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1)  Find a 4-3 DC or defensive minded HC.

2) Implement 4-3 scheme that stresses assignment discipline and cram your complex genius defenses up your ass.

3) Actually let the talent of the individual players drive the defense instead of trying to make them all jack of all trades.  

4) Perry, Clark, Daniels, Lowry with Matthews at MLB.  Shake out the SSLB and WSLB with Martinez, Jones, Thomas.  I see no issues with the secondary being able to fit into a 4-3 right off the bat play man/zone combo.  

Here's another interesting question.  Say MM gets the boot and a defensive minded HC is brought in.  Would any changes in the offensive scheme really matter with Rodgers in the pocket?  Who's your ideal OC?

The Browns have been a long term failure because of their idiot owner and inability to retain GMs or coaches for more than a couple of years.  Hard to build a winning team with that level of impatience.  

Tschmack posted:

The Browns have been a long term failure because of their idiot owner and inability to retain GMs or coaches for more than a couple of years.  Hard to build a winning team with that level of impatience.  

That is a team doomed by the owners.  I don't think it matters what GM/Coach/Players you bring in.  How many top tier defensive picks have gone to Cleveland to wash out?

phaedrus posted:
Packdog posted:

As many advantages that an NFL offense is given in today's NFL, and you get shut out ???!!! For the second time in a season , Lambeau ?? When you are a team that is designed to have your offense dictate what you are, what you do. When your coach is a " highly successful" offensive minded coach. When your QB room is fine because you've invested, evaluated, mentored your highly touted 3 year backup ?? 


Top QB out.  Backup just not good (I'll give them a Fail for that), top two WR's out, o-line woes, perhaps best defense in the NFC, and harsh weather conditions.

Outside of Packer personnel having Hundley as #2, I'd give the Packers some slack on the shutout.

The shut out doesn't bother me so much because the Packers had nothing to lose by going for it on 4th and short in the red zone. All those decisions to go for it on 4th down and short yardage could have wound up with Crosby kicking FGs, if the Packers had not decided to take chances on those downs. A lot of people here want MM to be more aggressive with the play calling. Going on 4th and short yardage seems pretty aggressive to me. What surprised me is that Dirty Harry wasn't brought in, at some point in the game, to see how he would have fared in the passing game.

I've never felt this way with the current regime but I think it's time to clean house.  Without a healthy Rodgers, this team is 3-6 this year.  One player gone and all of a sudden you're a 5-11 team.  Every season, we're one injury away from picking top 5.  That's what they are without Rodgers.  That rests on TT and MM and since the GM rarely gets fired before the head coach, it's time for MM to go.  And Capers with him.  

I thought MM was a great offensive coach early in his tenure but it seems like he's lost it.  Happened to Mike Shanahan too at the end of this Broncos tenure too.  The old "10 year" coach rule might just apply here.  Glad he brought that one Super Bowl though but I just don't see him being able to do it again.  

And Merry Christmas everyone!

Henry posted:

1)  Find a 4-3 DC or defensive minded HC.

2) Implement 4-3 scheme that stresses assignment discipline and cram your complex genius defenses up your ass.

3) Actually let the talent of the individual players drive the defense instead of trying to make them all jack of all trades.  

4) Perry, Clark, Daniels, Lowry with Matthews at MLB.  Shake out the SSLB and WSLB with Martinez, Jones, Thomas.  I see no issues with the secondary being able to fit into a 4-3 right off the bat play man/zone combo.  

Here's another interesting question.  Say MM gets the boot and a defensive minded HC is brought in.  Would any changes in the offensive scheme really matter with Rodgers in the pocket?  Who's your ideal OC?

Spot on with the defensive points...the current makeup of the defense seems better suited for the 4-3.  Matthews could even flex passing downs at DE.  Monty Adams could be a good rotational interior DT with Clark and Daniels.  Also strongly support playing Josh Jones at LB...not that different in size to Thomas and Martinez and he plays so much better close to the LOS.

