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Fandame posted:

I mentioned it earlier that I would take Fangio over Dom. He's always put together great defenses. The 9ers were tough against AR and so has been the Bears D. Give Fangio a little something to work with and I bet he takes GB defense to the top 10. Isn't he a 4-3 guy? But even so, we all say the pieces are in place to go 4-3...

I'll say it again.  Only reservation I have with Fangio is that SF D was stacked with early round talent and now CHI has been collecting some of the same.  Can he do more with what we already have?  Probably but he hasn't been coaching a bunch of stiffs.  Yes, he runs the same 34 as Dom.  Just more outstandingly than him.

Most speculation comes from "journalists" looking to create a story where there is none, IMHO. But there seems to be a difference this year.
Other than when MM responded to a question with this thread title, there really hasn't been much 'talk' about Capers' future. Always grumbling about specific games, but never much uproar that didn't die down after a few weeks.
This year (finally) the banter about Capers isn't going away. I'm sure the local guys are about to bust a gut for the Detroit game to be over with so they can start asking MM specifically about "changes". Of course, the questions and answers mean nothing, but they should and have to be asked.

In addition to dismal rankings in bottom 5 in third down conversions, 3rd down completions, scores given up in red zone, 10 minute and 5 minute drives, MM surely notices that two players who left his secondary made the Pro Bowl with their new teams--yet were bit players in the Capers scheme.  When two guys in one of your weakest areas have this success elsewhere, one needs to question why the current DC was unable to utilize their talents when they played for him.

Remember that there are some weird rules in place for hiring coaches and because GB has been in the playoffs, those rules have worked against them. And a team in the playoffs can block anyone interested in interviewing your guys, which promotes staleness and same-old, same-old. Since you want a new attitude from a successful team, which is probably in the playoffs, you canโ€™t really go after them till their team and your team are both done. And after both are done, teams lock them up with phony titles like โ€œassistant defensive head coachโ€ so they canโ€™t leave. Frankly, if youโ€™re in the playoffs, you also arenโ€™t going to go around requesting and conducting interviews for replacements either. The rules regarding interviews for coaches and allowing coaches to leave for lateral positions need to change, otherwise teams that consistently make the playoffs are penalized searching for coaches. Thatโ€™s what I think MM might be alluding to...

I'm sure teams can't have direct contact with coaches whose teams are still playing, but I'd be just as sure much (all?) of that business would be handled through the coach's agent. AFAIK, they can be contacted anytime.
I agree with you about rules for coaches to change teams. It seems strange that the NFL has as many rules about the contracts of assistant coaches as they do. I was surprised to read the league mandates that teams can withhold portions of their salary in certain situations like strikes/lockouts, and this is included in every ass't coaches contract. 

What would you think about teams having to use something like rules regarding free agency to retain a coach who has been offered a position by another team? 
Offer sheets, franchise tags, etc.

I'm not much of a champagne fan.  (In general I don't like carbonated beverages.)  I just wanted some cheap champagne on hand for New Years and for when Dom Capers gets fired.  I'm not gonna drop ten times that on some Veuve Clicquot or Dom Perignon.

I'm also not a high earner like you and don't have refined enough taste buds to notice the difference between moderately priced wines and the expensive stuff.  Finally, the taxes in New York mean you're not getting a bottle for $5.49.  At least I couldn't find one in the liquor store.

Last edited by Fedya

So regarding King/Biegel vs. Watt........what makes anyone think Watt would be able to do anything special playing for Capers?  He'd probably be asked to switch positions to ILB and be back up FB, only getting in at OLB when Fackrell needs a breather.  Why is backing up Fackrell??  Well because Fackrell knows the defense and according to Capers, knowing where to be is more important than making plays.  

I've lost complete faith that Capers can do anything with young players.  I am so pissed that Capers made Hayward look like a fairly average CB that can only play the slot, only to see him become arguably the best CB in football.  And this wasn't a "TT blew it" b/c the rest of the league wasn't that interested in Hayward either, seeing as he was signed for cheap.  Why?  Because he looked average in Capers' defense.  Similar with Hyde, who looks better in Buffalo than we ever saw here.  Maybe our secondary issues isn't a talent thing, but a coaching thing. 

It is time to move on.  See ya Capers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out.  

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