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@Boris posted:

Yeah.....I'll get right on that including the pics of fans holding pitchforks at Murphy's head

… or English text from a credible source.   Whichever you prefer, sir.     Cite your source, homie.   You make a claim as is if it’s fact, that requires citation.  

Insert caddy shack we’re waiting gif.

Last edited by BrainDed
@tsr86free posted:


One of the greatest moments in radio...Rich Eisen interviewing Pats fan Matt Damon...asks him "do you have any thoughts on the butt fumble?"

Damon: "I just spent the last 9 months filming 'Behind the Candelabra'...I know all about the butt fumble..."

I do have a bone to pick with his statement….I am not a savior.

He may not think that but the owner, GM, coach, teammates and fans do.  Time to put on the cape big boy.

Last edited by Pikes Peak
@titmfatied posted:

It's hard not to laugh at Rodgers describing the Jets franchise as iconic. They're a lot closer to a laughingstock.

It's iconic like rain on your wedding day.  Or a black fly in Goldie's Chardonnay.

Are the rest of the teams in the AFC going to fold because of the Great Aaron Rodgers? I don't think so. 2 other teams in his division play in cold outdoor stadiums.

Of course, they're not going to fold. I'm just saying that if Rodgers is going to win a SB with the Jets, I'd rather it be next year than this year. If he never wins it again, that's fine, too -- almost better, in fact.

@Fandame posted:

I wouldn't mind Rodgers winning it all in year 2 with the Jets. If he went all the way this year, GB would never hear the end of it.

It's a team sport. Probably the one sport that requires an entire team plus luck to win it all.

If the Jets win it all (they won't) the trade becomes a Win-Win for both franchises.

IMO anything less than Championship Sunday appearance for the Jets, the Pack scores big on this trade.

Now the key for the Pack is do something with that draft capital.

He cuts his own hair with a bowl and a flowbie.

I don't think it has been said yet but didn't it look like he had dyed his hair a little bit?  Looked a shade lighter,a little goldish. Sorry ahead of time Goldie

@YATittle posted:

I noticed the darker hair. More conventional cut, too. Maybe he was inspired while in the dark.

I noticed the conventional cut also but it looked a shade or two lighter to me. Maybe the lights were shinning on him when he was walking off the stage or something.

@The Grinder posted:

I noticed the conventional cut also but it looked a shade or two lighter to me. Maybe the lights were shinning on him when he was walking off the stage or something.

Um, he never walks off the stage

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