As this thread will be near the top of the list for a while, can we rename it to something else? I suggest, "Dom Cappers sucks and so does the front office that defends him."

Having to see this quote jump out at me every time I log in is really affecting my quality of life. I'm angry before I even read the newest post of the day because of it.

Last edited by NumberThree
NumberThree posted:

As this thread will be near the top of the list for a while, can we rename it to something else? I suggest, "Dom Cappers sucks and so does the front office that defends him."

Having to see this quote jump out at me every time I log in is really affecting my quality of life. I'm angry before I even read the newest post of the day because of it.

Be careful what you wish for.

As the thread starter, if the title is going to be changed, I just might have to go with the full, original quote from McCarthy at his season-ending press conference last January:

"Dom Capers is an outstanding football coach. That doesn't change."

This week's WTF moment when looking at the defensive snap counts.  OLB...OK, Matthews and Perry are out so it's a good chance to get long looks at Fackrell and Biegel.  Brooks can get mixed in quite a bit.

Gilbert = 46

Fackrell = 39

Brooks = 19

Biegel = 16

Odom = 10

If Gilbert is so good that he gets 10+ more snaps as Brooks and Biegel combined, then why has he been on the practice squad up until now?  And exactly why has Odom had a 53 man roster spot all this time if he can only get 10 snaps with both starters out the entire game? 

Last edited by PackerJoe

Perhaps there is an argument to start change with Murphy and let the rest flow downhill. If there is a major shake-up, I'd rather it be with coaches and front office and let most of the current roster try a new look.

From the piece:

The non-confrontational Murphy, who has not made a major football decision (unless you count sticking with Thompson as a decision) since he took over in early 2008, has seemingly put little or no pressure on Thompson. Without any pressure on Thompson, why would McCarthy ever feel compelled to make major changes?

Would hope the defective product on the field would be enough for MM. Don't expect anything from Murphy and if MM is sticking with the status quo he truly is hopeless.

I do think there will be changes in GB this off season but I don't think it will be with Murphy or McCarthy. I just don't think it is the Packers way to make huge sweeping changes.  Is it time perhaps but I predict it will happen with Dom and most of the defensive staff and perhaps some on the offensive staff. 

I do think that MM will be getting one more year but that seat is going to be very very hot.  TT? that to me is the wild card in this whole thing he is going to be 65 soon so does he quit?  I personally think that is a very big chance of that happening but I think he sticks through the draft. 

That bring me to Dom and I truly believe he will "retire" after the season.  He will be 68 before next season starts and I do think he walks away before the axe falls.

bigdoggyjude posted:

Perhaps there is an argument to start change with Murphy and let the rest flow downhill. If there is a major shake-up, I'd rather it be with coaches and front office and let most of the current roster try a new look.

Agreed on Murphy.  Don't like the guy, never have.  He is only about churning out more cash for the NFL overall and not about the Packers.  

Henry posted:

1)  Find a 4-3 DC or defensive minded HC.

2) Implement 4-3 scheme that stresses assignment discipline and cram your complex genius defenses up your ass.

3) Actually let the talent of the individual players drive the defense instead of trying to make them all jack of all trades.  

4) Perry, Clark, Daniels, Lowry with Matthews at MLB.  Shake out the SSLB and WSLB with Martinez, Jones, Thomas.  I see no issues with the secondary being able to fit into a 4-3 right off the bat play man/zone combo.  

Here's another interesting question.  Say MM gets the boot and a defensive minded HC is brought in.  Would any changes in the offensive scheme really matter with Rodgers in the pocket?  Who's your ideal OC?

1. Agree

2. Agree

3. Very much so agree, this team has misused talent at every level.

4. I like Matthews inside, good place for him.

who is my ideal OC? Aaron Rodgers, of course.

AND, get rid of that sack of sh.t Hundley.

Pesonally, I have never understood the love fest with him.

