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This is the kind of leak that agents leak when they are getting tense on the final negotiations. So which ever teams are talking to DE Arthur Jones' agents, consider yourself goosed....


"The Indianapolis Colts are are likely to sign free-agent DE Arthur Jones (Ravens). The deal is not done, but it is likely Jones will be reunited with head coach Chuck Pagano." 

Per Pollian on ESPN in conversing with Schefter, both believe interest league wide in Byrd is not at the 9 mil per year he and his agent are seeking. Thinks if he is set at that number Byrd "will probably be waiting awhile". Same with TJ Ward although thinking there is he's not demanding those kinds of numbers.


Both said if Byrd number comes down closer to 6 mil a year, far more real interest. If that happens then would wonder what GB's interest would be...


Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Emery gave Houston $35 million for 5 years. Unbelievable.

Here's the thing I love about Emery. When he sees a problem or deficiency, he attacks it via multiple angles. He doesn't just sign one FA, he drafts the position as well. I think the Trestman/Emery duo are going to have a fantastic run in Chicago.

Ward's deal(accordin to one cleveland writer) is said to be for $5.5 million a year with Denver


if that is accurate, that's a helluva signing by Denver


And good lord, Niners traded potentially 2 draft picks for Gabbert! A 6th and a possible conditional pick next year. Of course, that conditional pick is probably one that would be impossible to achieve, but still. Yikes

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