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Thank you. âĪïļ

I’m not sure it’s possible to fully express the gratitude that I have to the @packers , our incredible fans, the state of Wisconsin, the thousands of players that I crossed paths with, the incredible men and women who work for the organization, and the amazing people who I got to meet along the way, in one post with 10 pictures, but I hope you read this and feel my heart and soul, filled with love, joy, and peace about my time in green and gold. 💚💛

I grew up in Green Bay, drafted at 21, fell in love with the game, met some lifelong friends, and take with me memories that will last a lifetime.

I’m grateful to the late Ted Thompson for drafting me, for my head coaches, especially the 13 years with Mike McCarthy, and the last 4 with Matt LaFleur. I had some incredible men to work with in the QB room over the years including Tom, AVP, Luke, and Connor.

Huge thank you to my guys in the equipment room, Red, TBone, Odea, Kev, Bryan, Andy Grouber, All my dear friends in the training room over the years, Nate, Flea, Doc McKenzie, Doc Gray, Pepp, and Cuz. The legendary Adam Korzun and his incredible staff; Dougie, Crabby, and Scotty, for always looking out for me; Tom, Nate, Sarah, and Jason in PR, Evan for bringing my work life to film, The Rock and Wayne, for giving words to the highlights of my career, Grey, and Big Rob for your work with our guys over the years, Bloke, Thad, Grant and Gizz in the weight room, Bob Harlan, Russ Ball, Mark Murphy and Brian Gutekunst for your stewardship of the organization, every one on the 3rd and 4th floors who make that building run smoothly, and so many countless others at the loading dock, tours, concessions, maintenance, our field crew, etc.

To the fans, THANK YOU, you made every run out of the tunnel special, every home game magical, and it was my honor to be your QB.

To my teammates, I love you all, and am thankful for the moments on and off the field that brought us close. I played with legends, I played with friends; thanks for believing in me and having my back always âĪïļ

This is not the end for us, I will see you again Green Bay, you’ll always have my heart âĪïļ


#grateful #18years #💚💛

#12 (8) goodbye note.

sorry it’s so longâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķ
Last edited by Goldie
@Satori posted:

Here's a link to Rodgers farewell on instagram.

I’m not sure it’s possible to fully express the gratitude that I have to the @packers , our incredible fans, the state of Wisconsin, the thousands of players that I crossed paths with, the incredible men and women who work for the organization, and the amazing people who I got to meet along the way, in one post with 10 pictures, but I hope you read this and feel my heart and soul, filled with love, joy, and peace about my time in green and gold. 💚💛â€Ķâ€Ķ..

â€Ķ.,â€ĶThis is not the end for us, I will see you again Green Bay, you’ll always have my heart âĪïļ

He only wrote that so he wouldn’t be removed from the x4 banner.  Prick!

Kidding, of course.

@Floridarob posted:

Haters are going to hate but ARs goodbye letter could not have been better. Thank you aaron for a great ride. You were the best.

I couldn't muster the disdain I feel toward Bert in the same manner for 12 even if I wanted to. The past couple years won't tarnish everything he brought to the team and the town. He's one of the best ever. It didn't end picture perfect, but it ended well enough. I'll still root for him regardless of the real disdain I've acquired for Jest fans. They don't really deserve the guy even if it's his twilight years. We will miss him and we are moving on. In some weird way, the Favre drama makes way for more benefit of doubt for ARod in my book. Probably because he helped lay the foundation for the next hof guy rather than shitting on him.

@artis posted:

I couldn't muster the disdain I feel toward Bert in the same manner for 12 even if I wanted to. The past couple years won't tarnish everything he brought to the team and the town. He's one of the best ever. It didn't end picture perfect, but it ended well enough. I'll still root for him regardless of the real disdain I've acquired for Jest fans. They don't really deserve the guy even if it's his twilight years. We will miss him and we are moving on. In some weird way, the Favre drama makes way for more benefit of doubt for ARod in my book. Probably because he helped lay the foundation for the next hof guy rather than shitting on him.

Agree. For those of a certain age, Bart will always be #1, but Aaron is an easy #2.
Can't wait to watch both teams this season!

I have zero hatred for Rodgers on his leaving  GB and am at peace with it.  To me you could see him starting to slow down and  I knew that the Packers had to make a decision on an aging QB even if he is a legendary one.

I will always appreciate what he did for this team and for how he handled himself in his appreciation of being a Packer and his love for the community and our state.  I am not old enough to remember Starr so #12 will always be my favorite QB to wear green and gold. 

@Goalline posted:

Boris, I think they want video evidence of Mark Murphy tearing up the trade agreement.

In times where damn near everything is reported in the world, to my knowledge there are absolutely zero reports of this taking placeâ€Ķ. Not even from click-bait guys like Florio and other hacks.

So that leaves us with the option of believing somebody on X4 has direct inside contacts within 1265?  Yea okâ€Ķ I have a bridge to sell some of you dumdums.

@Pakrz posted:

In times where damn near everything is reported in the world, to my knowledge there are absolutely zero reports of this taking placeâ€Ķ. Not even from click-bait guys like Florio and other hacks.

