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It's only been about 5 years since that douchebag tried to stick it to the Packers and the way he threw TT, Rodgers, and the fans under the bus won't soon be forgotten.

Brent forgets that Holmgren was ready to bench his ass in 1994 and stuck with him and that dolt returned the loyalty by practically forcing a move to Minnesota.

**** him
When it comes to the bottom line, put me down for "meh".
I don't really care one way or another, but if I have my 'druthers, I 'druther it be after TT and MM have moved on. It's not fair, nor does it make sense for TT/MM/Favre to be put in an uncomfortable situation.
Would be good for a new coach of a new team to 'bridge the gap' with Bert, and build some excitement for a new era of packer football. Anybody associated with Favre will be mostly long gone, and the current hatred of him will have subsided by then.
Originally posted by heyward:
I've never been convinced that the Packers couldn't have been even more successful with Mark Brunell at QB. Maybe not as many regular seasons wins, but maybe more playoff wins. He was a very good quarterback and much more protective of the ball.

I've always wondered who the backup was when watching the famous NFL Films clip of Holmgren saying, "put in the backup. No, wait a minute..." But it was clearly after a boneheaded Favre play.
Originally posted by ZUF:
Originally posted by Green and Gold:
Brett Favre is a Viking. The Packers should honor Farves career as a former Packer when HELL freezes over or he is 6 ft under (whichever comes first)

There is some merit to this as well. Reggie was the real mvp of those years

I have bought quite a few jerseys in my life. Only one from that period was Reggie's.

Many may think Brent made that reign of Packer glory from the outside, but it was Reggie. Plain and simple. Look what Brent did after Reggie was no longer part of the team.

He went diva, dismissal, and delusional. The best part of his career was watching him throw a pick to once again defeat the Queens.

Lombardi knows we watched it enough. When we did win it with TOG at the helm, it was because of Howard, who got us there, and Reggie with half a hamstring making Max Lane look like a ... child.

Maybe the Pats getting us Clay was a bit of karma return for that whole deal... the next year Brady took over.

Either way. I can't WAIT for the Pack to go win a SB @ the new ark in MN.

Won't that be nice.

Not to go all historical on you, but Lambeau didn't leave on good terms either. Tried to move the team to L A, wasted a lot of money on ego projects when the team didn't have any, d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d his local wife and married a former starlet, fudged his expense accounts, left in a huff and didn't come back. They didn't name the stadium for him originally - it was City Stadium.

The Packers will make peace with TOG, not because he deserves it, not because he is a great human being, not even for cash concerns, but because his play deserves to be recognized. Plus we need to heal the damage he caused us and moved on. It's not about him, its about us.

We just need to wait until he can come without being booed. Murphy is laying the groundwork for that day, as he should. Saying all the right things and giving TOG the chance to stop being an a:-) :-) hole. Now if TOG was just enough of a human to do so, we could proceed.

His number will not be given to someone else, but the league does frown on formal retirement of numbers. That can wait for him to be dead, like 66 and 92.
Originally posted by YATittle:
Not sure why Murphy keeps pushing this.

Is he clueless about fan sentiment?

Maybe the NFL has something to do with it? He is due for HOF induction soon and I bet the league wants to try and get things smoothed over before he is booed off the stage. BTW I am with the rest of you and #4 is dead to me so I say to H*** with him he tries to stick it to my team I love so he can wait a LONG time.
Originally posted by hof1991:
Not to go all historical on you, but Lambeau didn't leave on good terms either. Tried to move the team to L A, wasted a lot of money on ego projects when the team didn't have any, d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d his local wife and married a former starlet, fudged his expense accounts, left in a huff and didn't come back. They didn't name the stadium for him originally - it was City Stadium.

As has been discussed here before, Lombardi didn't exactly leave on good terms, either. He asked to be released from his contract as GM of the Packers to go to Washington, and Packer fans were livid. Now, obviously he didn't piss on the Packer franchise and say "I can't wait until Sonny Jurgensen lights up the Pack", or "I'm going to tell Sam Huff to lay Bart Starr's ass out". He realized he'd made a mistake, and wanted to coach again, and wasn't going to get Phil Bengtson fired to do so.

Like a lot of you, the way that Brett acted towards the end ticked me off a lot. He acted like a diva his last few years in Green Bay, and the "will he retire, won't he retire" drama got really old. And when the Packer management didn't kowtow to Brett after he un-retired, he acted like a child. His ego clouded his thinking. He couldn't see why the Packers didn't give him back the starting job (or maybe he could, and just didn't care)). He was a selfish prick.

I don't, however, want to say "f him, we can retire his number when he's an old man", or "give #4 to the waterboy", because in doing so, we'd be lowering ourselves to the childish level he exhibited when he left. Make no mistake, I'm not looking for any warm fuzzy feelings. If his number is going to be retired, for me to welcome him back, I need some kind of acknowledgement from Brett that he screwed up. He needs to say it-let it be an allocution of sorts. He needs to show that he understands what he did, and that no, "real Packer fans" didn't understand. He needs to acknowledge that the fans who supported him all those years, through his addiction problems, when his father died, when his wife was fighting cancer, did NOT deserve to get pissed on. Because whatever his feelings were for the front office, ultimately it was us that endured the worst of it.