I understand that Callahan may not be the answer, but let's be honest, would he, could he, have been worse?

I don't think so either. And that is not saying much.

however, not all is bad. This is the best Christmas that I have enjoyed in almost 10 years.

i realized that life does not revolve around football.

also, Henry, I asked you about 6 months ago if you knew of anyone that may be hiring. Good news!,

after 13 months of searching, I can proudly state that I am the Critical Site Manager/ Germany for a 'small' company called CBRE.

Thanks for believing in me and your support!

contrary to what they say, you really are a good guy!

Thanks again

Packdog posted:

What is the expected termination date for Dom ? If he's not released by a certain date, when do the pitchforks come out ? 

01.02.2018, let him enjoy New Years thinking he still has a job. Then, stick the dagger in him.

PackerJoe posted:

This week's WTF moment when looking at the defensive snap counts.  OLB...OK, Matthews and Perry are out so it's a good chance to get long looks at Fackrell and Biegel.  Brooks can get mixed in quite a bit.

Gilbert = 46

Fackrell = 39

Brooks = 19

Biegel = 16

Odom = 10

If Gilbert is so good that he gets 10+ more snaps as Brooks and Biegel combined, then why has he been on the practice squad up until now?  And exactly why has Odom had a 53 man roster spot all this time if he can only get 10 snaps with both starters out the entire game? 

I am okay with Gilbert getting all those snaps. I am not okay with Fackrell and Brooks getting so many. We know what we have in Fackrell and Brooks, but not with the other guys. They should have kept Fack and Brooks on the bench as much as possible and played the other guys. 

Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it? Sometimes I just don't get why professional coaches won't do the obvious. The season is lost; put the young guys on tape so you can see what they look like!

Maybe it's Dom trying to hold onto his job, thinking if he puts in a respectable showing these last weeks he'll still be a GBP. Jeez, I sure hope not...

This is why I will continue to harp on TT until he moves on 

You had TJ Watt sitting right there at 29.  He's a spitting image of CMIII and you pass on the guy for what?  An extra mid round pick?   I like Biegel as much as the next guy but dude can't stay healthy.  As for King, all the talent in the world don't mean **** if you can't stay healthy and I have a fear he may never be a long term guy at CB given his shoulder problems. 

So here we are.  CMIII is a shell of his former self, Perry is really good but only half the time because he's hurt a bunch, and our corners get picked apart because we have limited pass rush.  

All they had to do was take TJ at 29 yet Uncle Ted got cute and he ****ed it all up which means **** him.  But we have Kyle Fackrell and his wasted 3rd round ass so life is good.  Or not. 

ThanksTed.  I've been one of your biggest advocates but no more.  Buh bye home chicken.  We need new blood up in this mother****er. 

Tschmack posted:

All they had to do was take TJ at 29 yet Uncle Ted got cute and he ****ed it all up which means **** him.  

So the die is cast after 1 season for King & Biegel?  Let me guess, you were calling for Adams' head on a platter the season he ruined his ankle. 

True... we won't really know if passing on Watt was a good or bad decision for a few years.  However, considering that Watt had a pretty good rookie season and his pedigree is from elite NFL stock, I'm leaning towards TT fukked that one up.  

GrainBelt66 posted:
........however, not all is bad. This is the best Christmas that I have enjoyed in almost 10 years.

i realized that life does not revolve around football.

also, Henry, I asked you about 6 months ago if you knew of anyone that may be hiring. Good news!,

after 13 months of searching, I can proudly state that I am the Critical Site Manager/ Germany for a 'small' company called CBRE.

Thanks for believing in me and your support!

contrary to what they say, you really are a good guy!

Hey now!   I don't think anyone thinks thqt Hank isn't a "good guy".

Most posters just think he's an over-opinionated a$$hole.   Get him away from the damn keyboard and I would bet he's another Mother Theresa!     

Congrats and may you have a great New Year, too.

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