So that leaves us with the option of believing somebody on X4 has direct inside contacts within 1265?  Yea okâ€Ķ I have a bridge to sell some of you dumdums.

Exactly. There is not a sliver of information anywhere that remotely suggests that this is the case and yet people are repeating it like it is factual when it clearly is not.

@Pakrz posted:

In times where damn near everything is reported in the world, to my knowledge there are absolutely zero reports of this taking placeâ€Ķ. Not even from click-bait guys like Florio and other hacks.

So that leaves us with the option of believing somebody on X4 has direct inside contacts within 1265?  Yea okâ€Ķ I have a bridge to sell some of you dumdums.

Or contact with the Broncos.

@13X posted:

Exactly. There is not a sliver of information anywhere that remotely suggests that this is the case and yet people are repeating it like it is factual when it clearly is not.

You guys are so much fun. There is definitely evidence out there.

Andy Herman, hardly a click baity kinda guy, brings it up on his Podcast periodically, and Mark Schlereth was all over it when it first went down. And the 12 did this:

How arrogant or stupid would you have to be to use this line of reasoning:

" I didn't hear anything about it - therefore it didn't happen"

" It wasn't reported anywhere, therefore it never took place"  

People who live in tiny little universes will dismiss anything that doesn't fit into their tiny little universes.

There are many examples to prove just how idiotic this stance is...

Recently, one of the fine posters here at X4 shared that Mason Crosby had packed up his entire house and was moving to Nashville. Not coming back to GB no matter what. Was that reported anywhere ? Did you know about that ?
The answer is NO on both fronts. Yet that's what happened.

We've also had X4 posters on the medical side who offered us insight into the severity of Packer injuries and expected recovery times. None of that was reported - but it still happened and we still knew about it

Now think about a crime scene - there are many cops who know all kinds of inside info that never gets reported. Do we know about any of that ?
Is it reported publicly ? The answer is NO on both counts. But some people know and they chat with their friends, sometimes on packer forums.
Non- public info is shared

Now think about a lowly tech at the State Lab of Hygiene in Madison WI - has access to every STD test and testee going back 20 years. Do you think he knows a few things ? Might some famous people be embarrassed ? Are any of them reported ? Are you aware of what he knows ? Did those positive tests not happen because YOU aren't aware ? Some people know things and sometimes they share them with others.

There's a million things you know nothing about - but they still exist.
At the end of the day, take it for what its worth to you - if you don't choose to believe it, that's fine.

But leaning into this lame-ass argument is absurd.

"...but but but Schefter didn't report it !!!"     LOL

And finally -  check out the band of brothers on Team Denial:

13X, BrainDed, Pakrz, DJ, Steve Luke

I rest my case.

I, for one, have never claimed that Murph did NOT step in and prevent Gute from trading Rodgers last offseason to Denver.

That may well have been what happened, but I have no information on this subject one way or the other.

I have, however, noted that there is nothing in the public record to confirm this oft-repeated assertion.

I have also pointed out for the Gute fanboys in the crowd, led by the likes of Satori, that if it is true that Murph did instruct Gute to kill the deal it reflects poorly not just upon Packers President Murph but also upon his loyal lapdog GM.

Ya know, the GM who just 1 year ago was so proud of himself after he signed Rodgers to that ridiculous new deal:

"We are very pleased to be able to come to an agreement with Aaron that keeps him in Green Bay," Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst said in a statement. "His play on the field and leadership in our locker room remain vital in our pursuit of another Super Bowl title. The agreement also allows us to maintain and enhance what we feel is already a very competitive roster."

@Satori posted:

How arrogant or stupid would you have to be to use this line of reasoning:

" I didn't hear anything about it - therefore it didn't happen"

" It wasn't reported anywhere, therefore it never took place"  

People who live in tiny little universes will dismiss anything that doesn't fit into their tiny little universes.

There are many examples to prove just how idiotic this stance is...

Recently, one of the fine posters here at X4 shared that Mason Crosby had packed up his entire house and was moving to Nashville. Not coming back to GB no matter what. Was that reported anywhere ? Did you know about that ?
The answer is NO on both fronts. Yet that's what happened.

We've also had X4 posters on the medical side who offered us insight into the severity of Packer injuries and expected recovery times. None of that was reported - but it still happened and we still knew about it

Now think about a crime scene - there are many cops who know all kinds of inside info that never gets reported. Do we know about any of that ?
Is it reported publicly ? The answer is NO on both counts. But some people know and they chat with their friends, sometimes on packer forums.
Non- public info is shared

Now think about a lowly tech at the State Lab of Hygiene in Madison WI - has access to every STD test and testee going back 20 years. Do you think he knows a few things ? Might some famous people be embarrassed ? Are any of them reported ? Are you aware of what he knows ? Did those positive tests not happen because YOU aren't aware ? Some people know things and sometimes they share them with others.

There's a million things you know nothing about - but they still exist.
At the end of the day, take it for what its worth to you - if you don't choose to believe it, that's fine.

But leaning into this lame-ass argument is absurd.

"...but but but Schefter didn't report it !!!"     LOL

And finally -  check out the band of brothers on Team Denial:

13X, BrainDed, Pakrz, DJ, Steve Luke

I rest my case.


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