

16 games Mike Mercer

4 games   Booth Lusteg

14 games  Dale Livingston

1 game   Dave Conway

10 games  Lou Micheals

4 games   Tim Webster


Then in 1972 along came Chester Marcol and he was the man for 8 years and 102 games.  And after him 3 years of Jan Stenerud and 3 more of Al Del Greco.


But in 1988 we had Dean  Dorsey for 3 games,  Dale Dawson for 1 game, Curtis Barrow for 1 game and Max Zendejas for the rest.   Starting in 1989 we had 17years of the best, Jacke and Longwell.


The trouble is many Packer fans and those who post on here only remember Jacke, Longwell and Crosby. Too many of us remember the late 60's, 70's and 80's where the Packer kickers were a lot like Bear QBs, once in a while a good one but mostly suckiness. I'd rather keep Crosby for this season and go get another 10 year guy for next season. I don't want to go through the flavor of the week as we have done in the past.




Originally Posted by chickenboy:
 Right when you think Crosby is OK at kicker, he misses three in a row.

Meanwhile Tavecchio only gets 1 kick today and makes it.  What happened to open competition for the job?


Personally, I dread the thought of going with Crosby again.  Mr. T. is worth the risk, IMHO.  Although if the Loinharts cut Kickalicious, I'd sure be interested in him.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Because Tavechio is a noodle leg who has problems just reaching the uprights from 45 yards plus.

Which makes him a joke to bring in as competition.  They sandbagged this thing from the start.  In a way Tavecchio is the perfect guy to evaluate Crosby though.  If Crosby gets rattled by the clearly weaker kicker you know it's time to move on.


I'm pretty certain Crosby isn't going to be on the team this year.  They simply have to make a move.  I'd bet part of MM's gruffness today was that they missed out on both Carpenter and Lindell.  I think he's had his fill of Crosby. 


It's guaranteed Crosby will miss one in the regular season if they keep him.  Happens to every kicker.  He's shown twice now in the preseason that he still goes off the rails.        

Originally Posted by titmfatied:

It's guaranteed Crosby will miss one in the regular season if they keep him.  Happens to every kicker.  He's shown twice now in the preseason that he still goes off the rails.        

Of course he'll miss one. Even Gary Anderson missed one.

If kickers were so easy to find don't you think TT and MM would have replaced him by now?

Originally Posted by titmfatied:

I'm pretty certain Crosby isn't going to be on the team this year.  They simply have to make a move.  I'd bet part of MM's gruffness today was that they missed out on both Carpenter and Lindell.  





They did reach out to Carpenter per the GBPG, Kickalicious would be a fun ride no matter what happens.

Could always draft a kicker in the first round like the (at the time) St. Louis Cardinals did:


Then they learned their lesson and drafted one in the 2nd round:


Maybe the Lions will keep 2 kickers on their roster - they are the Lions after all.  While the Packers should count their blessings being in a division with two stellar under achievers like the Lions and the Vikings, it can sometimes inadvertantly work against us. 

Originally Posted by Hadl Trade:
Well Jerry Kramer your 53% fg percentage wasn't enough to get you to Canton I see. But you might find a roster spot in Green Bay for 2013.

It's been argued by some that Kramer may have made a better guard than a FG kicker and that he was miss used by Lombardi. Who knows. I'll leave that discussion to the football historians.

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