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It's no secret that Lambeau had an acrimonious parting with the Packers. Most fans probably know little if anything about it. Today the stadium is named after him and his statue stands outside the main entrance to the atrium. It seems to me that he is not nearly as beloved as Lombardi despite his longer tenure with the team and more championships under his watch. Maybe that is just because Lombardis memory is not as distant as Lambeaus. I wonder what the fan sentiment for Lambeaus shenanigans was at the time and how long it took for most people to forgive and or forget?

Regardless of what the Packers do or do not do about Favre prior to his NFL HOF induction I don't know how or what that has to do with fan reaction at the HOF ceremony. I hope that no one shows up except a bunch of Viking rubes in their # 4 queen jerseys.
Originally posted by Green and Gold:
.... I hope that no one shows up except a bunch of Viking rubes in their # 4 queen jerseys.

Sorry for the partial silent killer, but I had to emphasize this portion.

Wouldn't that be HILARIOUS?! (considering how he F'd them like he had been blowing playoffs for us for the past, what, 7 years before that? (not including the 4th and 29))

I would almost consider going just to boo him myself if he doesn't tuck tail and apologize.

I'm re-watching the Atlanta game & the Super Bowl. The NFCCG bear game holds a special spot in my heart.

GPack88 said it....Favre never threw a pass as well as Aaron on 3rd down, when we had to have it, to Greg Jennings.

After Super Bowl 45 ended, Tomlin spoke about..."It's not so much what we didn't do, it's what they were able TO DO."

Or words to that effect....

I'm just surprised it took him (Aaron) so long to do it....
Originally posted by Boris:
By all reports he was good friends with Mark Brunell and Aaron Brooks as well as Doug Pederson and the career backup guys.

he's good friends with Doug Pederson because Doug Pederson posed ZERO threat to him as a starting quarterback. You'll notice Mark Brunell & Aaron Brooks were traded away..... did you forget that?

Both were starting caliber QBs, and Holmgren supposedly thought Brunell was a direct threat to start. Yet he still got along with them just fine.
Originally posted by Green and Gold:
It's no secret that Lambeau had an acrimonious parting with the Packers. Most fans probably know little if anything about it. Today the stadium is named after him and his statue stands outside the main entrance to the atrium. It seems to me that he is not nearly as beloved as Lombardi despite his longer tenure with the team and more championships under his watch. Maybe that is just because Lombardis memory is not as distant as Lambeaus. I wonder what the fan sentiment for Lambeaus shenanigans was at the time and how long it took for most people to forgive and or forget?

Probably a lot of the current attitude has to do with the Internet and the instant communication that we have today that didn't exist in Lambeau's day. We know a LOT more about Brett's baggage than probably anyone knew about Lambeau's at the time they decided to name the stadium after him.
I have committed my thoughts about Brent far back in this post and I am not looking to create arguments but the phrase about a dumb interception in a playoff game pales- don't forget he choked away more playoff games than hooker at a deep throat party, the 94 dallas game, 95 dallas game,the Phila game, the Giants game and the 4int game against Minnesota.

My opinion about the retirement is also well known. Fully agree with the comments about the Greta interview. For me that scumbag POS can retire as a Viking and Ill not shed a tear!
Originally posted by Boris:
Rodgers win one more Superbowl and it will be Brent who?

Totally agree.

Are we being too greedy?

The first 1 was pure vindication. Now, All I need is 1 more with Rodgers & MM & TT. Just 1 more to put the final nail in the Brent Favre coffin.

Go away Brett....we hardly knew ye

The summer of 2008 left a lot of fans seriously disliking Favre and that has not changed

imo, The summer of 2008 was the final straw for a lot of us that cared about the Packers ...

BTW, put me on the list that does not like Murphy. He pushes the envelop way too much, like someone said I get the feeling he is on the phone to Goodells office every day. Scheming on the best way for the NFL to extract money from the Packer Franchises' special situation with its fans.
Originally posted by Shoeless Joe:
Once again you cut thru the BS Satori, excellent post.

Right? I hate the ****er. He has a brain the size of a Mack truck. Everything he says makes so much sense. Sickening.
Originally posted by trump:
BTW, put me on the list that does not like Murphy. He pushes the envelop way too much, like someone said I get the feeling he is on the phone to Goodells office every day. Scheming on the best way for the NFL to extract money from the Packer Franchises' special situation with its fans.

Yes, he had a miserable playoff game against the Rams

Falcons or Vikings at home? Forget those already? What about the two butt kickings in Dallas in 1993 and 1994?

His ints basically sealed the 1995 Cowboys loss, the 2004 Eagles loss, and the 2007 Giants loss.

The bottom line is that Favre played poorly in probably half of his playoff games.

If he wasn't playing Seattle or San Francisco chances are they lost those games
Probably a lot of the current attitude has to do with the Internet and the instant communication that we have today that didn't exist in Lambeau's day. We know a LOT more about Brett's baggage than probably anyone knew about Lambeau's at the time they decided to name the stadium after him.

It took a long time for fans to get over Lambeau's shenanigans--it was named City Stadium for a long time.

With Favre, what's needed is time and contrition on his part. You can't rush it. I don't care if he gets into the HOF on first ballot or what his relationship with the Packer fans are at the time.
Originally posted by YATittle:
It took a long time for fans to get over Lambeau's shenanigans--it was named City Stadium for a long time.

