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@Chongo posted:

He will go to the highest bidder period. If the most money he gets is staying with Packers on a restructure he will do it. That is his only

I'm sure he has a short list of teams he wants to play for and the Packers are one of them. To be on his list the team will have to be very competitive. He's not taking a lowball offer but playing time and winning will rank ahead of money, something he has plenty of.

@Chongo posted:

69 has said himself multiple times all considerations with his health are business decisions. I take the man at his word,

So money isnโ€™t the only motivation. Because heโ€™s making a shit ton of money whether he has surgery or not.

Hereโ€™sa thought: maybe money is part of the equation. But maybe getting back on the field consistently and resuming his career as a HoF LT is his real motivation

.  Cripes! David is just another horrible human being out for himself while try ing to fuck over the packers in the process.

Not directed to you specifically, but too many people seem to complain about this guy as if heโ€™s loafing, or is looking for a way to get out of GB. To say his โ€œonly motivation is moneyโ€ is horseshit.  To me, that is questioning his character. The guy has had one surgery after another to try and get back on the field. Prior to the injury, there was hardly a speck on his character. So to suggest his only motivation is money is to question his character.Iโ€™d say GB holds the cards to his future with the Packers since heโ€™s under contract beyond next year.

I tried to look at this from a different angle, which took some math, so I may/may not be close.

Figuring he will likely be paid $136.7M over the course of his career (11 years), and assuming he doesn't play in 2024, that works out to slightly under $12.5M/yr.
I didn't include his dead cap hit ($19M) next year, because it won't be paid to him, but since the team has to pay it, that bumps that figure up to slightly over $14.1M/yr.

I'd say he certainly has been paid handsomely, but I don't know if I can call it "stealing", no matter how it seems the last couple of years.

@PackLandVA posted:

.  Cripes! David is just another horrible human being out for himself while try ing to fuck over the packers in the process.

I'm laughing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†

I'm going to ASSume you're taking this to the extreme for effect and not being serious.

@PackLandVA posted:

Not directed to you specifically, but too many people seem to complain about this guy as if heโ€™s loafing, or is looking for a way to get out of GB.

I've seen a few say that, but it's a minority IMO and since that's the sensationalized "take" some people are running with it.

Pretty sad honestly.

I hope the guy finishes his career in Green Bay because he was drafted by Green Bay & I think he's excellent. Sometimes it's just not in the cards for it to work that way. If not, tip the hat and say Thank You for spending most of your career in Green Bay.

Last edited by Boris

It may be a take-it-or-leave-it deal: take the pay cut and play for a young, up-coming team and QB, or leave it and go to NY where you'll play alongside second-stringers and for a QB who's one hit away from retirement. Frankly, I could see Bak leaving to play for a year with AR, and then both of them retiring at the end of the following year. It may not help the Jets much, but the buddy system remains in place.

@vitaflo posted:

Another quote from him back then was that we are in a rebuilding year.  Love Bakh but we all know he wasn't totally bought in early on.

You'd think a guy that played 13 games in the last three seasons in the midst of a dwindling career would lay low, quietly work towards rehabbing his injury, and be respectful of the team that's been more than patient with him while writing him massive checks in hopes he'll regain his all pro form. Instead he acts like a tone deaf clown who self appointed himself a consultant for the social media department.

Don't have much hope for his future as a Packer and damn sure won't miss him when he's gone.  Congratulations on being the most diva offensive lineman I can remember in the last 30 years of Packer football. He got brain worms from Lang and Sitton. Give me Bulaga or Clifton (who fought through way more than what made 69 quit on the stool this season). Don't blame the guy for taking every advantage not to be hobbled by a game that can cripple these guys for life, but don't go glory hunting after you weren't game enough to compete in a season you thought was dead from the start. Work your ass off towards being a part of what could be in 2024.

(I'm  also a soulless hypocrite who will welcome him back with open arms if he's all in next season and wants to chase a ring while holding down the left wing of the line for Love to throw 50 TDs )



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I donโ€™t mind an outspoken player.   While he may be old for an NFL player, he is still only 32 years old.   I was saying and doing a lot of stupid shit in my 30โ€™s.  

That said, I wouldnโ€™t bring him back.   He was a great Packer but Iโ€™m not trusting that knee for anything other than vet min.   Also,  He wonโ€™t want to play on artificial turf.  

It just doesnโ€™t make sense to risk the roster spot in my opinion since Walker has proven himself capable.  

I don't know the "dead cap" and / or financial benefits of cutting him, but I'm inclined to take a renegotiated flyer on him. His knee is structurally sound, which he proved by playing at an elite level in the one game he played this year. The problem was that they couldn't remedy the fluid buildup (which I assume could do long term damage) that kept occurring. Guys like him don't come around very often. I realize others don't share my opinion.

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