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I am a firm believer in karma.


Like starting the game week thread on the Sunday prior in the early evening. Worked for this week's game. And most of the time last season.


Or like when we get our most currently most-hated non-divisional opponent in Lambeau after a stretch of gut wrenching away game losses. Like with the Cowboys in the mid-90s. Beat their dicks into the Lambeau turf when we got them at home.


Welcome "home", Russ. 

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Given how Arizona (with Palmer) and STL played today I think the Seachickens have their work cut out for them this year.   Something tells me they will be lucky to get a playoff spot this year especially if Kam Chancellor continues his stupidity of holding out.

I have a feeling GB has a serious case of comeuppance planned and they will thrash those ****ers next week.  I am more concerned about KC the following week than Seattle

He has all the leverage on his side. He'd be a fool to come in now without a new deal. Once the Packers are done stomping the Seahawks in to the turf a week and ~4 hours from now, he'll really have the front office over a barrel.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

Originally Posted by YooperPackfan:
Oh I hope I hope I hope!! It sucks I have to work next Sunday....grrrr

It's the Sunday night game if that helps

Well kinda but I still won't get till 8-8:30 tho...thats what DVR's are for I guess
After giving up a lot of big plays to STL and seeing how GB was still functioning well without Nelson, I bet they're feeling the urgency to resign Chancellor. I anticipate him resigning this week.

Seattle had a lot more problems today than missing Kam Chancellor. 


What's funny is I read he's holding out for $900k more in 2016. He losing something like $300k per game he misses. That's not including all the team fines he's racked up. Evidently he was not a math major. 

It is pretty funny. I think Schneider will hold firm GD. I know what you are saying, but their reworking a deal next year after a holdout sets a very bad precedent.

Even if they wanted to in this instance, I don't believe they can. Would open up a monster can of worms.
Last edited by Trophies
Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:

Seattle had a lot more problems today than missing Kam Chancellor. 


{snip}That's not including all the team fines he's racked up. Evidently he was not a math major. 

Supposedly, they waived the "team fines"


Yes they're setting a very bad precedent. After the Packers beat the Seahawks, they'll find a way to get the deal done with Kam.


Teams generally wait 2 weeks to go 0-2 before deciding how much their team leader is "worth"

Originally Posted by antooo:

If anything, Kam has a bit more leverage after the Seahawks loss than he had before the season.


Take your time Kam, don't let them pressure you into fulfilling your contract.

Because teams always honor contracts and never cut players with years left on them.  

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:


Kam or no Kam, Dan Quinn going to Atlanta is going to hurt that D for a while. Rams aren't an offensive machine and they put up a lot of points and yards. 


Great point. The real war of attrition begins for SEA. They are just seeing the results of success. Tough to deal with all the losses.
Originally Posted by Trophies:
Well, as much as I hate SEA, this has less to do with karma, and more to do with taking care of business. We brought the last loss on ourselves. Prove we are better, Packers.

It aint just the last loss Hoss...this is now down to blood and guts.


More than the debts owed by the karma gods and the officials...we owe a debt to ourselves.


It is time.


If this isn't a defining game in the McCarthy/ Rodgers era...I'll be damned.


01/18/15 GB 22 - SEA 28 x 


09/04/14 GB 16 - SEA 36


09/24/12 GB 12 - SEA 14 

That Oline in Seattle looks bad.  Granted the Rams front is one of the best, Wilson was sacked 6 times.  We're not talking about a statue like Drew Bledoe, Russell Wilson can escape pressure with the best of them.

From the article: 

Seattle has some pretty talented players but their head coach SUCKS!

Seattle’s head coach is a joke. He screws up and then blames his players, WOW! The on sides kick was pretty stupid but not half as stupid as the call in the super bowl. Man what a bonehead call the coach made. You have the BEAST who no one could stop for one yard and that clown calls a pass. The thing is they still had a time out. They could have run Marshawn on second down and then called time out if he didn’t score. If you miss the 3rd down pass it stops the clock. You still have 4th and the D doesn’t know if you are going to run or pass on 4th down. That play call cost them the world championship. They had New England by the short hairs and Carrol let the Brady bunch off the hook. Tom Brady was on the sideline getting ready to cry, he knew it was all over but the crying. I bet Brady almost crapped his pants when he looked up and saw the pass attempt that was picked off. 
After the game he tried putting the blame on Wilson for throwing the pick. If Carrol didn’t send in the dumbest play call of the century Wilson couldn’t throw the interception. Now he’s trying to blame the kicker for the loss to the Rams. I wouldn’t want this clown for my head coach.

I want Cam back for the game on Sunday.  Why? because I don't want to hear any excuses that they weren't at full strength for the game.  If the Packers truly are the favorites in the NFC I think they need to beat the Seahawks.  We get them in Lambeau so no  excuses Go Pack Go!

Originally Posted by The Heckler:


I want Cam back for the game on Sunday.  Why? because I don't want to hear any excuses that they weren't at full strength for the game.  If the Packers truly are the favorites in the NFC I think they need to beat the Seahawks.  We get them in Lambeau so no  excuses Go Pack Go!


I'll be shocked if the SEA brass backs down with Kam's holdout. I think he screwed the pooch on that one.

oldschool, I know what you are saying, but last year's NFCC game was the karma game. We outplayed them for 3.5 quarters and laid a massive egg. This one, we simply have to be a better football team. A win will exercise plenty of demons. No doubt. We need this win.
Originally Posted by Packdog:

Rams defensive front is really good, but all the same, the Seahags O-line looks  very shaky. 

This. Wilson was on the run most of the day. He may take the best angles of any QB to the sideline to avoid hits when scrambling. He'll need that skill often this year.

I have no idea how the Packer defense is going to stop Lynch.


I'm going to use Lynch, Wilson & Graham in all my DFS games next week. Maybe that will put the hex on them.

After watching Forte and Cutler run all over the Packers, I shudder to think what Wilson and Lynch might do this week on the ground. 


Hopefully the game against the Bears was a 1 week blip.  We'll certainly have a better idea if the Bears game was a fluke in terms of run defense or the Seahawks could expose it as a daunting problem that will rear its ugly head in many games this year.


Also, let's just hope that the Pack's special teams continue to look the way they looked against the Bears.  I think the Seahawks special teams are a different level than the Bears are, and the Pack will have to really watch out for that rookie return guy Lockett. 



Anyone know what the severity of Burnett's injury was and if he is expected back vs SEA?  One of the reasons the D jumped late last year was his run support in the box.  He was sorely missed yesterday for that facet of his game and would provide a noticeable boost vs. Lynch.

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