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For his sake, I hope he wasn’t lying about his vaccination status and breaking protocols.  For the Packers sake, I hope they weren’t looking the other way and not enforcing protocols.  

What are the odds of both things occurring?  

1) It would be such a Rodgers selfish pompous ass type move

2) It would be such a clueless and stupid Packers move

What concerns me is in a the course of the last 2 weeks several players or coaches have tested positive or have been quarantined.   Is there an outbreak around the corner?  Could be.  Given how inept the FO and Murphy can be at times it would be classic for them to have to forfeit a game.

@Henry posted:

I'll slap and tickle you wank.

Somebody explain futbol to me and why 0-0 scores are awesome.

Fuck it, Rugby and Australian football for me.

Futbol? Stay away. Just as many primadonnas. Rugby players? What's the old mantra? To paraphrase:

Rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen, and soccer is a gentleman's game played by thugs.

@Goalline posted:

Very different tone there, bruv. I refuse to take it. I'd rather have an 0-16 team than support dirt bags. I'm just done with it.

That's the problem with pro sports. If you ruled out supporting any team that had narcissistic dirtbags on it, we'd all have a lot of weekends and evenings free. Maybe that's what the ultimate message of this should be?

Within the last 3 years, Wisconsin players have been the MVP of all three major sports. Back then, I think we'd have ranked them Rodgers, Yelich, and then Giannis. Rodgers had won a title and been a star for a decade-plus, Yelich looked like a future HOFer and was likeable, and Giannis was a guy who was looked at as a guy that might not be good enough to win a title (even though he might be the most likable star player in any sport).

Now it's Giannis completely ahead of both of them. He's obviously a HOF-level talent who won a title, and appears to be still likeable and humble. Yelich is still likeable, he's just not good anymore. You still feel good cheering for him. Rodgers - he's now done to me.

@Packy posted:

Maybe Rodgers had COVID and received the antibody treatment so he thinks that’s immunized?  

He's still an idiot then. The antibody treatments don't provide permanent immunity. They are basically a substitute for what your own B cells would produce once you are immunized.

Get the fricking vaccine. You play a sport that requires you to do things that compromise your long-term health for big money. He's had multiple documented concussions. Get the fucking shot. If you don't want two "owies" then take the Johnson and Johnson.

3 BILLION people are fully vaccinated. 3 BILLION. If there was any significant health risk, it would be known by now. The ones that are documented (myocarditis in very rare cases) are transient. If you were worried about side effects, get the shot in May.

@Timpranillo posted:

It really needs to be stated again that the media not pushing more on his use of "Immunized" is just a massive miss on their part. Not that its their fault, but ANYONE hearing that should have immediately realize they were weasel words. If you're vaxxed, you'd have said "I'm vaxxed".

I will never ever understand people. Ever.

Because he has cultivated relationships with the beat reporters, being super chummy for moments exactly like this. His MO is “I’m going to be playful and jokey, but don’t cross me because you will be dead to me.” What beat reporter wants to cross their player friend by calling out his sly dodge.

Last edited by Grave Digger

That's the problem with pro sports. If you ruled out supporting any team that had narcissistic dirtbags on it, we'd all have a lot of weekends and evenings free. Maybe that's what the ultimate message of this should be?

Within the last 3 years, Wisconsin players have been the MVP of all three major sports. Back then, I think we'd have ranked them Rodgers, Yelich, and then Giannis. Rodgers had won a title and been a star for a decade-plus, Yelich looked like a future HOFer and was likeable, and Giannis was a guy who was looked at as a guy that might not be good enough to win a title (even though he might be the most likable star player in any sport).

Now it's Giannis completely ahead of both of them. He's obviously a HOF-level talent who won a title, and appears to be still likeable and humble. Yelich is still likeable, he's just not good anymore. You still feel good cheering for him. Rodgers - he's now done to me.

No, if I want to be rid of aholes, rule number one would be quitting sports.

I hate to even speculate on Yelich but it could be those monster years hitting a lot of HRs he was juicing or taking PEDs.  The loss of power just doesn’t make any sense.

As for Rodgers, the irony is for a guy that’s been clear about being “all in” sure has a funny way of showing it.  You can agree or not, but given NFL protocols I can’t think of a more selfish and poor leadership example than not getting vaxxed.  The consequences of testing positive or having to quarantine for close contact are enormous.  In the NFC, a game or two will decide HFA.  

I think a more logical explanation is he had COVID already and buys into the “natural immunity” nonsense therefore doesn’t need a vaxx.  After all, Rodgers is all knowing and is always the smartest guy in the room.

I pray that Love steps in and has the game of his life. Then they can finally move on from this joker.  Shit, I’d trade him to Detroit or the NYJ for good measure.

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