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@Chongo posted:

Sorry @Boris I'm throwing my vote behind @packerboi for new Packers president!

As the new #1 in the Packer Org, I let the football people run the football operations.

I help when when requested.

From Bob McGinn...allegedly. I just found it on the internet

“As of right now, I’m convinced — based on my own instincts and knowing the NFL and knowing what happens after all these defeats and discussions with someone who has firsthand knowledge of this organization, of the Packers’ internal debates — that they are done with Rodgers.

That’s the way it is right now, that he’s not coming back. They’re moving on. This is going to involve money and a trade partner and all kinds of things. But I’m totally convinced he is not going to be their starting quarterback this year.

On the other hand, they love Jordan Love. They think he’s the second coming now. They’ve seen enough in practice for three years, that they believe he is like Rodgers 2.0. That’s where this organization is coming from right now. They have turned the page, just like they did to Favre in June and July, those months in the summer of 2008 and I don’t see it changing.

“Even if Rodgers comes back to collect that $59 million, I think he’s the backup. He could try to ruin the whole operation. But he knows that’s not going to happen and he’s going to accept a trade somewhere. It’s Love’s turn. The organization’s going that way. And that’s the way it is. This is everybody, I’m told. This is Murphy. This is LaFleur. This is Gutekunst. This is the whole shooting match. They’ve turned the page. They don’t see Rodgers as a guy who’s really working hard anymore. They see a guy who — when he reported this year — his body wasn’t as so-called ‘tight’ and strong as it was. They see a guy who blew off the offseason last year. … They’re done. It’s a hard guy to be done with.”

You know what's funny? That's exactly how I felt after the Niner playoff loss last year.....and after Favre & the packers lost the NFC CG in 2007 to the Giants in OT....and I'll bet Gutey felt the same.

PHA.Q Murphy

Can't disagree with any of that. There were times last year you could see the frustration from everyone about Rodgers. Guys are going to say all the right things -- no one wants to burn that bridge -- but it's past time to move on. If it all works out well, Love is ready to show the faith the coaches and FO have put in him. And who knows? Maybe Love is a guy who took this long to be ready as a starting QB. I'll be happy if in his first year as a starter he wins more games than he loses.

i sure hope this is true.  but is mcginn really connected these days?

There's long term FO folks not named Gute he could very well still have ties to who are in the know that Bob knows when he was active with the Journal. I don't think Bob puts that out there based on clicks. He likely has a source.

I think part of this beyond Love being ready is that MLF has not run his offense since his 1st year here. Observers watching film, particularly the last 1.5 seasons has noticed Rodgers running an offense that looked a lot like MM's and very little like the one MLF installed in his 1st year. And I have little doubt it didn't sit well with MLF.

But a young coach having a HOF QB coming off back-to-back MVP's likely felt he didn't have ability (or the balls) to tell AR were not running a MM offense. So this is another solution.

I also think the defeats hit really hard at 1265. Its a gut punch for us fans, but we forget about all of the other professionals inside that building.

Gute bet his career on Love and he's going to see it play out.

IF this is it...

Then both Favre and Rodgers will have finished their esteemed careers in Titletown...with an INT at Lambeau as their final pass.

That's just nuts

@Satori posted:

IF this is it...

Then both Favre and Rodgers will have finished their esteemed careers in Titletown...with an INT at Lambeau as their final pass.

That's just nuts

Synergy....It makes sense

@Boris posted:

You know what's funny? That's exactly how I felt after the Niner playoff loss last year.....and after Favre & the packers lost the NFC CG in 2007 to the Giants in OT....and I'll bet Gutey felt the same.

PHA.Q Murphy

I felt a little different than you. I was done with Favre after that Giants NFC title game loss. He was the reason they lost that game. A league-average, game-manager QB wins them that game.

In the Niners loss last season, I felt that, while Rodgers didn't win the game for them, he didn't do anything that lost it for them. We can talk about how he missed Lazard on his last throw of the night, but he didn't throw a game-clinching interception, and that was a tough defense to face for any QB. The special teams lost that game.

I do agree that this year was the first year of the MLF era that I thought Rodgers half-assed it. This happened much earlier with Favre. Everyone remembers the 4th and 26th Philly game for the Sharper screwup, Favre's lob for an interception, even for not going for it on 4th and 1 from the 40. However, the play before the 4th and 1 was a scramble where Favre looked to have an open field in front of him to pick up the first down and looked like a guy that hadn't worked very hard to keep himself in shape for quite a while. Payton Manning might have even run for that first down, but Favre hadn't done the work to make that type of play. That's what Rodgers reminded me of this year. Of course, when you spend several weeks blowing out your colon in the offseason, you might lose a little bit.

Last edited by MichiganPacker
@Satori posted:

I also think the defeats hit really hard at 1265. Its a gut punch for us fans, but we forget about all of the other professionals inside that building.

….or, they’re career apparatchiks who make a damn nice living ,who will simply embark upon another 5 year plan towards prosperity.

@packerboi posted:

There's long term FO folks not named Gute he could very well still have ties to who are in the know that Bob knows when he was active with the Journal. I don't think Bob puts that out there based on clicks. He likely has a source.

I think part of this beyond Love being ready is that MLF has not run his offense since his 1st year here. Observers watching film, particularly the last 1.5 seasons has noticed Rodgers running an offense that looked a lot like MM's and very little like the one MLF installed in his 1st year. And I have little doubt it didn't sit well with MLF.

But a young coach having a HOF QB coming off back-to-back MVP's likely felt he didn't have ability (or the balls) to tell AR were not running a MM offense. So this is another solution.

There are probably a lot of old-timers in Green Bay (not directly connected with the team) that have watched Packers training camps for decades that McGinn has ties with. Those types of guys know it when they see it at this point.

