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I had a pulled pork sandwich on Good Friday. I totally forgot it was Good Friday until I talked to my Mom on the phone - as I was finishing my fantastic sandwich. I hated the act of eating the sandwich afterward, but as soon as it was over I still loved me some me.

Actually, that's a lie - I didn't hate the act - that sandwich was HOF-level good. Now that I've admitted that I've lied, I can hate the fact that I did so, but once again I love me - like Barney.

It's pretty easy, actually.
I think George Carlin understood sin better than anyone, as he said:

“It was a sin to think about feeling up Mary.
It was a sin to want to feel up Mary.
It was a sin to plan to feel up Mary.
It was a sin to take Mary somewhere to feel her up.
It was a sin to convince Mary to let you feel her up,
and it was a sin to actually feel her up.
That’s six sins for one feel!”
The worst sin of my life was forgetting myself and loudly blaspheming on the altar during my brother's Catholic wedding. I was the best man and of course that meant I had to carry the rings in the jewelry box.

When it was time to pull them out, the box got caught on the pocket liner and I could NOT get the damn thing out. I'm yanking on the box hard enough that I'm starting to wonder if I'm about to pants myself in front of the whole church.

Finally, with one final tug, I just said GOD DAMN IT and out came the rings. I instantly realized what I had done because there was that classic gasp from the crowd as soon as I said it. The priest looked at me like I had nine heads and of course my brother is laughing his ass off.

I hated that sin, but everyone still seemed to love me. Except my parents, who were pissed at me the rest of the day. And my sister-in-law's parents. And the priest. And my brother's wife, but screw all of them anyway.

How many sins is that on the George Carlin skale of tallant?
Originally posted by Satori:
Originally posted by JJSD:
I had a pulled pork sandwich on Good Friday.- that sandwich was HOF-level good.

If the pork was as awesome as you said, then its not really a choice

You have to eat it, its who you are. A pulled-Pork eater

I am a veritable connoisseur of yanked pork.

Don't hate me.
took me till about 25 y/o to let go of my lutheran upbringing guilt complex. once I stopped feeling guilty about all the things I enjoyed in life, life sure became simpler, more enjoyable and healthier.

you're given a life. do with it as you see fit as long as it's not at another's expense. guilt is a useless thing to carry. if it bugs you enough make amends otherwise let it go and live. we all do stupid things and things with unintended consequences. guilt and fear are debilitating - don't be their slave.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by Coach:
No apology necessary. To me, at least.
If you don't see the point, then you don't truly understand the significance.
Bigotry. Acceptance.

Dude. You want me to apologize to homosexuals because I don't understand bigotry.

Forget the "edge," then. Try this: take your passive-aggressive douchebag B.S. and stick it deep and hard.

And be sure to get the last word in.

Your homophobia isn't as well hidden as you think, my dear.
Originally posted by packerboi:
Amen brother. It'd be like calling a left handed person, someone with green eyes, or a ginger red head a sinner.

Look, I'm 100% in favor of nothing less than total equality for LGBT and think anyone that calls them sinners for being who they are is insane.

But, when you start trying to tell me that gingers aren't sinners, you've lost me.

Originally posted by JJSD:
How many sins is that on the George Carlin skale of tallant?

One for you and one each for them.
I don't think you can count your parents, your SILs parents, and the priest as they won't be the ones who sit in judgement if we are to believe such things. Of course, their being pissed at you I think would be considered a sin in their heart.

And my mother didn't think I was paying attention for those 9 years at Catholic school.
And that's the point.

If you want to cut to the chase it's about how each individual is coded toward a very primal issue of sex and that's why it makes people uncomfortable.

I'm all about equality across the board and will talk and joke with anyone. It doesn't mean I want to see two men having sex or get into details with anyone really about their sex lives. There are also things I don't want see or discuss a man and woman doing. That's how I'm wired. What's natural to me may be unnatural to others (which overall is a silly, "natural").

The difference is in a patriarchal society over generations we have taken homosexuality and relegated it to a particular level of "deviant" sex. In reality the whole issue itself isn't even about the sexual act. It's about people who find comfort, companionship and love with someone of the same sex. I've known plenty of gay prudes. Look at Gore Vidal for starters. He railed against Americans and how we are obsessed with how "sexy" we all are.

I know those who have the same reaction as Pakrz, they don't want to talk about it or claim they are this or that, they just happen to be attracted to the same sex. They don't want their homosexuality to define them as a person.

So is it overall libido or sexual preference we are talking about that offends so many people?

This is the first step and as I said before acceptance will lead to normalization and no one will even think to ask what's going on in the bedroom unless you choose to record it and post it on the internet. Now that's a choice.
Originally posted by JJSD:
I had a pulled pork sandwich on Good Friday. I totally forgot it was Good Friday until I talked to my Mom on the phone - as I was finishing my fantastic sandwich. I hated the act of eating the sandwich afterward, but as soon as it was over I still loved me some me.

Actually, that's a lie - I didn't hate the act - that sandwich was HOF-level good. Now that I've admitted that I've lied, I can hate the fact that I did so, but once again I love me - like Barney.

It's pretty easy, actually.

Pulled pork. You've struck out with the Catholics, Jews and anyone that thinks masturbating is a sin.
Originally posted by JJSD:
I had a pulled pork sandwich on Good Friday. I totally forgot it was Good Friday until I talked to my Mom on the phone - as I was finishing my fantastic sandwich. I hated the act of eating the sandwich afterward, but as soon as it was over I still loved me some me.

Actually, that's a lie - I didn't hate the act - that sandwich was HOF-level good. Now that I've admitted that I've lied, I can hate the fact that I did so, but once again I love me - like Barney.

It's pretty easy, actually.
I had nuns in grade school, so the only 'touching' I got was with the back of a hand across the head or the business end of a ruler on the hands. My touching phase was limited to four years of HS. Then it was on to that big, liberal, America-hating cesspool in Madison, where the touching actually got pretty good.
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