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@Herschel posted:

It's been said, by myself and others. OTAs aren't for Rodgers to be sticking his nose in to the rookie WR room. It's repetitive technique refinement and basic fundamental WR stuff. It's the WR coach's job at that point...

So why is Randall Cobb there? It's indicative of buy in. This isn't the senior year of high school sports. It's the absolute highest level of play. Every single interaction counts when the margins for winning and losing may be 4 or 5 plays a game. Presence counts. Intangibles count.

12 loves to talk about togetherness, brotherhood, having each other's back, and not pointing fingers. Its easier to do when you don't separate yourself from the rest of the group. If he's only there standing around and shooting the shit with people while Love is running every last drill it matters. It shows he cares enough about his new team mates to be there. It shows he respects the coach enough to support him. It shows that the workouts matter to the most important guy in the organization so they should be taken seriously by everyone else. It's a great opportunity to set the tone for the season and start building relationships. There's not near as much time in training camp as there used to be.

He's welcome to think it doesn't do him any good, but that's not necessarily the case for everyone else on the roster and it's disingenuous for the good vibes guy to hide behind cold logic as an excuse for his absence. If actions speak louder than words he's screaming he cares more about fattening up the bank account than doggedly chasing down a championship with everyone else in the building.

To me it's insane he has a group of vet whisperers he wants there to teach the other players how he likes things to be done. If it's that important get your ass in there and communicate what you want clearly yourself. Get on board or shut up.

12 talks about a lot of things.  The problem is he doesn’t always lead by example.  

For years, he’s been able to get away with it due to having elite skills on the field of play.  Recently?  He’s still good to very good, but when your abilities decline that’s when the intangibles really start to matter.  See Tom Brady.

There’s no doubt in my mind he can still play.  I would argue he’s still a top 10-12 QB in this league.  But his behavior and antics have become exhausting and it’s time to move on because I really doubt he’s willing to change.

Now whether Murphy and the FO have the balls to make that happen is another discussion.   If they don’t move on to Love, well, then they deserve Rodgers and all the BS that goes along with him being your QB.

Last edited by Tschmack

"Just about everyone who counted in the football department reached the conclusion that Favre could never win another championship. His dismal playoff record in the past decade couldn't be overlooked."

The first words out of my Minnesota coworkers' mouths upon hearing that the vikings signed Favre, were: " We're going to the Super Bowl!" A Packer fan coworker of mine and I looked at each other, and laughed. Clearly the viking fans in the room, were not among those who counted. I was, once again, in 7th heaven, awaiting the vikings' inevitable demise!

Last edited by mrtundra

Anybody have a clue when this 4-day retreat started?  He's gotta be close to daylight soon.  

EDIT:  Found this...Rodgers didn't give a clear start date for his retreat, but he told McAfee on Feb. 14 that it would occur "at the end of the week." As such, it's safe to assume that he will be starting the journey at some point on Thursday or Friday.

Last edited by Pakrz

While I don't think the value is close to what some people think it might be, look at what Cleveland gave Deshaun Watson.  There might be 30-31 teams that agree, but it just takes one.   Chucky and Mayock drafted LV into the ground, LV's needs go far beyond a 40yo QB.  While NYJ might be a good match, I don't see #12 being interested in making that move.  It's one thing to spar with the GB media, but for a guy that's contemplated retirement, I just don't see him subjecting himself to the scrutiny in NY.  At any rate, if he does get moved, I think compensation will be a lot closer to what NYJ gave up for #4 than what DEN gave up for Wilson.  If not for ego and $60M, I think #12 would be hanging it up.

While I don't think the value is close to what some people think it might be, look at what Cleveland gave Deshaun Watson.  There might be 30-31 teams that agree, but it just takes one.   Chucky and Mayock drafted LV into the ground, LV's needs go far beyond a 40yo QB.  While NYJ might be a good match, I don't see #12 being interested in making that move.  It's one thing to spar with the GB media, but for a guy that's contemplated retirement, I just don't see him subjecting himself to the scrutiny in NY.  At any rate, if he does get moved, I think compensation will be a lot closer to what NYJ gave up for #4 than what DEN gave up for Wilson.  If not for ego, $60M, and Brady (allegedly) retiring, I think #12 would be hanging it up.


@titmfatied posted:
To me it's insane he has a group of vet whisperers he wants there to teach the other players how he likes things to be done. If it's that important get your ass in there and communicate what you want clearly yourself. Get on board or shut up.

There was also the report where Love said he's the one going over AR's hand signals with the WRs, not Rodgers.  Not saying that's a bad thing, it's great for Love to get that teaching time with guys, but it's also a little weird that AR would give the teaching of his signals to some other guy and doesn't do it himself.

@vitaflo posted:

There was also the report where Love said he's the one going over AR's hand signals with the WRs, not Rodgers.  Not saying that's a bad thing, it's great for Love to get that teaching time with guys, but it's also a little weird that AR would give the teaching of his signals to some other guy and doesn't do it himself.

