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Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Crosby career conversion numbers:

40-49 yards - 70%

50 plus - 42%


If Crosby is the kicker this year, no FG attempts over 40 yards unless it the end of the half or needed for the win.


Over the course of the year, I'm willing to bet the numbers would show GB has a higher probability of putting points on the board by never attempting anything over 40 yards based on his career conversion rate. If it's 4th and 5 at the 30-35, this offense is converting at a better clip than Crosby has. Those conversions don't need to result in 7. Just get him closer where he's got a better chance of converting.


What has to stop is handing the other teams offense the ball on the 40 plus yard line close to 60% of the time because Crosby is a losing proposition over 50 yards and not a great one from 40.

Over the past two seasons the Packers have converted on 4th down 52% and that is with no running game. If Crosby is the guy then I agree. But he can't be the guy. He can melt down at any moment and that will kill a coach and GM. They have to dump him if anyone even remotely compares.


I like the Ramirez kid they signed. Any college kid who goes 24/27 with those wide angles and a college snapper and college holder is doing something right. Plus he has a big leg.


My guess is they dump Tavecchio and let Ramirez have a go Thurs night and the rest of the week then make the call.

Last year David Akers and Mason Crosby were last and next to last in terms of FG %. In March SF told Akers to beat it. Two weeks later they signed Phil Dawson to a one year $2.25 million deal. Dawson made 93% of his kicks last year including 7/7 from 50 plus. SF had no immediate plan B when they told Akers to get lost. They just knew he wasn't going to be kicking for them in 2013.


Fast forward to week 4 preseason and GB really has no idea who the K is for 2013. MM and TT's approach to backing their guy's is admirable. It is. But IMO, there shouldn't be a kicking competition this late in camp. I have to think MM has bigger concerns 1 week ahead of the regular season starting than who his K is going to be.


GB and SF don't have many holes to fill. K was certainly a common one coming out of 2012. SF checked it off early. Did GB let this go on way too long? Maybe they reached out to Dawson as well, I don't know. Maybe there were no better options and this competition was unavoidable. I just think it's something the coaches shouldn't have to be dealing with this close to week 1.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Last year David Akers and Mason Crosby were last and next to last in terms of FG %. In March SF told Akers to beat it. Two weeks later they signed Phil Dawson to a one year $2.25 million deal. Dawson made 93% of his kicks last year including 7/7 from 50 plus. SF had no immediate plan B when they told Akers to get lost. They just knew he wasn't going to be kicking for them in 2013.


Fast forward to week 4 preseason and GB really has no idea who the K is for 2013. MM and TT's approach to backing their guy's is admirable. It is. But IMO, there shouldn't be a kicking competition this late in camp. I have to think MM has bigger concerns 1 week ahead of the regular season starting than who his K is going to be.


GB and SF don't have many holes to fill. K was certainly a common one coming out of 2012. SF checked it off early. Did GB let this go on way too long? Maybe they reached out to Dawson as well, I don't know. Maybe there were no better options and this competition was unavoidable. I just think it's something the coaches shouldn't have to be dealing with this close to week 1.

Very well said..

Originally Posted by oldschool:

Or maybe if the 49'ers weren't dinking around with dime a dozen kickers this past spring they would have Green Bay style receiver depth and they wouldn't be trading for a guy two weeks before the opener.



49ers trade A.J. Jenkins to Kansas City Chiefs for WR Jon Baldwin

So if a team puts forth effort toward improving one position, it is likely they are not doing so for others?


In this league no team is strong at every position.  So you happen to identify perhaps the 49'ers weakest one.


Care to do a position by position comparison between the 9'ers and the Packers and attribute the whole lot to the 49'ers working the kicker position?


Makes no sense.

Don't think there's a need to start any position by position breakdowns.


Jenkins and Baldwin swapped places because two teams felt two underperforming high draft picks might benefit from a change of scenery. Maybe SF is interested in looking at WR's after Crabtree went down. I really don't know. I really don't care.


My question is did GB do the right thing by letting the kicking competition get this late into the preseason? GB and SF both needed a kicker after 2012. They went about it differently. I think SF handled this specific situation better. That's my opinion. And again, I say that not having any idea what TT may have done during the spring to address the position.


At the end of last season, both the 49ers and Packers faced kicker issues

SF brought in a guy to "send a message"; the Packers did not

SF kept Akers anyways, just like the Packers kept Crosby


Neither strategy made any difference in the outcome- they both kept the incumbent

Yet there was significant hand-wringing over the Packers plan


Let's not crown the 9ers 2013 kicker strategy just yet, the aging Phil Dawson has never kicked at Candlestick, and as a Brown, he's never been faced with a playoff pressure situation.


I know everybody loathes Crosby, but the only competition now is going to be the 30th-40th  best kicker in the league...I don't care about Crosby,  I just don't think grabbing one of the slappies off the street is the answer.


So yes, it would have been much better to "settle" it before now, but the rest of the story hasn't been written...

What if Dawson hits the game winner on 9/8, or what if Crosby does ?

what if Ramirez screws the pooch, what if Tavecchio wins the Super Bowl ?




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