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If Rodgers hasn't been vaccinated, he's an idiot just like Lazard. Bench him for the rest of the year, play Love, and then trade him for what you can get in the offseason and move on. Some things are more important than winning. And this directly impacts the organization's chances of winning. Not only the fact that he will miss a game, but also the fact that they are in line for some huge fines and a huge amount of distraction.

For now, I am going to assume he's been vaccinated, but I'll reserve judgment until we know for sure.

Gotta be honest, doesn't really sound like you're reserving judgment.

Rodgers chooses his words carefully, that’s always been the case. He said immunized instead of vaccinated on purpose, it wasn’t because he was just using a synonym. He also said β€œyeah” when asked if he was vaccinated knowing he hadn’t received a vaccine. At best it’s deceptive word play, at worst it’s a lie. Again, really makes it hard to like him. Carrying the franchise for 13 years doesn’t absolve you of being a smug sanctimonious douchebag. Favre did the same and is clearly an enormous asshole.

Last edited by Grave Digger
@Henry posted:

Only thing I could find. Just because he's going through the unvaxxed protocols doesn't mean he's unvaxxed. He could just be cautious. I work with many people who have been vaxxed yet choose to mask indoors and outdoors even though they aren't required to do so. They are being cautious.

@Chongo posted:

Only thing I could find. Just because he's going through the unvaxxed protocols doesn't mean he's unvaxxed. He could just be cautious. I work with many people who have been vaxxed yet choose to mask indoors and outdoors even though they aren't required to do so. They are being cautious.

That’s a stretch. He’s so careful he was just at a crowded Halloween party unmasked and apparently unvaccinated.

Rodgers chooses his words carefully, that’s always been the case. He said immunized instead of vaccinated on purpose, it wasn’t because he was just using a synonym. He also said β€œyeah” when asked if he was vaccinated knowing he hadn’t received a vaccine. At best it’s deceptive word play, at worst it’s a lie. Again, really makes it hard to like him. Carrying the franchise for 13 years doesn’t absolve you of being a smug sanctimonious douchebag. Favre did the same and is clearly an enormous asshole.

Just like Covid. A lot of that has been going around!

Why are people on the internet so fucking dumb. If Rodgers is NOT fully vaccinated he could potentially return and play on Sunday per NFL COVID policy (this is because a symptomatic individual is already through the incubation period that would otherwise require quarantine, so 2 negative tests clears you):

If Rodgers IS fully vaccinated with a positive Mesa Test and symptoms then he is out NO MATTER WHAT for 10 full days.

Not to mention Rodgers would have been subject to thousands of dollars in fines for breaking unvaccinated protocols.


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Last edited by NumberThree

Media has been reporting he’s been going through unvaxxed protocols all season. Michael Irvin was correct: if you’re not vaxxed then you’re not serious about winning a championship.

That has always been Aaron's biggest weakness. Championships mean a whole lot less to him than flashy stats. He, Favre and their fucked up egos have cost us championships.

@Chongo posted:

Only thing I could find. Just because he's going through the unvaxxed protocols doesn't mean he's unvaxxed. He could just be cautious. I work with many people who have been vaxxed yet choose to mask indoors and outdoors even though they aren't required to do so. They are being cautious.

Okay, this is fucking stupid then.  Rapoport is stating he's been following protocols for unvaccinated players but in the link I posted says "his status as an unvaccinated player".  Which one is it?  Both?  Being cautious?  Using those same semantics Rodgers is accused of?

But as I've been told it's nobody's god damn business.

Yeah, I'm waiting on this one because someone, be it Rodgers or Rapoport, is going to look like a giant ass.

Last edited by Henry
@Henry posted:

Okay, this is fucking stupid then.  Rapoport is stating he's been following protocols for unvaccinated players but in the link I posted says "his status as an unvaccinated player".  Which one is it?  Both?  Being cautious?  Using those same semantics Rodgers is accused of?

But as I've been told it's nobody's god damn business.

Yeah, I'm waiting on this one because someone, be it Rodgers or Rapoport, is going to look like a giant ass.

If he is not vaxxed, he will be on the hook for hefty fines, as will the Packers for not enforcing rules on him.

I am not saying he's not vaxed or he is vaxed, just saying until we have something beyond the shadow of a doubt, I'm not assuming anything.

@Chongo posted:

Only thing I could find. Just because he's going through the unvaxxed protocols doesn't mean he's unvaxxed. He could just be cautious. I work with many people who have been vaxxed yet choose to mask indoors and outdoors even though they aren't required to do so. They are being cautious.

Do they get a COVID test each and every day just to be cautious? No? Didn't think so.

I'm vaxxed and wear a mask as well in situations that are appropriate. I don't do it to protect myself, I do it to protect others just in case I'm carrying it and don't know any better.

@Goalline posted:

Oh, you are really going to support this anti-vax asshole because he is on your side? What a fucking whore. If this had been one of your neo cons you would be blasting away with no questions asked.

Since we're going personal, you don't know if he's unvaxxed or not you fucking clown.

NumberThree is posting protocols that affect vaxxed or unvaxxed.

So quite simply, go fuck yourself you butthurt chump because right now we have reporting from Rapoport stating "according to me".

Last edited by Henry
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