It’s the same set up as Rodgers with Favre.

Unfortunately, Rodgers' antics make even a desperate owner stop and take stock of what he's getting if he opts for Rodgers. His ego -- and the media -- has him on the same level as waiting for the white smoke above the Vatican, and it's hard to find an owner who wants his QB above himself. In GB, Rodgers never had to worry about showing up an owner, only the wishy-washy FO who can't even figure out if they really have a person in charge. There have to be about 30 owners right now awfully relieved that they already have an adequate starting QB in place.

@Fandame posted:

Could have been written this week, just change the names. And the FO has to have some guts if they don't want Rodgers and just tell him.

Yup. Lather Rinse Repeat

My guesses:

Packers 1st choice: Trade Rodgers now
Packers  2nd choice - Play Rodgers 1 more season

I think they'd be OK with either

Rodgers 1st choice: Play in GB as long as he wants
Rodgers 2nd choice Play in GB one more season
Rodgers 3rd choice: Get traded and play several more seasons elsewhere

I think they end up meeting in the middle and AR is the QB for 2023 only - then Love takes over in 2024. And part of that reality is there's a fair chance the old man misses some time in the regular season, giving Love some snaps

@Tschmack posted:

Tough to say what he’s worth but Jets and Raiders in particular are desperate.  

The Jets more than the Raiders. I think McDaniel actually buys himself some time if they don't acquire Rodgers. They have the #7 pick which could get them the QB of the future, Mac Jones could find a landing spot there in the short term, and they have about $50 mil to rebuild other areas of the team. Trading for Rodgers changes all of that. The Jets main need is a QB. They were 7-4 before they imploded last season.

@Fandame posted:

Unfortunately, Rodgers' antics make even a desperate owner stop and take stock of what he's getting if he opts for Rodgers. His ego -- and the media -- has him on the same level as waiting for the white smoke above the Vatican, and it's hard to find an owner who wants his QB above himself. In GB, Rodgers never had to worry about showing up an owner, only the wishy-washy FO who can't even figure out if they really have a person in charge. There have to be about 30 owners right now awfully relieved that they already have an adequate starting QB in place.

Woody Johnson and the Jets are the answer. The guy is not getting any younger and winning a SB is more important than money at this point. But the only way I see Rodgers in NY is if he has this huge chip on his shoulder to prove the doubters wrong. I can't see him playing for the Jets. Even the fact that Favre was traded there probably works against that happening with Rodgers' ego.

@Fandame posted:

There have to be about 30 owners right now awfully relieved that they already have an adequate starting QB in place.

I don't think it is about 30.   Jets & Raiders, Tampa are 3.  With the unknown health of Tua Miami could be in play.   Also Titans and even the 49ers due to the injuries their QBs suffered.   And who knows how Peyton will rebuild Denver.

@Fandame posted:

Unfortunately, Rodgers' antics make even a desperate owner stop and take stock of what he's getting if he opts for Rodgers. His ego -- and the media -- has him on the same level as waiting for the white smoke above the Vatican, and it's hard to find an owner who wants his QB above himself. In GB, Rodgers never had to worry about showing up an owner, only the wishy-washy FO who can't even figure out if they really have a person in charge. There have to be about 30 owners right now awfully relieved that they already have an adequate starting QB in place.

If NFL teams were ready to (and 1 did) give Watson a metric shit ton of guaranteed money before knowing the full extent and length of his suspension, while still facing 726 lawsuits for being an absolute piece of shit, then Rodgers and "his" antics the media blasts 24/7 (while he literally does essentially nothing except call out the bullshit of what is being reported about him) will make out just fine and any team that is a QB away from a playoff run will be lucky to have him.

From The Athletic  Packers Q&A

Generally speaking, I don't think much of Matt Schneidman, but his response to this question below was well done imo.

IF any of you are tired of the drama ( and I know many here are )
That's really on you. You let the media play with your emotions. You tuned into the meaningless daily updates and you hung on every made up story.

Rodgers is holding you hostage ? LOL.

Learn to ignore all the unnecessary noise and you'll be a much happier human

At what point do you believe the size of Rodgers’ ego allows him to forever leave Green Bay and quit holding the fans hostage? We are fed up with the annual drama. β€” Michael M.

"I apologize if this comes across the wrong way, but anyone who says he’s β€œholding the fans hostage” sounds spoiled. Sure, the annual decision process β€” it’s not even drama this year β€” might wear on fans wanting an immediate resolution.

But the guy is almost 40 and making a massive decision about his future. He has earned and deserves the time. He’s not holding the team hostage, as long as he makes his decision by early March, and he certainly isn’t going to speed up his decision so fans can move on with their lives. Packers fans have had Hall of Fame quarterbacks for the past 30 years. Some franchises would relish having just two years of that."

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