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To quote a Deadspin commenter:


hey released Nick Collins, the best player on the defense besides Clay Matthews, because, "they wouldn't play their son after an injury like his" even though a doctor didn't say he couldn't play anymore. WELL HE'S NOT YOUR SON AND THE SAFETY NOW IS SOMEONE NAMED M.D. JENNINGS. WHO IS THAT? Just throw Collins out there and hope to God.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

Games missed, careers cut short....the Packers have to be at or very near the top of the list.


Very conservative medical staff.

They've been at or near the top of games missed and players lost for years. Yet they keep winning. Playoff appearance 6 of the last 7 years. 5 consecutive years. Longest streak in the NFL. 


Ted  finds them. Mike coaches them. Having the best QB in football helps buts it's mighty impressive how they keep plugging names in and play well into January year after year. 


One of these years the injuries ain't gonna happen. That will likely end with Championship number 14. 


And even if those injuries happen. This team will still be competitive. It's truly unbe-****ing-lievable how good these two guys have been and never once played the injury excuse for falling short. 


Not bad for a stroke victim and a permanent stupid face. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

I know we all like to dwell on the Packers and all their injuries but this is the NFL and career ending injuries happen all the time to a number of teams.  Regardless, it sucks to hear about Franklin.  Sounds like Dujaun Harris is going to fill that role now. 


The part that amazes me is how many serious injuries occur during non contact situations.  It would be interesting to see studies done on the past versus current NFL players on injuries - not sure if the bigger stronger faster element (and PEDs) are causing more injuries to occur or not.  

Originally Posted by Rusty:

To quote a Deadspin commenter:

hey released Nick Collins, the best player on the defense besides Clay Matthews, because, "they wouldn't play their son after an injury like his" even though a doctor didn't say he couldn't play anymore. WELL HE'S NOT YOUR SON AND THE SAFETY NOW IS SOMEONE NAMED M.D. JENNINGS. WHO IS THAT? Just throw Collins out there and hope to God.

The Deadspin guy doesn't have the interests of the players lives ahead of the teams interests.  He is self centered as aooposed to others centered.  Apparently, GB does put their players interests before those of the organization.  I say 'apparently' because we really don't know what goes on at 1265 Lombardi Ave. behind closed doors.  So even though it doesn't profit the Packers in the short term, I'd rather have it this way.  JMO

Well said, Ghost of Lambeau. If the NFL is going to survive at somewhere near its present form, teams need to think and act like the Packers rather than the mentality shown in the movie, "North Dallas Forty," which I believe is still prevalent in the league. These are human beings. Having said that, I hope JMike takes his $10 million and has a good life.

I love that schedule, the morning practices are a lot better than the evening practices. The morning practices have a lot of people, but they're not insanely full like the evening practices. You can actually get good seats if you come early. That Saturday practice will be a mad house, but the weekday ones aren't that bad. We will be up from the 25th to the 31st. It's my sister-in-law's first visit to GB.

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