@Satori posted:

IF this is it...

Then both Favre and Rodgers will have finished their esteemed careers in Titletown...with an INT at Lambeau as their final pass.

That's just nuts

We were saying that in the game thread the moment after it happened.

@vitaflo posted:

FWIW, McGinn also said in the podcast that Rodgers is not a 1st ballot HOFer.  So take everything he said with a grain of salt.  He basically spent the entire time shitting on AR.

McGinn is a total and complete Favre-head. Over- the- top in love with St. Brett and everything he ever did. Even John Madden would blush at some of the Favre- gargling from Bob

Conversely, he went the other way with Rodgers. Half of what McGinn wrote is him projecting his thoughts onto the Packers brass.

EX: Packers brass says:

"We were super disappointed in the recent playoff loss"

McGinn translates that to:

" The Packers hate Aaron Rodgers and think he is the suckiest suck that ever sucked ! "

Onward we go

I don't know about all the "half-assing" it from AR this season.  He didn't do the OTA's or work with the new kids.  But do you keep playing sub-par ball with a broken throwing thumb if you're half assing it?  I wouldn't know.  Maybe he knew if he sat and Love played well that he'd end his GB career on the bench?

@DH13 posted:

I don't know about all the "half-assing" it from AR this season.  He didn't do the OTA's or work with the new kids.  But do you keep playing sub-par ball with a broken throwing thumb if you're half assing it?  I wouldn't know.  Maybe he knew if he sat and Love played well that he'd end his GB career on the bench?

Blech.  I hate the offseason.

@packerboi posted:

Observers watching film, particularly the last 1.5 seasons has noticed Rodgers running an offense that looked a lot like MM's and very little like the one MLF installed in his 1st year. And I have little doubt it didn't sit well with MLF.

Are you referring to the pass, pass, pass, pass, run, pass, pass, pass, TO due to time clock mismanagement, pass, pass offense?

@DH13 posted:

I don't know about all the "half-assing" it from AR this season.  He didn't do the OTA's or work with the new kids.

From all reports, Rodgers was previously  a dedicated hard worker and spent a lot of time on his body. Maybe that changed ?

Some fans get really bent out of shape over the OTAs, but they really are a waste for an 18 year veteran.

Day 1 of OTAs:

" Gentlemen, THIS  is a football" 

There isn't a lot of opportunity to work on the offense, WR timing and some of the other stuff that's important for QB/WRs to get on the same page. They are still learning their splits, how to line up, how to beat press coverage - all kinds of very fundamental type stuff. And there are 90 guys in OTAs - half of whom wont be there when the season commences.

I really don't have an issue with it and if you've ever attended an early-season OTA - you'd probably feel the same way.

I think the "doing everything he can" to prepare himself and the new guys for the season vs. doing the minimum may be what rubs some the wrong way.  Maybe it would have been a dog and pony show, maybe it would have mattered. 

Something doesn't add up with McGinn's comments and it is single-sourced (supposedly).  Rodgers played with a broken thumb for most of the year and the brass are obsessing over how in-shape he was for camp?  That doesn't compute.  Neither does anchoring themselves to 60MM dollars.  Rodgers isn't doing anything new or different since LaFleur arrived.  Why would they commit that kind of dough/contract?  Why would LaFleur and Gutenkunst say they want Rodgers back?  I think McGinn's full of shit.

This thread is 12 years old.  An awful lot has transpired in between

" You either retire a hero... or play long enough to become the villain"

@Satori posted:

IF this is it...

Then both Favre and Rodgers will have finished their esteemed careers in Titletown...with an INT at Lambeau as their final pass.

That's just nuts

And then Rodgers gets traded to the Jets, released after one season, and signs on with the Vikes. Yikes.

@50k Club posted:

Something doesn't add up with McGinn's comments and it is single-sourced (supposedly).  Rodgers played with a broken thumb for most of the year and the brass are obsessing over how in-shape he was for camp?  That doesn't compute.  Neither does anchoring themselves to 60MM dollars.  Rodgers isn't doing anything new or different since LaFleur arrived.  Why would they commit that kind of dough/contract?  Why would LaFleur and Gutenkunst say they want Rodgers back?  I think McGinn's full of shit.

Rodgers played through that injury knowing a 1st round pick was in the rear view mirror who had significantly progressed and players like Campbell, Douglas and Aaron Jones are talking about how good he looks in practice. It only takes an injury and your once secure job is suddenly replaced.

See one Don Majkowski.

As for OTA's not meaning much for an 18 year yet. No argument there. But there is also optics involved with this. He's the highest paid player in the NFL, he skips out on OTA's to workout with his new rookie WR's and he's a leader of the team.

That matters in the message and tone set for the team.  And I can see that not sitting well with his HC or Gute.

There are probably a lot of old-timers in Green Bay (not directly connected with the team) that have watched Packers training camps for decades that McGinn has ties with. Those types of guys know it when they see it at this point.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was almost common knowledge at 1265. Nobody is going to call a press conference to announce it but I'll bet there are plenty of other front office and scouting department personnel that are aware of this.

I get the part about skipping OTAs but this year was much different with the reps and camaraderie with the rookie WRs could have been invaluable. That told me a lot about Rodgers' dedication to building chemistry and winning.

@50k Club posted:

Something doesn't add up with McGinn's comments and it is single-sourced (supposedly).  Rodgers played with a broken thumb for most of the year and the brass are obsessing over how in-shape he was for camp?  That doesn't compute.  Neither does anchoring themselves to 60MM dollars.  Rodgers isn't doing anything new or different since LaFleur arrived.  Why would they commit that kind of dough/contract?  Why would LaFleur and Gutenkunst say they want Rodgers back?  I think McGinn's full of shit.

I definitely believe Packer management wants Rodgers gone.

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