I understand that some of you guys will never forgive him, or that it will take a long time before you can do it. I respect that. I haven't come to my opinion easily. But I want him back in the "Packer family". He needs to earn our respect back, but negative feelings have a way of festering, and I want to let that anger go. I want to forgive him, difficult as it may be. And I want that healing process to begin.
Last edited by lambeausouth
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by AtTheMurph:
Thompson told Farve to retire after the NYG INT in the NFCCG.

No way.

Yes way. He had a first round pick sitting on the bench. He had a QB who just proved he couldn't finish the deal with a team good enough to win and home field advantage.

Where was the franchise going to go with Favre at the QB spot? Answer - nowhere, exactly where every team he played on after he left GB went.

Thompson isn't dumb, McCarthy isn't dumb. If Rodgers didn't get on the field by the next season he was going to be gone and a wasted pick. Favre was told to hang it up, protect his legacy, retire into the mist and become a legend.

That Packers set it all up for him to be that Packers hero forever and also allow the franchise to continue on and give Rodgers the shot he was certainly going to get.

Favre wanted to play, and IMO it was for the records and to prove to TT that he still could at a high level. It didn't surprise me at all that one of his best years was in MN. His motivation was to do all the things TT and MM said he couldn't or wouldn't do. But in the end Favre couldn't control himselfand he screwed it up.

Now he's hated in GB and we have to have threads about "will be take him back". Favre chose the record book over the franchise. I have no problem with that but he has to live with the consequences. He's tainted in GB now. always will be too.

Favre will be elected into the HOF in 4 years, then he will have his name put up in the stadium. In the end we will remember the play on the field, good and bad, but the guy earned it, just like a lot of other douche bags did.
Originally posted by AtTheMurph:
Favre wanted to play, and IMO it was for the records and to prove to TT that he still could at a high level. It didn't surprise me at all that one of his best years was in MN. His motivation was to do all the things TT and MM said he couldn't or wouldn't do.

The sad part is, it took his going to Minnesota to show he could still play with control, and set the gunslinger "aw, shucks, I'm just going to fling it" mentality aside. If he had played like that during his last several seasons in Green bay, he'd have won at least one more Super Bowl, probably two. And that is Favre's maddening legacy in a nutshell. That is why he'll be a Hall of Famer, but he'll never surpass Bart Starr in the hearts of Packer fans.
The sad part is, it took his going to Minnesota to show he could still play with control, and set the gunslinger "aw, shucks, I'm just going to fling it" mentality aside.

Did you miss his last season in Green Bay? MM had coached him up to the point where he arguably had the best season of his career. No one had expected GB to go 13-3 that season. Brent was great during the regular season save against the Cowboys where he was no-look chucking it deep before he got knocked out of the game.

Trouble was in the NFCCG against the NYG he wimped out due the cold and then brain farted on his last pass. Brain farted for the Queens in the NFCCG also.
Amazing that Brent can still bring out the emotions that he does regarding his departure from GB! The whole sordid training camp saga did it for me- but during the 1st Minn game when the "family" was wearing "Thanks Ted" shirts ensured Brent will never return to my good graces.
Whenever some Brent loyalist talks to me about the ol' gunslinger I pull out the tape of that pass to Jennings in the SuperBowl with all the cookies on the line and remind them Brent never I repeat never threw pass that good in his career!

Rodgers win one more Superbowl and it will be Brent who?

Originally posted by cuqui:
Did you miss his last season in Green Bay? MM had coached him up to the point where he arguably had the best season of his career. No one had expected GB to go 13-3 that season.

Brett played well, and the defense also played well (6th in points allowed in the NFL, 11th in yardage). But his best season? Nope. Not by a long shot. The numbers just don't support that statement. He was better than he was at some points after Holmgren left, absolutely, but there's no arguing that the majority of his later years in Green Bay ended with a bone-headed pick of some sort. 2007 in that regard was no different.

Favre had a 2.8% int rate in 2007, and a 5.8% TD rate. His best single season metrics were an int rate of 2.3% in 1995, and a TD rate of 7.2% in 1996. In Minnesota, his interception rate was 1.3% in 2009, better than half what it was in 2007. He was also +26 touchdown to interception, tying his career best in 1996.

If I had to rank Brett's best individual seasons, I'd probably put his 2007 campaign 4th or 5th.
When it's time to square things up with Brett everyone will know it's time. Fans, President, Board.

Maybe it's 2 AR rings, Maybe it's another 5 years. Who knows. But it's not now.

Trying to force it on fans is a bad idea. Trying to force it on fans that purchased stock is worse. Pistols idea on a vote is spot on perfect.

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