My great-grandparents grew up in Green Bay and were about the same age as Curly Lambeau. They didn't know him well personally, but his reputation from a relatively young was well known. If he'd have been around today, he'd probably have been suspended by the NFL at some point. Heavy drinking, Tiger Woods-level womanizing, probably some inappropriate gambling. My great-grandmother once said to me that she was disappointed the stadium was named after him because "he just wasn't a very nice man."
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Boris:
many of us wrote the same dumb excuses about him for years

Very true. Myself included. but he taught me a valuable lesson. I won't ever fall for that crap again. Not for any person on the planet not Rodgers not anybody.

I share the same feeling Boris on both counts. Bugs the hell out of me that as a fan I can't buy fully into Rodgers because of Favre. Time will tell. I hope Rodgers is as good as advertised, ie. Bart Starr.

Thanks for the audio....not a big fan of Jim Rome, but sooooooooo love my #1 boyfriend. Aaron is just the most a w e s o m e person, not only just a fantastic QB, but just the best man. Love him. and along with my #2 boyfriend they've opened another restaurant.


I think he can make big strides by acknowledgeing the Packers and their fan base during his HOF speech. I want to say "apologize" but that doesn't seem realistic. But if there was just one opportunity where he could make ammends, that would be it.
Originally posted by MichiganPacker:
Heavy drinking, Tiger Woods-level womanizing, probably some inappropriate gambling.

I'm reading "The History of the Green Bay Packers: The Lambeau Years, Book I" by Larry Names right now. Gambling wasn't inappropriate in the early years - it was part of how they paid the players. Besides the gate, supporters of the team (and I'm not sure right now if that included Lambeau or not) would place bets with the opposition supporters and the winning team would have a bigger pot to pay out. Talk about fan investment in their team! Smiler
Originally posted by DH13:
I want to say "apologize" but that doesn't seem realistic. But if there was just one opportunity where he could make ammends, that would be it.

The whole "apology" aspect is one I'll never get. The day I want a professional athlete to say sorry to me for something, is the day I realize I take this all too seriously, and need to step away.

Brett Favre doesn't owe the Packers anything. The Packers don't owe him anything. He was a great player who created enjoyment for me as a fan. He was well compensated for his services. He got in a fight with his bosses on his way out....that happens everywhere in life, not just professional football. It didn't end well. He made mistakes on his way out. It's over. For me, he's a part of Packer history that gave me enjoyment, just like the current team does. When they chose to celebrate it, I'll enjoy it and remember many great moments. And when they kick the ball off to start the next Packers game, it won't matter much to me at all.
Originally posted by BeerGuy:
The whole "apology" aspect is one I'll never get. The day I want a professional athlete to say sorry to me for something, is the day I realize I take this all too seriously, and need to step away.

I don't give two poops but it seems the sector of the fanbase that still has resentment is expecting something along the lines of an apology.
I don't think many people are looking for an apology about how he left. Most fans realize that things got sideways. I think what most fans are upset about is the fact that he was so vindictive after he left (telling the Bears to stick it to us, calling the Lions and giving them info on calls, talking to the Queens). That is what most people are upset about.

You right it's the same as when you leave a job, but when you leave (Initech) a job for 18 years, and you go straight to the competitor (Digitech) and give secrets, you better believe that your dead to the old company until you understand that you F'd up pretty good, and the only way to do that is to apologize.
Originally posted by Tdog:
I don't need an apology. I just don't feel it's up to the GBP to woo him back. If he wants to come back to Lambeau it should be up to him to make that happen.

I agree with PackerRuss, but I'll take it one further. I think during his playing days in GB fans related to what they perceived as Favre's hard working, hard partying, ah shucks attitude. Many (not all) went through their Packer fan formative years with him, and that created a bond bewteen player and fan. This was effed up, but it was hard to resist during his and the team's ascention to respectability and greatness. It was a fan trust that Boris mentioned in an earlier post that should not have taken place and has caused many to be weary of doing this again with other players. This was the fans fault, not Favre's. He probabaly gave two craps.

When that trust was broken through the ugly divorce I think many saw the unthinkable happen. All the other crap he pulled just manifested it. In the end like I said, I think it's our fault as fans not to invest so much in these guys. I admit to do the same with Rodgers now though, so who the hell knows. I probabaly need to get a life or identity.
Last edited by Tavis Smiley
Trying to look forward and appreciate what is going on in GB these days. I bring up the past around mn fans who have nothing to hang their hat on but try to move on and get ready for this regime to win more LOMBARDIS.
As a fan of Green Bay most of us are passionate about the Packers and believe most of the Packer players should be too. Sometimes it's hard for us to consider the player's perspective that it's a business, a way to support themselves and their families. And, most Packer players probably weren't passionate about the Packers when growing up. It can be tough seeing an ex-Packer playing for another team but we accept it except when the ex-Packer takes shots at his former team like Favre did. That's when bridges are burned and the division sets in. I think Favre and Packer fans still need a few more years to gel before any major reconciliation can be accomplished.
Originally posted by JJSD:
Originally posted by trump:
BTW, put me on the list that does not like Murphy. He pushes the envelop way too much, like someone said I get the feeling he is on the phone to Goodells office every day. Scheming on the best way for the NFL to extract money from the Packer Franchises' special situation with its fans.


yeah, murphy is too much like 1 of them, in an IRS scam kind of way ...

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